Yes it is feedback. Stop arguing with your emotions. Use your brain.
You might like the mechanic. Most people don't. That doesn't mean that your viewpoint on it is correct.
We can have both! The option to turn it on or off.
insulting me and telling me to stop arguing with my emotions in one line. 10/10
the mechanic is suppose to be disliked- that its purpose. and fact you don't like it it means its working, problem is that it suppose to teach you to avoid death. and fro some reason its failing at that
I never insulted you. I pointed out your hypocrisy. Telling others to leave because they're giving criticisms that you don't like is hypocrisy 101. Especially when this game is Early Access, and that is the entire point of it.
If you took that as an insult, Then my point is even more valid. You're thinking emotionally.
There's a dozen ways they could make deaths more punishing, without straight up removing XP.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 25, 2024, 8:05:59 PM
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 25, 2024, 8:03:53 PM
thats really not true at all. xp loss is no punish for growing, its the opposit. it tells people that their build isnt good enough and makes reaching high levels mean something other then dying constantly through the maps. and stop talking about casuals. the moment xp loss starts hurting is 93+. if somebody reaches lvl 93 in 2,5 weeks, its far from being a casual. on top of that, not a single content is gates behind reaching lvl 95 or 100. the game isnt better with lvl 100 and its not worse with lvl 90. there is nothing behind it.
All the exp loss does is the game saying "Fuck you". There simply is and will be too many variables in the game to not get randomly one-shot here and there no matter the build. A concept you people so conveniently and disingenuously ignore.
Last edited by mrfox123#7595 on Dec 25, 2024, 8:05:20 PM
Posted bymrfox123#7595on Dec 25, 2024, 8:04:12 PM
do you need lvl100 to complete a build you found on poeninja? i'm baffled man. WHY DO YOU NEED LVL 100?
Nobody is saying they need lvl100.
People here are just saying exp penalty is an unfun mechanic. It's that simple. It's not about extra skill points or whatever.
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 25, 2024, 8:04:39 PM
right, this is why rougelikes (games with most extreme death penalties) are popular.... and poe2 is far from that lol. you need something like puzzles or stardewvalley(i assume you don't have negative outcomes there)
I saw this argument. Then I look at most popular mods to this games. Easy Mode.
On Probation Any%
Posted byDxt44#4050on Dec 25, 2024, 8:06:07 PM
right, this is why rougelikes (games with most extreme death penalties) are popular.... and poe2 is far from that lol. you need something like puzzles or stardewvalley(i assume you don't have negative outcomes there)
PoE is not a roguelike. Your comparisons make no sense. You have no good defense for the exp penalty to be in the game. "To annoy players" is bad game design and not a reason. Done replying to you because you clearly don't even understand what people are giving feedback on in this thread.
Exp penalty sucks. That is all. We're giving feedback because it's bad for the game for this pointless,outdated mechanic to be in it. The year is almost 2025, it's time for this game to move on at least a bit.
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 25, 2024, 8:06:58 PM
do you need lvl100 to complete a build you found on poeninja? i'm baffled man. WHY DO YOU NEED LVL 100?
Nobody is saying they need lvl100.
People here are just saying exp penalty is an unfun mechanic. It's that simple. It's not about extra skill points or whatever.
if it wasnt about skill points nobody would care and you know it. its all about levels while all above lvl 92 doesnt matter anyway. its just crying for nothing. the game isnt better if you are 97 compared to 93. it changes nothing.
Posted byPl4t1numX#4325on Dec 25, 2024, 8:06:59 PM
People complain about xp loss 24/7 because it is a shit mechanic no one enjoys. If no one enjoys it, remove it. It is a detriment to the game, only the top 0.1% who pretend that anyone cares for their "leveling speed balance" defend it. No real arpg fan enjoys it.
All xp loss does it punish players for doing what a rpg wants, experiment and grow a character. XP Loss is a huge reason people follow guides because anything else could lead to a build that has troubles in end game and fixing it requires tons of xp loss, how enjoyable that must be. To some people a single death could elimiate the progress of an entire day worth of their playtime, the game will bleed players like crazy once the casual playerbase reaches endgame.
thats really not true at all. xp loss is no punish for growing, its the opposit. it tells people that their build isnt good enough and makes reaching high levels mean something other then dying constantly through the maps. and stop talking about casuals. the moment xp loss starts hurting is 93+. if somebody reaches lvl 93 in 2,5 weeks, its far from being a casual. on top of that, not a single content is gates behind reaching lvl 95 or 100. the game isnt better with lvl 100 and its not worse with lvl 90. there is nothing behind it.
A casual player would not know, max is known to be 100 so you are supposed to be able to reach 100 and 100 to go into the very end game. Losing xp during these leveling stages invokes negative feelings and ultimately leads people to quit. If the game is made for ex lvl 85 then cap the xp at 85.
People who need time to reach end game will not see that their build is not good enough, they will get swarmed by turbo speed mobs and die instantly and think the game is unfair given the campaign sets a different expectation. Design failure, bad game.
Any somewhat functional build should be able to reach max level, that only makes sense in a rpg where you grind, penalizing players who do not follow guides due to lack of time etc will only shrink the playerbase for no benefit. Build strength should matter in the end game challenges like trials made for level 100, level 101+ maps for lv100 players or other uber content.
Frontloading these responsibilities on players who would not play long after 100 (they consider max level beating the char, then make a new one with new build for example) is doing nothing but kill retention and returning to new leagues.
Posted byBK2710#6123on Dec 25, 2024, 8:07:06 PM
A mechanic existing to make players hate it is the most horrible idea I've ever heard. No, that's just gonna make the players hate the game lol
Sorry but everyone hates the death penalty, and the game would instantly be objectively better and more fun if there was just a checkmark in the settings to turn it off. And 99.9% of people would turn it off, by the way.
right, this is why rougelikes (games with most extreme death penalties) are popular.... and poe2 is far from that lol. you need something like puzzles or stardewvalley(i assume you don't have negative outcomes there)
Those games are designed with re-runs from the start in mind. PoE is not. Not even hardcore mode cause that is literally just a masochistic game mode, again due to the sheer amount of random shit that will one shot you, including server issues.
Posted bymrfox123#7595on Dec 25, 2024, 8:07:15 PM
do you need lvl100 to complete a build you found on poeninja? i'm baffled man. WHY DO YOU NEED LVL 100?
Depending on build, even reaching level 90 can be slower and more frustrating with penalty. Not everyone copypastes from streamers and sits on live trade software. And extra 5-10 passive points can make a difference, especially after masteries arrive on poe2 passive tree.
In fact I bet those who never die until level 85+ are a tiny minority here, and are also ones with most rock solid retention. They will come back and replay every new league anyway, and it is the opposite side of community the developers should worry about (assuming they want to increase playerbase, not decrease).
Posted byEchothesis#7320on Dec 25, 2024, 8:08:17 PM
insulting me and telling me to stop arguing with my emotions in one line. 10/10
the mechanic is suppose to be disliked- that its purpose. and fact you don't like it it means its working, problem is that it suppose to teach you to avoid death. and fro some reason its failing at that
A mechanic existing to make players hate it is the most horrible idea I've ever heard. No, that's just gonna make the players hate the game lol
Sorry but everyone hates the death penalty, and the game would instantly be objectively better and more fun if there was just a checkmark in the settings to turn it off. And 99.9% of people would turn it off, by the way.
right, this is why rougelikes (games with most extreme death penalties) are popular.... and poe2 is far from that lol. you need something like puzzles or stardewvalley(i assume you don't have negative outcomes there)
Most Roguelikes are very heavily balanced to give you a fair chance.
Most also don't require much time commitment. If you die in your average Roguelike, you're right back into another game. 30 minutes - 1 hour lost. Not 5.
Roguelikes are also significantly more satisfying. Finishing a playthrough is a huge rush, and people really like that. The games also tend to be satisfying throughout. Even if you don't beat it. Addictive.
Clawing your way to 100 with exp loss in a ARPG isn't exactly enjoyable for most.
do you need lvl100 to complete a build you found on poeninja? i'm baffled man. WHY DO YOU NEED LVL 100?
Hitting Max level in a game is fun for a lot of people. Playing a full build is fun. Tons of games let you hit max level.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 25, 2024, 8:13:44 PM
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 25, 2024, 8:08:22 PM