The unique items are pure dogshit

I have over 2000h in POE1, currently at 140h mark in POE2.
It is beyond my understanding why GGG would spend time and money designing every unique item (not only stats-wise but also graphically) to then make it completely irrelevant in the game.
I only collect uniques to populate my unique tab and see the percentages go up. So far 99.9% of the collected items are worse than garbage. Who approved this? It has to be a GGG taking a piss during the EA.
Why would you invest the time and money in creating something no one would be using unless they've just started and know absolutely nothing about the game?

I don't really believe this will reach anyone in GGG, but if it does.
Guys, serioussly. If you design and create unique items, please, don't make it worthless. There's 5 uniques in the game right now that everyone and their dog wants (used for one very popular build), the rest is just an easter egg.

Last bumped on Jan 1, 2025, 12:53:22 PM
Yeah they failed on uniques. They have a handful of chase uniques which is fine but their vision for build enabling uniques did not work. Low level weak uniques are absolutely pointless. Give them enough power to at least be interesting or DONT BOTHER!

On a side note it's weird they have that view of uniques but still made some chase uniques stronger than rares. Isn't the unique belt that buffs rings easily the best belt in the game???
I miss my shav, cospri malice and void battery
I couldn't agree more,
I pile them up in my trunk, thinking “maybe I'll use them for a reroll”,
but nothing more, it's useless.
Think I have to disagree. Some of the uniques are so incredibly fun to use, eg. Infinite ammo Crossbow, 50/50 Chestplate, Cotb, etc. I think we'll see cooler stuff down the line as people utilise these more too. I'm always down for more uniques though.
Yeah I remember playing D4 and Lost Ark and getting some sick new gear. This game. Nope. Happens maybe once to twice per piece and youre done in game.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Y0NN#5981 wrote:
I have over 2000h in POE1, currently at 140h mark in POE2.
It is beyond my understanding why GGG would spend time and money designing every unique item (not only stats-wise but also graphically) to then make it completely irrelevant in the game.
I only collect uniques to populate my unique tab and see the percentages go up. So far 99.9% of the collected items are worse than garbage. Who approved this? It has to be a GGG taking a piss during the EA.
Why would you invest the time and money in creating something no one would be using unless they've just started and know absolutely nothing about the game?

I don't really believe this will reach anyone in GGG, but if it does.
Guys, serioussly. If you design and create unique items, please, don't make it worthless. There's 5 uniques in the game right now that everyone and their dog wants (used for one very popular build), the rest is just an easter egg.

Baffles me as well. SO much work by the art team and all the items are poop. Worse, they are 1 chance shard value forever.
I do 3d art. I sell STL files. Hundreds of them the last few months. Cannot imagine my art being wasted like this.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Dec 31, 2024, 2:15:55 PM
i dont think most of the items are in the game yet.

the items seem tied to the areas, so in act2 we get the keth raiment etc, items look maraketh, the base types that start dropping in act 3 look vaalish.

...and then the game loops, so theyve just got the bases from act1-3 and put advanced and then expert or whatever on the front of the names. im almost certain those are just placeholders surely? the actual bases that drop in acts 4-6 will be themed around those acts, we will get karui looking bases maybe in act4 etc and all these repetitions of bases will be deleted from the game.

we dont have swords yet, 1h or 2h right? axes? no daggers? flails? javelins? theres so many bases for weapons etc not even in the game.

i dont think this is the item system and i dont think these are all the uniques. i think the reason almost all the uniques are low level stuff is because only the low level bases are in the game.

those levelling uniques fill a role for people just playing, theyre new, theyre self found, theyre wearing blue boots with 35 life and 15 stun thresh and suddenly unique boots with 20% movespeed and lightning res and max res and stuff on them drop and its cool. thats what those kind of items are for, theyre not for the trade economy endgame blaster players to ever really have a use for, unless they also find them day 1 of the league while levelling.

i do agree, ive not seen anything really exciting yet with the uniques. but i think by the time this game goes full release with 6 acts and all the classes there will be 100s of uniques in the game that are not in the game now.

i think the game has a lot of development still to do, its great but so much is so far off where it could and should be. its just gonna be a process of iteration, feedback, trial and error. to me the game feels about a year away from being fully cooked.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
The unique variant of a low level base is also going to be low level.
Leveling gear. Meant to be replaced.

Most of the unique are actually great items, to temporarily equip on a secondary character as you level up.
When I make a new character I go to stash, equip a set of uniques with no level requirement, replace them with uniques with level reqs of 5, then 10, then 20...
Eventually you level past them just like you would rares of the base they come from.

At endgame, well...
There are some uniques that are legitimately high level viable, whether because their special effect is build-making or because they're from a high level base,
but when it comes down to the endgame loop the devs are going for is endless pursuit of gear improvements, and since uniques have preset modifiers they don't work for that loop, so the devs do not want a unique to be the best option.
They want a rare to be the best option, so you have to keep pursuing that item with 6 highest tier roles of the correct modifiers. Specifically because that's harder to get than a unique.
I dont get it either. They should make them somewhat upgradeable so we can get them on the higher bases too. So we get at least some higher base stats.

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