As one of the oldest Rarefinders in PoE i suggest this solution to the rarefind situation.

LaNSa#2186 wrote:

I think this just would make rarity free stat on your char.
Better solution is to just lover those numbers we can get from gear.
Right now one item can give you about 60% I believe and that is just too much so if they would just take that nmumber down to 20% I think it would be just fine.

Actually 1 item at current can give as much as 212% rarity,

the shield from Taskmaster, with triple sockets on a high 650+ roll

or a Double Socket Corrupted on a 750+ Roll

nets around 187% to 212% rarity.
Honest question, what does this stat even do ?

I have a Sorc with 400%, a Gemling with 208% and a Monk with around 50% and they all seem to get the same loot with the exception of (Tier) gear, Higher RF seems to give me higher Tier rares but I see no substantial difference in anything else.

However when I buff RF/Quant with Precursor Tablet I see a massive change in quality.

Celd#2630 wrote:
This is a heated discussion. I'll just post this one shortly here, not to disrupt too much.

# Average out item rarity stat between party members
Because item rarity is a sacrifice from damage and defenses, players who do have item rarity on their gear have to compete hard for kills against players who are not sacrificing damage for item rarity. Thus we have rarity culling and group play tactics to allow rarity players have their last hits. Not that prominent in PoE2 yet I guess, but it will come. I really feel like this is not how we're supposed to play, so as a suggestion, I would like if the item rarity stat was somehow shared and averaged out or something in the party, thus allowing item rarity stat to contribute to party play the same way other stats do.


just average it all out. and yeah any old folk would remember how back in open beta players were hotboxing mf cullers on dominus
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Celd#2630 wrote:
This is a heated discussion. I'll just post this one shortly here, not to disrupt too much.

# Average out item rarity stat between party members
Because item rarity is a sacrifice from damage and defenses, players who do have item rarity on their gear have to compete hard for kills against players who are not sacrificing damage for item rarity. Thus we have rarity culling and group play tactics to allow rarity players have their last hits. Not that prominent in PoE2 yet I guess, but it will come. I really feel like this is not how we're supposed to play, so as a suggestion, I would like if the item rarity stat was somehow shared and averaged out or something in the party, thus allowing item rarity stat to contribute to party play the same way other stats do.

Whatever gets us back to playing the (game) portion of the game.

imagine your idea but then we also have (maximum rarity)

Honest question, what does this stat even do ?

I have a Sorc with 400%, a Gemling with 208% and a Monk with around 50% and they all seem to get the same loot with the exception of (Tier) gear, Higher RF seems to give me higher Tier rares but I see no substantial difference in anything else.

However when I buff RF/Quant with Precursor Tablet I see a massive change in quality.

In PoE1:
Rarity increased the rarity of items excluding currency ex a white item might become magic or rare depending on your rarity stat and this would also result in uniques, a truly valuable stat to have in the earlier days of PoE when rares were the best items.

Quantity increased the quantity of items dropped including currency and unlike rarity which was rather ambiguous this stat was way too rewarding versus item-rarity.

in PoE2 it seems that quantity is gone and rarity has stayed with some changes it now seems to affect the currency as well making it a multiplier on your loot and sort-of forcing people to use it or making them feel as if they are forced to.

As a rarefinder this is quite possibly the worst solution they could have come up with, It didn't offer any relief in any way and just added more pressure on the players and is almost verbatim what people were asking them to not do.

So who is it that is more "save the rarefinder" at GGG than i have been for all these years that they actually made this change to PoE2 thinking it was going to be received well? I'd like to have an adult conversation with them.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Jan 23, 2025, 5:24:26 AM
I always considered IR as a cancer, in all arpgs. It shouldn't compete with combat efficiency.
If I have spare affixes and want better reward, well, I should move to more difficult content.

I like that current Atlas Tree is all about rewards. It's how it should be. It needs tuning, but still. But, please, remove IR from combat equipment...
Ever since their last announcement I’m skeptical about everything, and now, to me, rarity being reintroduced and now affecting currency feels RMT driven.
N3vangel#0037 wrote:
Ever since their last announcement I’m skeptical about everything, and now, to me, rarity being reintroduced and now affecting currency feels RMT driven.

It certainly was a bit of a shock to me that it affects currency now.

This whole thing just makes me tired, I've submitted so many solutions to this problem and this IIR fiasco is what i would call the antithesis of a solution to the problem.

If someone told me i'd be saying any of this like 5 years ago i would have laughed at them.
Innocence forgives you
things are fun because they are challenging.

if you remove things like Rarity find - then everyone gets an extra stat on their gear.

Things get easier. Every build is pumping out the same amount of gear.

It makes the game boring.

Its like when lame people watch a TV show and LOVE a character. Producers ask, "Who is your favorite character" - they respond, and then that character becomes the focus of the show.

They are then not the SAME character, you don't like them as much because you liked them when they were only a small part of the show.

This is a terrible idea, thought up by someone who doesn't understand psychology.

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