The current state of "Crafting" Is killing my enjoyment in this otherwise amazing game that I love
LvL 92 Witch Hunter Merc LvL 91 Infernalist Witch 244 hours playtime on STEAM Please GGG, I beg of you!! Literally 90% of my items get bricked Awesome chest piece with massive +ES% and flat +ES??? SWEET!! Add spirit to it? Best I can do is stun threshold or life regen.. This is by FAR the worst aspect of the game for me, The punishing nature of the game in different aspects I can just about swallow, But the non stop bricking of awesome items and feeling like it will be a year before I find even a "Good item" let's not even consider a perfect item, is just frustrating and daunting... It's already hard enough to find some of these items with good base stats, why make it nearly impossible to make them into what your seeking after you manage to actually find it? Please change the system and make it more rewarding and POSSIBLE to actually "CRAFT" Other than this I fucking love the game, I just can't handle this endless search for items that end up bricked 99% of the time And just for context, I've spent the brunt of my playtime in maps leveling and grinding for gear, and have been spending hundreds of exalts and other currencies on trying to make good gear... I have honestly only made 1 item worth mentioning and it's a high phys dmg xbow on my merc. Every thing else I have thats decent I had to buy on trade... I've spent probably 100 hours crafting and have nothing to show for it on my infernalist I am currently in a state of limbo where I want / need better gear , but my only option is to grind tirelessly in maps non-stop, juicing towers and juicing maps in hopes of high value drops that I can simply sell and re-purpose the currency into better gear. It feels as if there is no other path for me other than buying super inflated gear from the trade site. Now keep in mind, I am currently doing this... I play everyday and spend countless hours juicing maps, juicing towers, and grinding t16-t18 lvl 82 maps NON-STOP, I pick up every single item base that is of gear I am looking for and spend all my currency on trying to craft / upgrade it into a usable item. Unfortunately this is NOT working, I have well over 250 hours into POE2, and I have still only crafted ONE item of consequence... This is insanity!! I absolutely cannot comprehend how players on SSF are managing to gear their characters, If I only had the options to play SSF I would have quit Poe2 about 200 hours ago. Please GGG, Fix something about this system... I just want to be able to upgrade my gear without having to grind for 60 hours selling items on the trade site for raw currency in order to buy super inflated items that 9/10 times don't even have the exact stats I'm looking for anyways! P.S I Just spent 35 chaos on 1 item attempting to get some of the stats I was looking for and not even once in those 35 chaos did it even come CLOSE to being the stats I was looking for... This is insane, this is going to kill the game for me. Last edited by smokesnugsYT#7752 on Jan 7, 2025, 1:13:23 AM Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 1:14:39 PM
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There is no such thing as crafting in ARPGs. What they call crafting is just gambling on stats. May as well as farm since at least you getting XP as well as gambling at what is going to drop.
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There is literally an ability to add stats onto items in poe1 , I used it myself.
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300 hours in and endgame is starting to be very frustrating due to horrible crafting & being unable to trade due to major bugs to the trading system .
Crafting is absolute RNG-fest garbage and the meta is now extremely gear dependent , meanwhile tons of players including me are completely unable to trade due to serious problems with the console version or trading website ... and if you are able to trade you have to deal with out of control market prices . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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As a streamer mentioned, it's not crafting. It's identifying in 4 steps. XDDD
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" You obviously have never played POE1. OP: Yeah couldnt agree more, crafting is the thing I feel I lack the most aswell. I have two lvl 90+ characters aswell and every single equipment piece Im wearing I traded for, which isnt fun in my opinion. | |
Gratulation GGG, this post is an example for the confusing of merging PoE 2 and 1 themes unintentionaly.
Because GGG did not start a separate PoE 2 forum at PoE 2 start. I know we have some PoE 2 sub forums for weeks, but MANY players did not notice that until now. And where are forum managers who move threats to the new sub forums? These managers did this in old PoE 1 forums too - though sometimes with "strange" arguments ... but they did. ______________________ About crafting: By the way, there are ARPG with some crafting e.g. Diablo 3 and Grim Dawn. Yes I agree, PoE 1 crafting is mostly gambling. Alteration, Transmutation, Chance, Alchemy, Chaos, Exalt, Jewellers, Fusings, ... All pure gambling. Essences have 1 fix mod and Delve even more with complex "tricks" where u should use a web site. PoE 1 has a deterministic crafting with ho bench crafting only! So you can add 1 deterministic mod or change sockets and links. The strongest (partly deterministic) crafting had old Harvest. Which was TOO strong compared with other PoE 1 crafting at that time and was killed nearly completely by GGG. Last edited by Jerexil#5282 on Jan 7, 2025, 4:19:18 AM
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Yes, I agree. It feels like Diablo 2. This may sound like a compliment, but Diablo 2 is kinda outdated. And if I want to play Diablo 2, I can play Diablo 2. For me, PoE2 would be the most interesting, if it doesn't feel like other ARPGs. If it feels different and better. And crafting is, as it is right now, not useful. It's to random. It feels like a loot-chest mechanic, which I absolutely reject in other games. You invest ressources and there is no control whatsoever. PoE1 did that better, but just copying PoE1 crafting wouldn't be great either.
I think with necropolis, they had something good. Ofc it was tiresome, because of the whole corpse and graveyard mechanic. It just took to long to prepare the crafting ritual. But it gave players some kind of control of the result. Not guarenteed, but the probability of something good was high enough. I would like to see something similiar with a crafting bench in PoE2. Let me put an item in the crafting bench, then I can put an exalt in their and tell the game, I want to have a physical modifier, or a defensive modifier. And when I click on craft, I get a modifier from the specified mod-pool. |
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100% agree. Crafting does not exist. This means that people who want to progress in the game go to trading and spend dozens of hours there. This also creates the misconception that trading kills the gaming experience. It's the lack of crafting and weak drops that kill these experiences.
GGG need to reduce rng, add more control over crafting, maybe improve drops in certain areas, etc. You can draw inspiration from many games on how to do this. |
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I enjoy when I see crafting word every time, because it is always written as "crafting". All players know, there is no crafting in the game, just gambling with orbs.
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