Path of exile 2 has secret quests! Agnar and Hidden Idols

Follow me here because I’m going to start from the beginning and it’s a long journey to the end.

The great sword Agnar is regarded the same as Excalibur, a true hero’s sword.
In act 1 Una tells us this plainly.
Una also tells us the great sword Agnar was inspired by The Greatwolf.

The first optional quest item we recieve is the winter wolf’s skull
The flavor text of the winter wolf skull basically says this skull is from the first winter.

Now that’s not much on its own, but the runes we use to free the hooded one are the big hint.

Most people do not know this but a sword does have a cap and a girdle.
The Cap of a sword is its pommel.
A girdle was used in place of sheath.

Excaliburs sheath is the object that granted invulnerability to the wielder.
It is the girdle that says it grants that ability.

It was Excaliburs Cap that was enchanted that the sword could only be used by a worthy wielder.
The cap in game basically says the same thing.

Finally the blade of Excalibur was enchanted to always strike true.
Which clearly the blade piece has 1:1 flavor just like the rest.

This is too much coincidence.

Then we get into the act 3 secret quests. The hidden idols, or as the code calls them
secret peculiar fortunes.

It is very clear from the design of the hidden idols that selling them to Oswald is only optional.
The problem is 6 of them take up a lot of inventory space to do something we don’t know what to do.
However it’s highly likely there’s some big secret quest in each act.

We all blasted through the campaign ignoring the story itself, the story itself lends itself to secret quests.

I’m not sure what to do or how to do it, but there’s something there. Eventually someone will figure it out.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 19, 2025, 7:13:59 PM
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 6:05:16 AM
You need a albino rhoa feather from the hunting grounds in act 1, the albino rhoa is an extremely rare mob that spawns once in a blue moon on that map, the good news is it always drops the feather.

After that it's just to get a fishing Rod and find krillson and your well on your way to finding the winding pier and unlocking it as a hideout
Make sure you've got a reefbane though, otherwise finding the reef is annoyingly hard.
Is it still possible to vaal the rod to get faster casting?
opens the secret rhoa level where you get to fight the rhoa king obviously
Winter's chill...
Sought the unworthy.
Through an endless night...
They wither and tarry...
Forsaken frosts...
As cold as death...
Of Beira's misery...
The pack won't forget

Agnar the runed...
Agnar the impaler...
Imbued of the moon...
Swift as death...
Cursed or gifted...
Branded and afflicted...
Your veins chilled...
Agnar again has slain.

You can take a wolf from the forest. You can collar him, chain him. You can starve him, beat him until he whimpers and bows down. Yet, is that wolf a dog?


A man is only a slave when he allows his heart and mind to be conquered. When he comes to believe that his life is no longer his own. When he chooses to cast his eyes forever to the ground.

Like a king that chooses to press his lips to the feet of an emperor. A king that looks to his goblet and his plate, feasting and fattening while his people starve in their own streets.

Some might say that I should bear the guilt of regicide. That I killed the King of the Ezomytes. Yes, I served King Skothe his last meal, for I saw no king at that table.

I saw a dog.

- Rigwald, the Wolven King
AintCare#6513 wrote:
poetry, swords, elaborate quest, pretty sure this is Charans alt account. and this is his new riddle.

1 idol per act, so maybe you gotta use them in each act (when they are all out?) unless the ones from past are for cruel and present ones for normal (is it this way or they are all from past?)

There are 3 Idols in the Present and 3 in the Past. In theory you get 6 Idols in a single run. But there are only intended to be 5 acts as far as I'm aware (perhaps 6 if you count the end game as an act?)
AintCare#6513 wrote:
poetry, swords, elaborate quest, pretty sure this is Charans alt account. and this is his new riddle.

1 idol per act, so maybe you gotta use them in each act (when they are all out?) unless the ones from past are for cruel and present ones for normal (is it this way or they are all from past?)

There are 3 Idols in the Present and 3 in the Past. In theory you get 6 Idols in a single run. But there are only intended to be 5 acts as far as I'm aware (perhaps 6 if you count the end game as an act?)

Pretty sure it's gonna be acts 1-6 and then the endgame
I want to be clear that I am not a GGG employee. I am not being paid or sponsored in anyway to put this message out there.

I was the guy who figured out how to get lucky coins first in the world in Diablo 4 and was banned from the sanctuary discord for being right 8 months before anyone else.

Also the more interesting quest is reforging Agnar, the idols seem to be much harder to solve.

It’s also entirely coincidental that my guild name is King.

I guess the grand architect really enjoys ironies.
Last edited by Lore#3772 on Jan 20, 2025, 8:36:34 AM
Lore#3772 wrote:
I want to be clear that I am not a GGG employee. I am not being paid or sponsored in anyway to put this message out there.

I was the guy who figured out how to get lucky coins first in the world in Diablo 4 and was banned from the sanctuary discord for being right 8 months before anyone else.

Also the more interesting quest is reforging Agnar, the idols seem to be much harder to solve.

It’s also entirely coincidental that my guild name is King.

Go solve the actually fishing quest you can get in poe1 then come back and tell me about the new quest here that so far is a copy pasta of act 1s boss dialogue and then some shannanigans I can't even understand

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