Considering there shouldn't be exp loss on death to begin with?
Yeah, it's definitely out of control.
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POE2 is supposed to be GGG and Tencent's break out game for a larger audience. Well, the larger audience is speaking and they do not like -10% experience loss on death, one portal maps, long runbacks to bosses, and sudden non telegraphed deaths.
Compare this to Elden Ring/Dark Souls:
1. your "experience" is on the ground waiting for you to pick it up
2. You are never locked out from a boss fight
3. Elden Ring got rid of long run backs and was the best selling souls game of all time
4. I always knew how and why I died in Dark Souls/Elden Ring.
If GGG/Tencent wants to have a large audience and play with the big boys, then they will make a game that most people enjoy and not a beat for beat homage to a 20 year old game that has now obvious flaws compared to modern ARPGs.
This is early access, what GGG does to fix the endgame will determine the ultimate size of the player base they want to have.
The vast majority of players are not having fun in the endgame.
I am pretty sure GGG has a history of not giving a fuck about a vast majority of players, and thats why PoE is good, and why PoE 2 will be good. Xp penalty on death existed for years, and as someone who dies 50-100 times per league, it doesn't bother me at all. Fear not, everyone who doesn't like -10% xp on death (that must exist), one portal maps that punish bad builds or oneshots (that should exist kinda) can leave, and the game will be fine too. The long runback to bosses I believe they will fix when they introduce more checkpoints and teleport to checkpoints, so that will hopefully be gone.
Posted byKumawaka#4636on Dec 30, 2024, 7:18:51 PM
I am pretty sure GGG has a history of not giving a fuck about a vast majority of players, and thats why PoE is good, and why PoE 2 will be good. Xp penalty on death existed for years, and as someone who dies 50-100 times per league, it doesn't bother me at all. Fear not, everyone who doesn't like -10% xp on death (that must exist), one portal maps that punish bad builds or oneshots (that should exist kinda) can leave, and the game will be fine too. The long runback to bosses I believe they will fix when they introduce more checkpoints and teleport to checkpoints, so that will hopefully be gone.
You were right up until "and that's why"
No, that's why it's going to be a mid-game just like POE 1 was. The only reason that many people played POE 1 was the build diversity, the fact that it was F2P and a HUGE chunk of the people playing were farming bots.
We don't have build diversity in POE 2 yet. One can hope we will, but if they keep copy/pasting stuff from POE 1 we will have the EXACT SAME STUFF as we did in POE 1.
Not great.
Plus their lack of understanding that literally no other newer games have non-recoverable exp penalties and punishing mechanics for no other reason than "just because" is why this will be the same and end up with more bots than players for the first 3 weeks of every season.
Visit my Steam profile here:
It does matter what we think of it. Everyone who is playing early access paid for this game, and we all have a right to express our opinion. It's not invalidated because you don't agree with it.
And many people's opinion is that there is no justifiable reason to take a penalty for work we have already completed. I'm playing because I don't give up easily, but I will be with many others who will quit this game if GGG doesn't get more innovate with ways to penalize players, especially since innovation is something they claim to take pride in.
And that's fine. We'll quit if GGG doesn't make changes, and you can keep playing if you don't have a problem with it. Neither of us are wrong for feeling how we feel, but we absolutely have a right to express our opinion for a game we paid for at a time when feedback is exactly what GGG is supposed to get.
Sums up those people pretty much.
XP loss exists so that every fucking loser playing his hypothetical CI Deadeye with Sunder with 1k ES doesn't get level 100 for simply existing. Bad builds don't deserve level 100. You gotta deserve that level. Otherwise level 90 is enough to have a perfectly functional character.
Posted byKumawaka#4636on Dec 30, 2024, 7:24:54 PM
TLDR of the vid: Path of exile 2 is not meant replace path of exile 1, its meant to be a different game.
This forum section of POE 2 EA has been so obnoxiously cancer to say the least. People making non stop threads about - 10% exp loss on death, rarity and other stuff requesting for the game to be toned down. - 10% exp exist for a reason and it does not matter if you think its archaic system or not. Why are you forcing the game to change to suit you when you can go play some other game? Let's be perfectly honest here, POE 2 has way less, YES, WAY LESS one shot situation compared to the astronomically, plenty of situation you can be one shot in POE 1. If you are getting one shot by some random mobs, you, yes, you and your build may have a problem.
Usually, I am neutral when it comes to removal of - 10% exp loss on death topics but these threads in POE 2 is getting out of hand. If your reason is, I don't have x y and z time to learn, grind or -10 % exp loss is a slap to GGG's player base or -10% exp loss on death does not make any sense then go out, take a breather, come back if you think if its worth it.
To those saying this isn't hardcore, and if I want to get punished then I would play hardcore. Hardcore does not have -10% exp since death is the end and that is fundamentally, extremely different from softcore. Softcore -10% exp is the DEFAULT penalty for dying, there is no, nada, server that does not have -10% exp loss on death.
Different builds will have different weaknesses but asking the game to be easier just to suit you is just too selfish when even in EA, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this.
FYI, lvl95 and still having fun.
Fanboi alert!
Posted byBoogske#0260on Dec 30, 2024, 7:28:05 PM
XP loss exists so that every fucking loser playing his hypothetical CI Deadeye with Sunder with 1k ES doesn't get level 100 for simply existing. Bad builds don't deserve level 100. You gotta deserve that level. Otherwise level 90 is enough to have a perfectly functional character.
Bad builds will still make to level 100 the same way good builds will - by doing easy content. Or they'll just buy a carry.
My personal belief is that GGG is going to sell "time savers", either a direct level 100 boost or XP buffs. The game design is just so blatantly geared toward time-wasting tedium that it's hard to imagine it isn't by design.
Oh, and if the game remains the same and GGG doesn't sell them - someone else will come in to fulfill that market need.
Posted byMouser#2899on Dec 30, 2024, 7:33:36 PM
I am pretty sure GGG has a history of not giving a fuck about a vast majority of players, and thats why PoE is good, and why PoE 2 will be good. Xp penalty on death existed for years, and as someone who dies 50-100 times per league, it doesn't bother me at all. Fear not, everyone who doesn't like -10% xp on death (that must exist), one portal maps that punish bad builds or oneshots (that should exist kinda) can leave, and the game will be fine too. The long runback to bosses I believe they will fix when they introduce more checkpoints and teleport to checkpoints, so that will hopefully be gone.
You were right up until "and that's why"
No, that's why it's going to be a mid-game just like POE 1 was. The only reason that many people played POE 1 was the build diversity, the fact that it was F2P and a HUGE chunk of the people playing were farming bots.
We don't have build diversity in POE 2 yet. One can hope we will, but if they keep copy/pasting stuff from POE 1 we will have the EXACT SAME STUFF as we did in POE 1.
Not great.
Plus their lack of understanding that literally no other newer games have non-recoverable exp penalties and punishing mechanics for no other reason than "just because" is why this will be the same and end up with more bots than players for the first 3 weeks of every season.
Why can't people understand the purpose of XP loss? It didn't just pop into existence randomly. It has a purpose, the purpose is to gatekeep bad builds from level 100. Level 90 is enough for a build, builds aren't planned around level 100.
BTW PoE1's playerbase kept steadily growing for 10 years, calling the game "mid" is a lil bit delusional, mid games die in a couple. PoE 2 right now is a husk, 12/36 ascendancies, ~50% of gems, ~50% of weapons, raw skill tree. On release there will be build diversity.
Also I don't know what cosmic vision told you there is a bot problem, GGG uses server-side statistics to detect farming bots, if i remember correctly those bots then get no loot for killing mobs. There are farming bots in every game with RMT, its inescapable, but PoE definitely has less problems with bots than games like, lord have mercy, World of Warcraft.
Trading bots are fine, nobody cares about them. If they ever improve trading of non-currency items those bots will be gone too, but will they improve it? Time will tell.
Posted byKumawaka#4636on Dec 30, 2024, 7:44:01 PM
XP loss exists so that every fucking loser playing his hypothetical CI Deadeye with Sunder with 1k ES doesn't get level 100 for simply existing. Bad builds don't deserve level 100. You gotta deserve that level. Otherwise level 90 is enough to have a perfectly functional character.
Bad builds will still make to level 100 the same way good builds will - by doing easy content. Or they'll just buy a carry.
My personal belief is that GGG is going to sell "time savers", either a direct level 100 boost or XP buffs. The game design is just so blatantly geared toward time-wasting tedium that it's hard to imagine it isn't by design.
Oh, and if the game remains the same and GGG doesn't sell them - someone else will come in to fulfill that market need.
They are not going to do that, the company is not called "Blizzard", there won't be actual P2W ever unless Chris, Jonathan and Mark get abducted by aliens. Buying a carry is a thing that exists in PoE1, just like it exists in literally every game ever made. They are not stopping it either.
Also good luck getting level 100 by doing low tier content XD. Nobody stops people from running 500(maybe more) low level maps just to go from level 99 to 100, its an option for sure, go for it. Gotta get to level 99 first though.
Last edited by Kumawaka#4636 on Dec 30, 2024, 7:51:06 PM
Posted byKumawaka#4636on Dec 30, 2024, 7:50:38 PM
I totally agree with the Anduvriel#4240 post. That's the point, I've spent 200hours playing with my monk and I reached 91 lvl, done T18 bosses for unlocking their points and now I'm in a point that invest time making Maps and dying and loosing all the EXP invested it's the worst feeling ever felt playing a game.
Then I quited the game and I'm waiting if they will change the EXP loss. If not, 200 hours invested in a 30$ game feels worth... but I can't understand what's the point of loosing EXP in a game.
So if you haven't read what I posted, exp loss has multiple implications and the most prominent is keeping builds diverse. If exp loss was remove and together with 1 portal on death, then the only thing that will matter is "DPS". If there is no consequences when you die, why build defense? You see how POE 2 will turn into a shallow game if that happens.
What people are seeing right now is just the immediate and do not think "what will this do when this is implemented?". The reasoning "then make another server", isn't really "feasible" unless GGG makes a POE 2 "Softcore (easy)" server, that is "if".
Are you sure about that claim? Playing a build with zero defense won't get you to far, will it? You will still have to redo the content, right? You will not gain any rewards, right? There are plenty of games without death penalty that have very good build diversity..
My claim is opposite to yours - I think that build diversity is killed by the death penalty far more than it would be killed by its lack. If I can die easily to stupid oneshot off screen and lose everything I put and some of what I already had which build will I choose? Any that I like? No, only the ones that let me survive as much as possible while dealing enough damage. Ultra top meta dps with the most broken packed defense layers the game has to offer. Why top dps - cause than it's far easier to cut something for even more defenses, easier to find items.
Isn't that exactly what is happening in poe hardcore? Where the death penalty is the biggest there can be? Have you ever compared build diversity between hardcore and softcore in a league? Which do you think has better? That is something you can actually check.
I will let you do it to prove your claim. Show us the proof that the more death penalties in poe the more build diversity we will see. Show us that there are more unique different skills and classes used by 100lvl hc characters than softcore ones in the ladder, its a pretty good sample of 10k chars. I don't know which one of us is right, but I am willing to agree to your claim if you can prove it.
Although I think you will not do it and just go claiming, " but but hc is its own thing" - yeah it's death penalties to the fullest by the definition - end of the line. You can't punish a player more than that (well maybe ggg could introduce one char per league to do hc*2). Jokes aside, I believe you are wrong on this topic and you are constantly omitting the extreme costs that the death penalty puts on the game. Look up my previous post in this thread. I am open for discussion.
The proof the you wanted isn't something an individual can give you but if you think and observe carefully, there are already builds out there that deletes pinnacle bosses in less than 5 seconds and they "put" a bit of defense/ehp to actually not die in one flick. Now if you cannot see what your "removal" of penalty is going to entail if builds like this exist now, then you may have a problem. In the first place, asking someone to provide proof when you yourself don't provide one is kinda rude? Where is your proof that build diversity will broaden when exp penalty is removed? Aren't you thinking backwards? Why would you build defense if dying doesn't have consequences much less have 6 portals? You're gonna say "Oh, no I will still build defense even if exp loss was removed" like, who are you lying too?
I know that there are a lot of games that do not have penalty when dying, those games are made that way, POE is made this way, what's there to compare?
Last edited by iMirageX#4580 on Dec 30, 2024, 8:38:58 PM
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 30, 2024, 8:35:07 PM
I am pretty sure GGG has a history of not giving a fuck about a vast majority of players, and thats why PoE is good, and why PoE 2 will be good. Xp penalty on death existed for years, and as someone who dies 50-100 times per league, it doesn't bother me at all. Fear not, everyone who doesn't like -10% xp on death (that must exist), one portal maps that punish bad builds or oneshots (that should exist kinda) can leave, and the game will be fine too. The long runback to bosses I believe they will fix when they introduce more checkpoints and teleport to checkpoints, so that will hopefully be gone.
You were right up until "and that's why"
No, that's why it's going to be a mid-game just like POE 1 was. The only reason that many people played POE 1 was the build diversity, the fact that it was F2P and a HUGE chunk of the people playing were farming bots.
We don't have build diversity in POE 2 yet. One can hope we will, but if they keep copy/pasting stuff from POE 1 we will have the EXACT SAME STUFF as we did in POE 1.
Not great.
Plus their lack of understanding that literally no other newer games have non-recoverable exp penalties and punishing mechanics for no other reason than "just because" is why this will be the same and end up with more bots than players for the first 3 weeks of every season.
Why can't people understand the purpose of XP loss? It didn't just pop into existence randomly. It has a purpose, the purpose is to gatekeep bad builds from level 100. Level 90 is enough for a build, builds aren't planned around level 100.
BTW PoE1's playerbase kept steadily growing for 10 years, calling the game "mid" is a lil bit delusional, mid games die in a couple. PoE 2 right now is a husk, 12/36 ascendancies, ~50% of gems, ~50% of weapons, raw skill tree. On release there will be build diversity.
Also I don't know what cosmic vision told you there is a bot problem, GGG uses server-side statistics to detect farming bots, if i remember correctly those bots then get no loot for killing mobs. There are farming bots in every game with RMT, its inescapable, but PoE definitely has less problems with bots than games like, lord have mercy, World of Warcraft.
Trading bots are fine, nobody cares about them. If they ever improve trading of non-currency items those bots will be gone too, but will they improve it? Time will tell.
At this point this is almost asking too much but before posting at least pretend you read the thread, there are now 70pages and this stuff you posted was already talked about. Level 100 is not an achievement or anything in the same boat and gating it plays against player expectations and will eventually lead to it becoming bot of exile, where granted the rmt is not as profitable since there are not that many players (~10k) compared to the massive profit in other games, and farming t15 unjuiced maps is the opposite of challenging for basically any build or non functional build there is. Besides, PoE1 already exists for people who like to pretend as such.
Alternatively, as has been mentioned plenty of times, simply make these things optional for greater reward.
Posted byBK2710#6123on Dec 30, 2024, 8:35:18 PM