The current state of "Crafting" Is killing my enjoyment in this otherwise amazing game that I love

on the one hand the present system keeps you looking at items on the ground and thats a win.

On the other hand classic suffix bloat and lack of agency keep you bricking items with 2 regen or light radius and lets face it rarity when they nerf it will be added to this lol.

Thing is with too much player agency in crafting there's no scenario that keeps ground loot relevant. IMO ground loot is the most important factor in an APRG by miles.

Once they give us "item editor" we stop giving a shit about the stuff that monsters drop. That means half the ARPG gameplay loop has been deleted.

Once you stop caring about what the monsters drop besides currency; we're back to POE1 hourly orb wage and go shopping simulator.

its a tough problem.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
saviornt#2187 wrote:
There is no such thing as crafting in ARPGs. What they call crafting is just gambling on stats. May as well as farm since at least you getting XP as well as gambling at what is going to drop.

Tell that to EHG, the devs of Last Epoch.
Jerexil#5282 wrote:

Yes I agree, PoE 1 crafting is mostly gambling.

Alteration, Transmutation, Chance, Alchemy, Chaos, Exalt, Jewellers, Fusings, ...

All pure gambling.

Essences have 1 fix mod and Delve even more with complex "tricks" where u should use a web site.

PoE 1 has a deterministic crafting with ho bench crafting only!
So you can add 1 deterministic mod or change sockets and links.

The strongest (partly deterministic) crafting had old Harvest.
Which was TOO strong compared with other PoE 1 crafting at that time and was killed nearly completely by GGG.

The game should never have 100% deterministic crafting.
The crafting in POE1 is almost perfect, you have some deterministic steps but the more guaranteed mods you want on your gear piece the more rng it gets. Which is how it should work. The problem is that in POE2 its just pure rng from the first step.

In poe1 you can:

-Buy fractured base (1 mod guaranteed)

-Use essence (2 mods guaranteed)

-Either craft on a mod (3mods guaranteed), or you can keep using essence until you get one more mod that you want, which is rng but your likely to atleast get one good mod after not too many uses. So you can easily get 3 mods guaranteed, and 4 mods fairly guaranteed.

And after that you can use harvest, veiled orbs, prefixes/suffixes cant be changed, beastcrafting, eldritch crafting, block mods with crafting bench before exalt spamming, to heavily skew the results in your favor for the last 2 mods.

The problem is that POE2 has none of these tools yet. So its just 100% gambling from first to last mod.
Thanks for the constructive replies everyone.

I do understand that most ARPGs don't have outright crafting, but most have very close to what is needed to at least be able to come out on the other end of the grind with some useful items.

Most people will agree that while POE1 does not have full blown crafting, there is the ability to swap around stats here and there in order to make your item usable in the end.

I am not a long term poe vet but I have over 300+ hours in poe settlers, and now over 250+ hours in poe2... with that knowledge and experience I can say that I Was mostly happy with the way "crafting" was done in poe1..

Sure, it was stil mostly rng and gambling, But we had the ability to make items we found through RNG into something that resembled our final needs and something we could use..

What we currently have in POE2 is the worst i've seen in any game ever, and while I will agree I don't have a wide range of experiences, I did play d2 from launch, d4, and many other ARPG's and MMO's over the past 15+ years...

Right now POE2 feels like nothing more than a gacha system with less than a 10% chance at getting the stats you are looking for in order to come out with an item that satisfies the players needs...

After 250+ hours of gameplay and at least 150+ of that at endgame, it feels to me personally like there is no other way to get upgrades other than the trade site... And while that is OK for Trade League players, I feel bad for SSF players... I couldn't even imagine being SSF with POE2s current iteration of item finding / "Crafting"

Please just give us something similar back from POE1, Being able to acquire items for my builds is not going to make me quit sooner, it will just allow me to do end-game better and maybe make some new characters.

If anything, not being able to get better gear is actually holding me back from playing MORE!

100% agree. Currently the lack of viable and rewarding crafting is what bothers me most about the game.
"crafting" and endgame of poe2 made me go play poe1 again. Unironically.
The problem with PoE 1 crafting is that filter out 99% of ground loot.

You get 1 base and spam orbs/bestiary/essence on it ad infinitum.

You CANNOT have PoE 1 crafting and expect people to pick up ground loot.

They want you to pick up ground loot in PoE 2. They want you to actually look at the ground and be excited for white/blue/rare bases.

This is not the case in PoE 1.

So what do you want. Filter out 99% of ground loot (PoE 1) or for ground loot to be an inherent part of the game no matter what stage you're at(PoE 2)?
The problem with PoE 1 crafting is that filter out 99% of ground loot.

You get 1 base and spam orbs/bestiary/essence on it ad infinitum.

You CANNOT have PoE 1 crafting and expect people to pick up ground loot.

They want you to pick up ground loot in PoE 2. They want you to actually look at the ground and be excited for white/blue/rare bases.

This is not the case in PoE 1.

So what do you want. Filter out 99% of ground loot (PoE 1) or for ground loot to be an inherent part of the game no matter what stage you're at(PoE 2)?

Odd, cuz I am not excited at all for good bases.

This is my "excitement" atm. Pick up base, toss xmute and Aug, nothing hit toss loot. If good regal it, no hit toss.
Did hit? Is it a high tier rolls? No, toss. Maybe 1 out of every 200 items is worth exalting and they end up bricking too.

Save every exalt/divne, trade for items on trade site to get my exciting item.
Harvest broke the game and now everyone expects to be able to just mastercraft mirror worthy items left and right. Horrible mistake of a league mechanic.

Theres certainly better ways to do loot but the "crafting" mechanics theyve introduced in recent years have been nothing but problematic.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.

LvL 92 Witch Hunter Merc

LvL 91 Infernalist Witch

244 hours playtime on STEAM

Please GGG, I beg of you!!

Literally 90% of my items get bricked

Awesome chest piece with massive +ES% and flat +ES??? SWEET!!

Add spirit to it?

Best I can do is stun threshold or life regen..

This is by FAR the worst aspect of the game for me,

The punishing nature of the game in different aspects I can just about swallow, But the non stop bricking of awesome items and feeling like it will be a year before I find even a "Good item" let's not even consider a perfect item, is just frustrating and daunting... It's already hard enough to find some of these items with good base stats, why make it nearly impossible to make them into what your seeking after you manage to actually find it?

Please change the system and make it more rewarding and POSSIBLE to actually "CRAFT"

Other than this I fucking love the game, I just can't handle this endless search for items that end up bricked 99% of the time

And just for context,

I've spent the brunt of my playtime in maps leveling and grinding for gear, and have been spending hundreds of exalts and other currencies on trying to make good gear... I have honestly only made 1 item worth mentioning and it's a high phys dmg xbow on my merc.

Every thing else I have thats decent I had to buy on trade... I've spent probably 100 hours crafting and have nothing to show for it on my infernalist

I am currently in a state of limbo where I want / need better gear , but my only option is to grind tirelessly in maps non-stop, juicing towers and juicing maps in hopes of high value drops that I can simply sell and re-purpose the currency into better gear. It feels as if there is no other path for me other than buying super inflated gear from the trade site.

Now keep in mind, I am currently doing this... I play everyday and spend countless hours juicing maps, juicing towers, and grinding t16-t18 lvl 82 maps NON-STOP, I pick up every single item base that is of gear I am looking for and spend all my currency on trying to craft / upgrade it into a usable item.

Unfortunately this is NOT working, I have well over 250 hours into POE2, and I have still only crafted ONE item of consequence... This is insanity!!

I absolutely cannot comprehend how players on SSF are managing to gear their characters, If I only had the options to play SSF I would have quit Poe2 about 200 hours ago.

Please GGG, Fix something about this system... I just want to be able to upgrade my gear without having to grind for 60 hours selling items on the trade site for raw currency in order to buy super inflated items that 9/10 times don't even have the exact stats I'm looking for anyways!

P.S I Just spent 35 chaos on 1 item attempting to get some of the stats I was looking for and not even once in those 35 chaos did it even come CLOSE to being the stats I was looking for... This is insane, this is going to kill the game for me.

No. The so call crafting is fine but can be improved slightly.

Its RNG and luck.

Just like real life.
Some people worked hard and do honest work for their entire lives and they don't end up as rich as Bill Gates or Elon Musk.

And no, it is not going to kill the game. There are lots of mechanics in POE2 that is killing the game and crafting is not one of them.
Rampage IGN : Cool_Hamster
Standard IGN : Hamsterbaby
Standard IGN : HamsterMfer
Please do not hesitate to contact me in game if you have posted or offered on my items.

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