Why So Much Complaining on MF vs Resistances Or Other Stats?
TLDR: I am absolutely loving this game. Is it perfect? Nope. Is it still Early Access just a few weeks after launch? Yep. That being said, I keep seeing people freaking out about how unbalanced or bad MF is and how it needs to go away. I got really lucky with some drops, gambling, and vendor purchases in Acts 1-2 normal. I ran all the way through to the end of Cruel campaign around 85% MF and I didn't hardly use any drops. I didn' have a ton of currency and 99% of my crafts were a waste.
I keep seeing people complaining about how bad and unbalanced MF is yet do people really find joy in constantly juggling resistances? That to me is so much more boring and a pain. Open to thoughts. Last edited by Digitalforce#0207 on Dec 26, 2024, 10:55:15 AM Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 12:25:19 PM
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things can be bad, and it may be xmas, but don't release the game then afk for 2 weeks without doing jack.
all it shows is, despite taking the extra month to delay the release, they still rushed everything just to recoup investment costs ASAP, and didn't even bother hiring a minimum wage guy or 2 to answer questions in here or email or anywhere. but then again, this has been their motto since 20 years ago, some things will never change. |
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" Whoa, it's early access man. There is no reason to freak out this much. |
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" Whoa, it's paid public testing cuz they didn't want to pay real testers before release. There is no reason to white knight this much. |
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This is the only ARPG on the market in which the "magic find" stat applies to raw currency drops. For example, in Diablo 2, MF applied to items, but it didn't apply to runes, the de-facto currency.
An argument could be made that MFing to produce more good items would help keep the price of good items lower. An argument can be made that MFing to produce raw currency, particularly if there aren't any good currency sinks to destroy that currency (attractive high-end crafting), will cause currency inflation and make everything outrageously priced for the average gamer. You could argue that the two should off-set each other -- there's more currency but there are also more good items, but that argument assumes that players are picking up and identifying all those good items. |
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" Why not just have MF affect equipment drops and not currency. That seem fair? |
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" I played with other testers during the Press alpha. This is false. Also, there are plenty of things I don't like about the game (Crafting is basically worthless, skill/support/spirit gem system is a bit clunky, etc) but I also realize we have 6-12 months before the 1.0 release. |
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MF is bad because this is a game about finding loot and blasting monsters with your new loot. MF forces the player to wear bad gear to achieve the entire point of the game, which is finding loot, and the fact that MF exists means that the drop tables have to be balanced around people being able to stack MF gear. If MF is just deleted drop rates can just be balanced properly and "MF" would just be having a good build that can kill things properly.
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The biggest problem is this will push the game towards having to create a MF character at the start of every new league so you can farm your gear and currency before you can make the character you actually want to play and that's just a really bad place for the game to be in.
It also makes it really hard for classes that can't spare the gear slot to keep up whit the economy as the MFer will cause a lot of inflation that they can't compete whit and you shouldn't be punished like this for your choice of gameplay. |
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With resistances, not having them on your character makes that character bad, that's all. And it's fixed when you get them.
There needs to be something you want to build on your armor, why not resists? With increased rarity as a modifier on gear, the issue is that it existing at all makes the game objectively worse, not just your character. It disincentivizes making your character better, because a worse character with more looting gear provides better results than a better character that actually used those slots for their build. It disincentivizes playing your other characters, because the best way to progress your 2nd character is not to play your 2nd character. It's to play your 1st character covered in looting gear to farm currency to buy your 2nd character's items. It adds a higher luck baseline and a catch 22 to the entire system. You have to get lucky enough for good looting gear covered in "increased rarity" to drop in the first place. Which it won't. I can't get any currency or good gear because it doesn't drop because I don't have increased rarity modifiers, and I can't buy any gear with increased rarity modifiers, because I can't afford it, because I don't have any currency, because I don't already have the gear. And just as you know the game is balanced based on the loadouts had by people who trade for their gear, leaving people who don't trade underpowered, you also know that the game is balanced based on the income and looting of the people who lucked out with finding looting gear, leaving the people who didn't look out underpowered and impoverished. |
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