Path of exile 2 has secret quests! Agnar and Hidden Idols

I was also banned from the official blizzard forums for talking about it.

To put it into perspective it would be like GGG ripping this post down and saying it’s because they don’t want people to know I’m right
Lore#3772 wrote:
I want to be clear that I am not a GGG employee. I am not being paid or sponsored in anyway to put this message out there.

I was the guy who figured out how to get lucky coins first in the world in Diablo 4 and was banned from the sanctuary discord for being right 8 months before anyone else.

Also the more interesting quest is reforging Agnar, the idols seem to be much harder to solve.

It’s also entirely coincidental that my guild name is King.

I guess the grand architect really enjoys ironies.

Oh my god. HeWhoIsHim? How you doing?
You do not make the sword with the hidden idols, at least I don’t think you do.

I think you make the sword with the winter wolf skull and the 3 runed items you make the runed spikes out of.
Could be more items involved.

I think if you make the runed spikes that’s the moment you can no longer remake Agnar.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 20, 2025, 8:57:50 AM
AintCare#6513 wrote:
man, this is by far the most interetsing thread on the fourms but it just gets drowned out by the complaints. brutal

anyhow i was thinking about this. i wonder if this mysterious Lore person is saying that the sword is a separate part of this quest and idols come into play later? but if we use the scraps to craft sword how do we cut down Cain?

You could carry the 6 idols from normal difficulty into cruel, and then you’d have access to both the 3 runed main quest items and idols.

What happens if you carry the winter wolf skull from normal difficulty all the way to cruel and kill Beira I wonder.
Or perhaps we aren’t suppose to kill her but drop the winter wolf skull in front of her.
I want to be clear, I do not think these are directly linked quests.

But they could be.

I think the idols have something to do with Lunarian and the Sun diety.

There is also an implication that if the winter wolf skull and runed main quest items have alternative function,
That calls into question all side quest and main quest items tbh.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 20, 2025, 6:26:06 PM

you do a whole lot of wondering here :P can't figure out if you ever tried this or just theory crafting. BUT cruel wont be here for long, so unless these are some early Easter eggs i can't see these being permanent quests.[/quote]

Yeah, well that’s helpful to know but in that case I don’t see them removing such intricately designed plot driven secret side quests, you don’t just accidentally reference the sword of legend then as soon as it’s referenced go find 3 runed pieces of a sword that literally 1:1 Excalibur unless it’s a direct troll from devs on people who want secret quests.
We need more engagement on this topic
Lore#3772 wrote:

Yeah, well that’s helpful to know but in that case I don’t see them removing such intricately designed plot driven secret side quests, you don’t just accidentally reference the sword of legend then as soon as it’s referenced go find 3 runed pieces of a sword that literally 1:1 Excalibur unless it’s a direct troll from devs on people who want secret quests.

One reason I could think of why it wouldn't be in the EA yet is that swords haven't been added. Would be pretty disappointing if players unravel a questline and at the end get nothing or a [placeholder] item with "Coming soon" lore blurb.
Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Jan 21, 2025, 5:14:41 PM
Direfell#7544 wrote:
Lore#3772 wrote:

Yeah, well that’s helpful to know but in that case I don’t see them removing such intricately designed plot driven secret side quests, you don’t just accidentally reference the sword of legend then as soon as it’s referenced go find 3 runed pieces of a sword that literally 1:1 Excalibur unless it’s a direct troll from devs on people who want secret quests.

One reason I could think of why it wouldn't be in the EA yet is that swords haven't been added. Would be pretty disappointing if players unravel a questline and at the end get nothing or a [placeholder] item with "Coming soon" lore blurb.

Did you notice there are actual items in game with that flavor text already? “Coming soon” yet already in game?

I have a bow that says it lol.

The hardest part of any of this is knowing where to start, and then how to start. Progress doesn’t halt unless the team working on it isn’t up to the challenge.

You guys didn’t have me in poe1 to solve all those secret quests, and I’m not dedicating any of my time to that till poe2 secret quest is at least partially solved.

If we can prove there are secret quest in poe2 like I say there is, I will commit to this community to solve the poe1 quests as well.

I am also heavily suspicious of the contextual buttons and expect them to play a role in secret quest.


I was able to put 1/2 of the act 2 relics on reforge bench. Which made me realize maybe the two act 2 relics + mastodon tusk on reforge bench do something. Unfortunately I already handed my mastodon tusk in prior to this discovery.

If you haven’t all caught on, I have no interest in doing this by myself. Regardless of the reward. We should be doing it as a community. Because that’s what a real king would say.

I suspect if I focused 1/10th as hard on figuring out how to start as I am informing you all about all this, I’d be done with a good section of it by now. Not all of it because it’s not as easy as it appears either.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 21, 2025, 5:39:38 PM
Lore#3772 wrote:
Direfell#7544 wrote:
Lore#3772 wrote:

Yeah, well that’s helpful to know but in that case I don’t see them removing such intricately designed plot driven secret side quests, you don’t just accidentally reference the sword of legend then as soon as it’s referenced go find 3 runed pieces of a sword that literally 1:1 Excalibur unless it’s a direct troll from devs on people who want secret quests.

One reason I could think of why it wouldn't be in the EA yet is that swords haven't been added. Would be pretty disappointing if players unravel a questline and at the end get nothing or a [placeholder] item with "Coming soon" lore blurb.

Did you notice there are actual items in game with that flavor text already? “Coming soon” yet already in game?

I have a bow that says it lol.

The hardest part of any of this is knowing where to start, and then how to start. Progress doesn’t halt unless the team working on it isn’t up to the challenge.

You guys didn’t have me in poe1 to solve all those secret quests, and I’m not dedicating any of my time to that till poe2 secret quest is at least partially solved.

If we can prove there are secret quest in poe2 like I say there is, I will commit to this community to solve the poe1 quests as well.

I am also heavily suspicious of the contextual buttons and expect them to play a role in secret quest.


I was able to put 1/2 of the act 2 relics on reforge bench. Which made me realize maybe the two act 2 relics + mastodon tusk on reforge bench do something. Unfortunately I already handed my mastodon tusk in prior to this discovery.

If you haven’t all caught on, I have no interest in doing this by myself. Regardless of the reward. We should be doing it as a community. Because that’s what a real king would say.

I suspect if I focused 1/10th as hard on figuring out how to start as I am informing you all about all this, I’d be done with a good section of it by now. Not all of it because it’s not as easy as it appears either.

They literally ported over the exact same unfinished quest from poe1 as evidenced by the albino rhoa feather and krillson. So you're gonna have to solve it if you wanna solve the poe2 ones
Also if we are talking about secret quests, currently the albino rhoa feather is the only real secret item in the entire game. Fishing rods have been data mined aswell but no one has found one currently. So the assumption is it isn't able to be obtained.

The albino rhoa feather can most definitely be obtained though, and being the only actual secret item in the game. I'm gonna venture to guess it's required for any "secret" quests

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