As one of the oldest Rarefinders in PoE i suggest this solution to the rarefind situation.

Hi there Exiles and GGG.

I've been playing rangefinders since i first discovered the stat in PoE1 almost as an obsession chasing the absolute highest attainable values and basing most if not all of my builds around it for years, It was such a positive experience in the early days when a rarefinder came to a party people were happy and there was even ettiqute among rarefinders to cooperate by allowing the partys preferred rarefind stats (quant and rarity) be the one getting the last hits.

It was great but as time went on it became more and more about money and less about having fun and working together to the point i see so many people frustrated on all sides of this issue some asking for it to be removed from the game, some asking for it to be changed.

Removing it entirely i feel like is going to harm the game but what if instead just remove it from equipment once and for all and give everyone a new equipment slot specifically for this purpose literally using the same system from (Heist) The Trinket System

The trinket system would easily replace rarefinding with an added bonus that it stacks in partys but to avoid solo players feeling left out they could also add some method for them to boost their own trinket in solo play.

I hope you'll consider this, I have fought for rarefind to stay in the game for so long but at the end of the day decade i just want to have fun with people playing the game and stop stressing over something that at least once was just a fun element of this game.

lets get back to the having fun
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Dec 24, 2024, 6:13:10 PM
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 12:29:18 PM
Hi there Exiles and GGG.

I've been playing rangefinders since i first discovered the stat in PoE1 almost as an obsession chasing the absolute highest attainable values and basing most if not all of my builds around it for years, It was such a positive experience in the early days when a rarefinder came to a party people were happy and there was even ettiqute among rarefinders to cooperate by allowing the partys preferred rarefind stats (quant and rarity) be the one getting the last hits.

It was great but as time went on it became more and more about money and less about having fun and working together to the point i see so many people frustrated on all sides of this issue some asking for it to be removed from the game, some asking for it to be changed.

Removing it entirely i feel like is going to harm the game but what if instead just remove it from equipment once and for all and give everyone a new equipment slot specifically for this purpose literally using the same system from (Heist) The Trinket System

The trinket system would easily replace rarefinding with an added bonus that it stacks in partys but to avoid solo players feeling left out they could also add some method for them to boost their own trinket in solo play.

I hope you'll consider this, I have fought for rarefind to stay in the game for so long but at the end of the day decade i just want to have fun with people playing the game and stop stressing over something that at least once was just a fun element of this game.

lets get back to the having fun

I think this just would make rarity free stat on your char.
Better solution is to just lover those numbers we can get from gear.
Right now one item can give you about 60% I believe and that is just too much so if they would just take that nmumber down to 20% I think it would be just fine.
Last edited by LaNSa#2186 on Dec 24, 2024, 6:22:47 PM
This sounds like a good compromise to me. I'm someone who is your opposite, I've NEVER prioritized magic find and tend to avoid gear with it since it always felt bad to lose other stats to it. However I have no problem with rarity existing as a stat in the game, I just don't want it competing for a slot on my gear, so the trinket idea would totally fix that.
Something like the Idol system from Last Epoch would be good here.
fouquet#0993 wrote:
Something like the Idol system from Last Epoch would be good here.

hmm they could just use jewels
+1 from an item rarity hater.

I think rarity competing with actual combat mods on gear is fundamentally flawed and problematic in a lot of subtle and messy ways.

If all loot related stats had their own separate item slot like a heist trinket I think it could work out very well. By there only being 1 item slot for loot finding all build types would have equal access to the maximum values. Being able to customize the different kinds of loot stats on said item slot would also be a lot more interesting than the "stack 300% rarity or be poor" mess we have going right now.
Last edited by LVSviral#3689 on Dec 24, 2024, 7:12:38 PM
They probably won’t do this because rarity competing with other mods on your gear is the point. It’s another “axis” of your character build that you have to balance along with life, damage, defenses, etc.

That’s their intention anyways.
They probably won’t do this because rarity competing with other mods on your gear is the point. It’s another “axis” of your character build that you have to balance along with life, damage, defenses, etc.

That’s their intention anyways.

True. Unfortunate, but true. I think designing things like that actually holds the game back and can be counterintuitive for designing mod pools on gear. I actually made a post about that:
They probably won’t do this because rarity competing with other mods on your gear is the point. It’s another “axis” of your character build that you have to balance along with life, damage, defenses, etc.

That’s their intention anyways.

I feel the stat causes too much harm when leveraged on equipment in this manner in current times, It did not cause this much conflict in the past but now we are here and it is a problem for a concerning number of users.

What was once a build has now become what many perceive as required to succeed in every build and it causes conflict in party's when people are killing things and don't have it.

Trinkets would affect everyone, there would be no worrying about who killed what

Trinkets could drop from various content and bosses of those content and require investment farming them and i could go as far as saying they shouldn't be tradable too so you have to actually play the mechanic you like to get the boost for it.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Dec 25, 2024, 12:01:14 PM
Removing it entirely i feel like is going to harm the game

Why? From what I can see having it at all only harms loot balancing for everyone.

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