Upcoming Changes in Path of Exile 2 0.1.1

Vinther#3504 wrote:
They did mention Ascenion Trials working as intended. Not everything should be a handout for the entitled lazy players.

Git gud.

Trials are suppose to be part of the character development, such as labyrinth was in POE1 which everyone was able to do it. When a mechanic like this interferes with the character evolvement, and I dont talk about uber bosses etc which are optional, trials are not, are part of the core mechanic. So this git gud shit u;re talking about, I would advise to shove it up your bottom. Jesus, POE community becomes more and more toxic and retarded, with each day.
Moere91#4267 wrote:
You have a chance to create the best game on the market.
don't be lazy, don't be caught up in the arrogance of hundreds of thousands of purchases, remember that you are creating competition and create something that other companies will have a hard time to replicating(Its 2025, and its not that hard anymore, so…)
Good luck with your work, i look forward to the update.

Wtf - the sheer ignorance in this comment. And you dont even get it. They deliver all the time and kept on working for years and years and you call them lazy. You dont even deserve the current game state. They take a holiday break during christmas and new year every year and I truly believe they are working their asses off for this project. How can anyone be so full of themselfes calling this company of every company lazy ... just wow.

Because you fit right in with their culture of taking super long breaks while rest of the world don't. I'm not a sadist, breaks are mandatory but they should be carefully planned out ESPECIALLY just right after a crucial EA release. A week holiday in intervals would serve everyone better as to ease any extended game breaking bugs pissing anyone affected off no?

Fix performance on consoles. Stop ignoring the 20+ page long threads on this and ackownledge the issue if nothing else.

GGG are so tone deaf at this point. No minion of minion pathing, no mention of being completely unable to use Blink with minions or they die every 1-2 seconds after respawning. No mention of them getting stuck in over 50% of the maps. Some maps are simply NOT viable to run or take forever to run with minions, but sometimes these maps are forced to be able to path forward, such as 3-4 crap ones all in a row that are anti-minion.

A mention of adding new areas, that look like frigging cluster Fs of tight spaces which means minions are going to get stuck on these new areas on the atlas.

Literally, they mention little changes etc, which minions don't even make the cut, but filter qol does? LOL OK.

I mean, once again, minions didn't even make a "big changes" or "little changes" cut... so that shows where GGGs mindset is on minions. Their are gamebreaking bugs with them right now, and yet, zero care in the world.

The whole despawn/respawn mechanic is dumb and needs a QoL upgrade too. They need to auto convocate to you when out of range, like PoE1. You can't say you're making PoE2 minions better (you made this claim before EA launch) and then downgrade them to worse pathfinding, worse mechanics and dumb AI.

Fix the damn minions. As a programmer who has made plenty of tools for PoE1, I know for a fact that most of these fixes are around 20-30 lines of code each. They would take one of your programmers 40 minutes to an hour to implement each, test and debug. So 3 hours of work for a single person... to fix something that is causing hundreds of hours of lost time (sometimes through death) from the playerbase to minions going POOF and disappearing at bad times, or getting stuck at the worse time. In HC it is obviously game ending.

Lazy much...

You are making a fool out of yourself. They adressed all of that in the twitch interview.

You are right, he probably lashed out in frustration when in fact both Jonathan and mark did addressed they are working on it.
The respawns can be made in normal maps in a way that everytime you die, one of the extra tags just goes away. So for example if a map has corruption, boss, breach and we fail the map once, then it'll remove the boss from it (random out of the 3). Upon failing it second time remove corruption and so on.

This way we ensure we are not losing everything on the map upon death at least but also ensures people can't abuse it to rerun a certain content by dying intentionally to some degree.
Thank God infinite hands will be patched!!!!
How about every boss with multiple phases crashing with cast on crit because you can't stop casting when it is between phases? How bout instant DC and instance crash if you are over 80% crit chance with cast on crit? These are alpha phase problems in an early access game. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to play CoC because it overwhelms the game engine. And if you guys want to see me create all types of game breaking bugs in seconds, just ask and I'll stream for you. I was a salaried alpha/beta tester for AT&T in the 2000s. I understand the engineering.
Last edited by SuperiorFirePower#5083 on Jan 13, 2025, 12:23:47 PM
good but very light ... no new content, no balancing (which really needs it), no new class, no new skills !!! (when will the spell totem be released !!!) no overhaul of the craft, in short not much new and really interesting ... we will be able to see the citadels from afar (great it was avoidable and a priority ...). no news of poe 1? because I have more fun on poe 1!
Its more importent to fix Crashes, and not a Music NPC. I cant play 1 charcter cause its always crash when i use Fireballs. Over all its more importen to fix stuff like that and the Performence. They are to many stuff that Crash you game or Freez your PC. Saw so many Issues.

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