Confirmed Cheating
I have been in many different parties over the last week. And noticied that loot that was distributed to me was being hoovered up instantly by other players. I tested other loot and watched lots of other currency drop such as alchemy orbs etc that was not distributed to me, no one bothered to pick up up. And Other types of orbs. And they were correctly distributed as you would expect. Even the Vaal Orb wasn't picked up
Except the Greater Jewlers Orbs that dropped, I saw a couple distributed to me and instantly a player teleported over to them and picked it up (The latest one was named [Removed by Support] or something). Its not that I didnt take me too long to go over to it, it was on the screen for barely half a second. So I said that looked very suspicious. to which he said in chat to "SHUT UP OR I'LL BAN YOU". Then he kicked me from the party, and a few seconds later my connection to the game was cut. Its happened before in POE1 with one of those "Celestial Key" that takes you to special chest map. I asked him about the key that dropped and he left the party and muted me. I was confused at first then I put the pieces together and figured the only way that player (in POE1) to teleport to that key and get through the loot distribution was a cheat. Its happened 3 Times in POE2 so far. I am currently running 3 socket jewels on all my characters because the only Greater orbs that have dropped have been stolen by cheaters who can get through the loot distribution and take loot that has dropped for me. [Removed by Support] also went ape-shit about someone else picking up a unique chest piece before that. and kept begging the other player to drop it just so he could "see" it. Please Improve your Anti Cheat software GGG. Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Dec 31, 2024, 3:50:48 PM Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 3:50:36 PM
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Unfortunately, unless you provide some kind of evidence (video), this might be considered just a story. But it's a good thing to say nonetheless, irrespective of proof, to put GGG on alert.
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I realise that he is only just one player. Its ok the items are gone now. But I urge GGG to shut down any cheating software or hacks so that this doesnt keep happening.
What GGG also need to do is improve the drop rate for those items. I mean I dont know a single player (Including many youtubers) that has ever seen a perfect jewlers Orb drop. I dont understand the reason GGG has made such an important item so rare. Only the richest of the rich can afford them on the market. Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 31, 2024, 10:57:15 AM
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" 1. This is the feedback section of the forums, not the place to report these types of issues. Either email support (with evidence) or post a bug report if you think they are abusing a bug. 2. You have provided no actual evidence of cheating. 3. Party lead can choose different drop allocation options, one of them makes loot drops open to everyone. That is likely what happened in your story. |
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I dont think you read my post at all.
This is the feedback forum My feedback is the Anti Cheat system needs to be improved. I think I described it accurately but if your not even going to bother reading THAT post I doubt you'd have the patience to read it if I went into even more detail. In that case why are you bothering to reply. If he WASNT cheating, then the loot disribution needs to be improved. Why would the game "distribute" a Vaal orb (Greyed out) but not a Greater Jewelers Orb? Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 31, 2024, 11:35:30 AM
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these are people in 2024.wait 2025 soon
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" I did read your post, it was not at all feedback. You told a story about how you keep seeing other people pick up loot in public parties and you think they are cheating because you believe it is your loot. That is not feedback, and adding a single line at the end saying "fix your anti-cheat" does not make it feedback. You also have no evidence of cheating, what you have described sounds like perfectly normal play if the party leader has loot set to free for all (all loot is available to all party members to pick up). |
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If he WASNT cheating, then the loot disribution needs to be improved. Why would the game "distribute" a Vaal orb and Transmute Orbs (Greyed out) but not a Greater Jewelers Orb? (Availible to only me).
If you dont agree that these cheats and cheaters need to be banned and the software improved then would that mean that you support them? Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 31, 2024, 11:39:39 AM
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Step 1 is to self reflect.
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It just happened again in another party with a Chaos Orb dropped by The Count in Act1 Cruel. The rare items and currency was poached as soon as they dropped Faster than I could even click, while leaving the greyed out Magic belt on the ground. Which I then picked up after the timer for it ran out cause all the loot that was actually distributed to me was taken, even the white crap. I got the regal orb that dropped earlier though.
There's something seriously wrong with the loot distribution. In parties where I have loot set to permanent, the valuable stuff like rares still goes missing. Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Dec 31, 2024, 12:33:56 PM
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