Archmage is NOT the Problem
" has it every crossed your mind that spark might not be intendet as a single target skill? | |
Archmage is not the Problem, broken attribute stackers is a problem.
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" And I also clearly mention Arc after Spark mate. In fact, after I got Arc I rarely use Spark due to at that time, arc is just better in every situation. Is it not a basic concept that multi shot that spread around = clear and single shot = focus? That quite rare question indeed. Slow in, slow out cuz I'm just a player.
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" This reminds me of back when I played WoW in Vanilla and the Rogues were saying they weren't OP when they were chain stunlocking 2-3 people from full life to dead, and when they had good luck could kill a full 5 man group without being in danger of death at all. Also, those saying Rarity is, not The Problem, "Archmange" Not the Problem, ETC ETC, it's all a ploy hoping GGG does not nerf the very OP skill they are playing. Next /sarcamon - "Duping is not the problem...." Last edited by Valkaneer#5171 on Jan 3, 2025, 3:30:52 PM
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+ gem levels is fine, its supposed to be really strong.
we didnt used to have it in poe1, not in the way we have it here. the reason they added it was to give casters more gear demanding ways to scale their damage. an attack based character needs to get a weapon with rly good base damage rolled on it. but spell casters weapons just had % increased damage and cast speed at first. this meant their weapon didnt matter much, it made levelling a caster so much easier than an attack build because it wasnt gear dependant. the difference between having an amazing weapon and having essentially no weapon was somewhat trivial where an attack build with a bad weapon wasnt even viable and with a great weapon was super op. so they first added flat spell damage, adds 30-50 fire damage to spells etc. then they added the global +# to the level of all cold spell skills on caster weapons and amulets. % damage as extra lightning type rolls are new in poe2, we used to have % of phys as extra lightning on select influenced gear but not regular mod pool, and only scaled from phys. so + level of spells and % damage as extra ele are both really really powerful and that means that getting a good weapon for a caster is extremely impactful. thats the whole point of them, to make casters gear dependant, to make their items meaningful because its an item game and you want items to feel important. if they dont have it then it fks the balance between attacks and spells because people will avoid attack builds, esp early league. everyone with sense would level as a caster because you didnt need items to be effective. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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They never said this stuff was permanent. This is early access. In POE1 in the early days there were many resets and wipes.
Now in POE2 they let people abuse party trading to dupe Temporalis's for over a week. So yeah, we are getting a reset. Dunno when. Probably after they find an even juicier exploit so the reset is really worth it. I have no idea where you people keep thinking this is 100% permanent forever. No one ever said that. History shows they do in fact do total wipes. Which is more probable? Last edited by Rotgarg#0212 on Jan 3, 2025, 4:03:54 PM
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Don't know much about scaling for sorceress builds, I'm waiting to keep leveling mine until I see what they do with the next class balance changes. Monk though? I have intentionally removed +melee skill items because there is NO way at all I can sustain the mana for them with invoker. I have recover on kill jewels and mana as a stat on most items, but it isn't happening. The big chunky boss fights, like Ultimatum guy and Time cheese guy? Like maybe enough mana to get through the first round of their mechanics, then I have to kite around hoping I can recharge. Bell takes a ton, basic ice strike combo takes a ton, can't spec into regen nodes without losing damage or defense. I had +2 on gloves, 2 on ammy and 7 on staff, dropped gloves and looking for new ammy.
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My issue with archmage is that it doesn’t actually do anything interesting aside from increase numbers to where they need to be. It’s a Spirit tax.
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" Well then Archmage and MoM is also fine because it's supposed to be really strong, right? +level is just too strong and feels too strong. It's a must have stat and every weapon, including every unique, without is trash. The scaling is so strong you can't pass it up, but the mana cost increase is at the same time crippling to the point where it feels like you can't do a build that isn't stacking mana or removes mana. Want to play Totem? Well, 1000+ mana per cast it is! +level feels like it throws all balancing over board and just scales towards stupid levels of both base damage and mana costs because it's everywhere in large quantities. " +level comes on top and does not bring parity here. In fact, it's so strong that even alone it already makes a weapon ok. My weapon has basically +level, some %dmg and that's it. The +level is the main thing and is worth more than any other stat because it doesn't even have a DR, the opposite actually. |
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I posted the same thing yesterday on a different thread detailing that what I think is wrong with loot isn't that there is no loot dropping, it's the fact that having +x to all skills is a requirement on loot, meaning if you don't have it then your loot is essentially useless at high end levels, this causes a huge disparity when getting +4/5 to all skills is very rare. I also am using arch mage and I do think there's an inherent problem with the scaling of it. You pretty much can't argue against the +all skills being too overpowered when you will not be able to sell a single wand for more than 1-2 exalts if it doesn't have this suffix on it.
There's huge balance problems with both the items and skills in the game as of this moment and I'm not sure of how they can fix it (item-wise). The skills are more straight-forward in terms of fixes, however as they tweak things, more things will obviously get found, it's early access after all and things are bound to break. I've done hundreds of t15/t16 maps, have over 14d of playtime and have had tons of maps with so many items on the ground that it literally fills the screen and 99% of the items are pretty much useless since they either have super low rolls or are missing the required +x to all skills. An argument could be made here that the itemization itself isn't necessarily bad, but the items you don't need are dropping too frequently to a point where getting the item you do need is hard, for example, maces or bows dropping quite often Last edited by EliteManiac#3408 on Jan 3, 2025, 8:15:37 PM
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