Confirmed Cheating

OP has already labeled every single other person in this thread a "cheater" for asking him for proof. And then claimed anyone without a badge is not worth listening to at all. And he agreed with the only other person in this thread that said the same ridiculous "badge" thing

He is not interesting in learning what ACTUALLY happened. His gut instinct is that he's done everything right and the world around him is what's wrong.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Dec 31, 2024, 3:14:19 PM
Badges are meaningless.

Not really. It does show they have some investment in the game.
Heres a screeenshot, it proves nothing.
Badges are meaningless.

Not really. It does show they have some investment in the game.

Investment in the game re: monetary amount is meaningless when we are talking about a GAMEPLAY issue. Come on what I wrote in its entirety.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
If you can confirm it's not just short allocation with a blink build its a good start

I probably shouldn't weigh in here because I dont play any multiplayer, but I think the crux of his argument is that there are still 'greyed out' items on the screen when the good drop disappears. I assume the 'greyed out' item means the timer before its free for all has not expired. To show evidence he would need a 'record what just happened' tool, which obviously he doesn't have.

I saw that too so I said maybe it is a bug and have to wait and see. Also if it is cheating GGG really will need more than just hearsay because anyone can say anything about someone else and it's all meaningless since maybe they just don't like that person. In time if it is cheating it'll slowly become more widespread and get fixed eventually I guess? But for now I doubt it and is more reasonable to suspect it's a game setting misunderstood
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
In POE1 some items are ALWAYS permanently allocated to the map owner, such as maps (waystones). I've seen nothing here that suggests the same is not true in POE2.

This is why the majority of people that have done multiplayer in POE1 and POE2 are trying to explain that it is unlikely to be cheating and really is just a misunderstanding of what is happening. If it is cheating, then some sort of evidence is going to be needed to prove it.

Ah gotcha. So, we definitely can allocate certain drops only to the map owner in POE2?

Ah gotcha. So, we definitely can allocate certain drops only to the map owner in POE2?

You can't control just is.

"The allocation will only assign the following items, all others are always considered free-for-all:

Unique items
Equipment with 6 sockets or 4+ links
Vaal fragments

Allocation is cleared if the item is picked up and dropped again, if the assigned player leaves an area, or if 5 minutes pass. Items will be allocated to be somewhat balanced between party members with a few notable exceptions:

Non-unique maps will always be allocated to the map creator.
Unique items dropped by bosses in special areas such as the Apex of Sacrifice, the Shaper's Realm, and Breach Domains are allocated to the area's creator. This also applies to Blessings dropped by Breachlords.

Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Dec 31, 2024, 3:22:11 PM
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
In POE1 some items are ALWAYS permanently allocated to the map owner, such as maps (waystones). I've seen nothing here that suggests the same is not true in POE2.

This is why the majority of people that have done multiplayer in POE1 and POE2 are trying to explain that it is unlikely to be cheating and really is just a misunderstanding of what is happening. If it is cheating, then some sort of evidence is going to be needed to prove it.

Ah gotcha. So, we definitely can allocate certain drops only to the map owner in POE2?

We can't, the game does on its own.

The OP hasn't really given anything to work with, and given their other statements such as "using a loot filter is cheating" makes it look more like a lack of understanding and not actual cheating.
You might want to check the distribution options your self to see if thats true ONCE YOU BUY THE ACTUAL GAME.
"Ah gotcha. So, we definitely can allocate certain drops only to the map owner in POE2?"

You might want to check the distribution options your self to see if thats true ONCE YOU BUY THE ACTUAL GAME.

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