Confirmed Cheating

"removed by support"

Can't fix the game, but they'll edit the f* out of a post to protect cheaters, lol.
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Double check the allocation of the instance you're in. You should be able to spot it at the top right with the minimap overlay open.
Of course I do that. And I can tell because half the items that drop are greyed out and I cant pick them up. By default the game is set to short (way too short) distribution. But even at short distribution that does not mean "As soon as it hits the ground".

Why would the game set item distribution for white and blue items but not rares or the most valuable currencies? Its doesnt work that way, which is why I can only think of two answers, 1. That item distribution erroneously disributes the wrong items, or 2. That a cheat or exploit is allowing.

I have been in parties where 90% of the items were distributed to only me and I was the only player that could pick them up. e.g. a few Fights against Doryani have had that happen. NO Greater Jewlers Orbs tho. I've only seen them on the ground for a split second.
Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 31, 2024, 1:25:39 PM
It's quite possible these were actually allocated to the person picking them up and you just were mistaken about them being allocated to you. Alternately, you did wait too long to pick them up while it was on Short Allocation and they become free for all to pick up.

If you don't want things to de-allocate, you'll need to ensure your party is set to Permanent Allocation, that you're in your party and not someone else's party (since it would use their party allocation if they're the leader) or that they also have it set to Permanent Allocation, that the zone was created while the party was formed so that the zone itself is properly set to Permanent Allocation, and that you don't leave the zone after something allocates to you (since leaving de-allocates it so others can pick it up).

Without any videos of the "issue" occurring there isn't really any evidence of anything working erroneously.
Stop covering for the cheaters. "Pics or it didnt happen" doesnt work in a multiplayer game .
Item drop allocations have been working exactly as expected for me. If it isn't working for you, you're the one making the claim and need to provide evidence if anything you say is to be believed, which would also be useful for any testing the devs would need to do to reproduce the situations as you have described.
Stop covering for the cheaters. "Pics or it didnt happen" doesnt work in a multiplayer game .

Yes, it very much does. It's called evidence, and so far this thread has none of it.
"Item drop allocations have been working exactly as expected for me."

Well that only proves that theyre cheating.
I have been in many different parties over the last week. And noticied that loot that was distributed to me was being hoovered up instantly by other players. I tested other loot and watched lots of other currency drop such as alchemy orbs etc that was not distributed to me, no one bothered to pick up up. And Other types of orbs. And they were correctly distributed as you would expect. Even the Vaal Orb wasn't picked up

Except the Greater Jewlers Orbs that dropped, I saw a couple distributed to me and instantly a player teleported over to them and picked it up (The latest one was named [Removed by Support] or something). Its not that I didnt take me too long to go over to it, it was on the screen for barely half a second. So I said that looked very suspicious. to which he said in chat to "SHUT UP OR I'LL BAN YOU". Then he kicked me from the party, and a few seconds later my connection to the game was cut.

Its happened before in POE1 with one of those "Celestial Key" that takes you to special chest map. I asked him about the key that dropped and he left the party and muted me. I was confused at first then I put the pieces together and figured the only way that player (in POE1) to teleport to that key and get through the loot distribution was a cheat.

Its happened 3 Times in POE2 so far. I am currently running 3 socket jewels on all my characters because the only ones that have dropped have been stolen by cheaters who can get through the loot distribution and take loot that has dropped for me.

[Removed by Support] also went ape-shit about someone else picking up a unique chest piece before that. and kept begging the other player to drop it just so he could "see" it.

Please Improve your Anti Cheat software GGG.

You are the only one with this problem. Play solo
Just FYI Everyone who posts here with a counter argument I think are cheaters. So no matter what nonsense you come up with to explain why you are the one picking up my loot I'm not taking back my statement.

Things need to change. And I'm sick of my loot disappearing as soon as it hits the ground.

I already confirmed it.

Now if you WANT to try and provide a different perspective. Would you suggest a reason why NOT to improve the Anti Cheat systems in the game?

I also consider custom loot filters to be cheating, since you can configure it to display an item name to be much bigger and much easier to click on.

E.G. A giant neon flashing item name for a Divine Orb that you cant NOT click on. Which is also how I figured some of these distribution cheaters work.
Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 31, 2024, 1:50:11 PM

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