One Death Maps is a monumental failure.

litler#9087 wrote:
Not the point of the post buddy but thanks for fulfilling the prophecy that someone will misunderstand someone elses point and say "git gud."

My Witch has an army of 20 skellies that evaporate maps.
My Monk has almost maxed evasion and Heralds just decimate everything in sight.
My Warrior is actually fantastic, tanking hits for days with 780HP regen per second so I barely have to life flask, just reposition and block.

My builds aren't the issue.

The point of the post is;
Endgame is half baked. It's full of atrocious crap that invalidates and makes obsolete the design intention of the One Death Map experience.

If I'm supposed to have One Death in my maps, my maps need to feel really, really solid, with very little obnoxious 1HKO crap and janky nonsense that can rob me of that precious single opportunity due to no fault of my own other than the game failing to deliver on its promise (fluid and smooth gameplay).

Right now there's so, so many issues. Until those issues are changed, we need some lenience on the map deaths.

And this can be achieved in a very simple way.

For each portal closed, you lose -10% XP gain and 10% drop rate.
When 6 portals are closed, you can still reset the map with another waystone (which is itself a negative but not as punishing) and if that is done you should only lose;


Those are the really "extra" feeling activities right now.
Rituals are very necessary (most of my good gear has come from them and same for my friends.)
Radiation + corruption is just necessary flavour and texture, along with map bosses being pretty much essential when this games built more for "bossing".

Those things should never go away.
Only Breach, Expedition and Delirium should.

This is not a hard concept for anyone who's played a few hundred hours right now to grasp.

I'll take things that didn't happen for a $1,000 Alex...

None of that stuff is true. If it were, you wouldn't be dying that often enough for the 10% to bother you. Git gud
None of that stuff is true. If it were, you wouldn't be dying that often enough for the 10% to bother you. Git gud

The game is all about AOEing everything on screen with a single buttonclick. There is no 'skill' in doing this. There are no nodes to increase health and armour is non existent. To have the audacity to insult players with 'git gud' while the game is lacking any ability to successfully build up defences out of ES is the sort of pure toxicity this community is so well known for.

I have to agree to this thread. XP lost is not a problem.
But having only 1 portal in Softcore isn't exactly friendly especially to newer players who are trying to get into the game.

It is also counter productive. Not everyone playing is streamer or God Tier level.
I think GGG should reconsider the 1 Portal map system.
Rampage IGN : Cool_Hamster
Standard IGN : Hamsterbaby
Standard IGN : HamsterMfer
Please do not hesitate to contact me in game if you have posted or offered on my items.
GGG want us to engage with bosses, learn patterns, have the fight to last 1–3 minutes. Awesome! But then boss 1–2 shoots you, and you don't even have a chance to re-engage, it simply defeats the purpose, it is working against their vision. It incentivizes one shooting and stun locking bosses. I get the gear checks and "get good" angle, but you can't get good until you have a chance to do so. You are criticizing people for having "bad builds", but the mechanics GGG introduced in POE 2 meant to give a fighting chance to "agile" players that will learn patterns and defeat bosses in few minutes instead of "build check" boss in few seconds. The campaign did it the right way, in my opinion. To be honest, I won't even mind having 0 drops from a boss after it kills me, but I have a chance to re-engage right away and learn the fight.
POE 2 is such a great starting point as of now, and I’m looking forward to where devs will take it. I sincerely hope that it will win my time going forward, but there is more and more things/games competing for it.
Good Luck!!
if every map rank and map effect really made me feel like i was getting better loot and thus boosting my character it would be okayish...

but if th emap isnt rank 15 and +590% i drop nothign of interest and barely enough waystone+currency to repeat it

But its not the case, dying almost instantly to ground effect, explosiv ball that ennemy can push you in because they have haste + bonus speed from waystone effect, feel horrible...

I try to not just buy out everything, because i dont want to "spoil" the grind but even now only 1 itme on my wcharacter was bought... the drop i get are just been bad for 280H+ its not the normal state a a grinder/looter Arpg...

I did not came here to play Trading Hub simulators
Last edited by Kanjejou#7620 on Jan 20, 2025, 12:50:33 AM
litler#9087 wrote:
I'm sorry but it just is.

It might fight the "vision" of whatever some dev of yours has, but it sucks.

90% of the playerbase has it, and no excuse about "death needs to feel weighty" will wash with me, sorry.

I've played games for 30 years. There are literally, 1 million things you could do other than this grossly and obnoxiously overly punishing mechanic - one that is only compounding on top of the brutal and archaic, completely brutal XP loss.

The XP loss is fine. The map being lost is not. Nothing about this is good.

Not to mention: this is early access - you're supposed to be taking our feedback in. The feedback is here. One death maps suck. And for what? This is a "Temporary, thrown together solution" for an endgame because you didn't have enough time to get something robust together to facilitate the endgame experience. Again, that's fine.

But guess what; the hastily thrown together endgame experience, with mobs that are extremely overtuned and way faster than they have any right to be, where white mobs 1 hit you (this should never happen unless you're rocking the worst, most intentionally bad niche build) and things like the volatile orbs (remove these immediately, or slow down the time it takes *plants* to *grow* and release their *damaging fruit* (seriously, plants don't grow this fast, they should not grow this fast, all the purple chaos plant-type things should not have instant cast and fast animations if they also have monumentally meteoric damage. It's one or the other. Sorry, that's literally basic game design 101 for anything outside of a super-hardcore mode.

For reference, I just tried to play a map with my friend. He puts a Tier XV waystone in. Goes to get a glass of water. I enter the map. I take 1 step (literally) and get immediately swarmed by mobs and stunlocked to death. Great. Used to it by now (this balance is honestly atrocious, it is what it is. Fix it please.) Okay great I don't get to play a map with my buddy, but guess what? NEITHER DOES HE. Because all 5 other portals closed, despite us being in a party, and he can't even use any of "his" other 5 portals. Tough luck buddy. Enjoying your One Death Maps yet? You tired of winning, pal?

This sucks. If this is our "Hastily thrown together Early Access endgame" - AND this is Early Access, listen to our Early Access feedback please.
Right now, it feels from the majority of the players that I've talked to, like we're being forced to pay to beta test a game and our feedback might as well not be given, since it's not going to be listened to.

GET RID OF THE ONE DEATH MAPS IN THE NEXT PATCH. That's not hard to do. A couple of lines of code.

They. Just. Do. Not. Work. In. The. Games. Current. Ecosystem. Of. Design.


If you want One Death Maps to be a design decision that has weight and merit and doesn't frustrate your playerbase into permanently quitting before they even get a chance to play the first league - just bring the One Death Maps back later when you've got the rest of the game designed in a way that facilitates it and makes it feel not as overtly punishing and obnoxiously time wasting.

Seriously. We will forgive you for this. It's once again, Early Access, and needs to be changed.

If you can't change it, throw us a bone. Because this SUCKS.

I never played POE 1 more than until lv 20. I never reached endgame, but i honestly dont like the EXP Penalty in the current state. Made a post about why here:

And the one attempt on a map is also weird. Especially because you have to do the map again. Dying on a map is way to punishing.

You lose the EXP, you lose the map, you lose modifiers on the node, you lose the waystone, you have to use another waystone for the map, you might even lose the citadel boss. Dying is so extremely punishing it gets unfair.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Jan 20, 2025, 1:06:04 AM

I’ve already stopped playing because of it. Didn’t even die that much either, but when you do, it’s basically just close the game and do something else that respects your time.

If this is their vision, then I accept that and will find other things to do. If they never revert this, then I wish them success and hope they can achieve their vision.

GGG want us to engage with bosses, learn patterns, have the fight to last 1–3 minutes. Awesome! But then boss 1–2 shoots you, and you don't even have a chance to re-engage, it simply defeats the purpose, it is working against their vision. It incentivizes one shooting and stun locking bosses. I get the gear checks and "get good" angle, but you can't get good until you have a chance to do so. You are criticizing people for having "bad builds", but the mechanics GGG introduced in POE 2 meant to give a fighting chance to "agile" players that will learn patterns and defeat bosses in few minutes instead of "build check" boss in few seconds. The campaign did it the right way, in my opinion. To be honest, I won't even mind having 0 drops from a boss after it kills me, but I have a chance to re-engage right away and learn the fight.
POE 2 is such a great starting point as of now, and I’m looking forward to where devs will take it. I sincerely hope that it will win my time going forward, but there is more and more things/games competing for it.
Good Luck!!

The designers are not logical, clearly. Or blatantly ignorant to service the "vision". Good luck, I bet we'll have one portal until a year into full release when the player base dwindles down to PoE1 levels when people realize this is a pig with makeup on (PoE1.)
BIGMP#3106 wrote:

The designers are not logical, clearly. Or blatantly ignorant to service the "vision". Good luck, I bet we'll have one portal until a year into full release when the player base dwindles down to PoE1 levels when people realize this is a pig with makeup on (PoE1.)

There is a wild difference between the power of the bosses. And also the design of them. If we compare blackjaw to for example asinia or draven.

Asinia and Draven have clearly distinguished skills, good indicators, good telegraphing and good hitboxes.
Blackjaw has bad hitboxes, decent telegraphing, not really distinguished skills, sometiems the skills hes gonna use is not clear. Basically no indicators for the skills.
And the best counter for blackjaw is rolling behind him. Or just running far away when he uses a skill. If those are the counters its bad design.
Just feel like because there is waaaaaaaay too little end game content, so GGG must punish and slow down players to not quit so early.
First, make crafting a total mess, so you should keep farming for centuries.
Then you only have 1 life, this can make a quite amount of players make less progress.
Because people made less progress, they should spend more time to play.
Because people spend more time, so the end game is great, thats why people still playing it. DOGE
Last edited by Kaoless#0828 on Jan 20, 2025, 1:47:40 AM

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