Oh still no fixed to sekhemas ascendancy being bugged and still hitting a ton?
Still no mana cost decreases for merc? my level 16 gas grenade uses 91 mana, this is ABSURD im not a caster, why you make me go for mana mods in equipment? you guys have no clue of how a merc should be played, and you created it.
And still one try per map? forcing us to play with other people just to ress?
Are you using relics with res and max honor?
Do you have any defenses on your character?
Are you using merchants to get buffs?
I finished the 3rd floor of Sekhemas yesterday, and it was ok.
I started the run with close to 4k honor, and when finishing, I had a max of 5.5k.
Posted byrastaqki#6957on Dec 20, 2024, 12:19:02 AM
Posted byasoiarf#0289on Dec 20, 2024, 12:22:39 AM
• Fixed a bug where characters who hadn't completed the campaign could enter endgame areas through other players hideouts.
Why Force People to Play the Campaign Over and Over Again?
Seriously, it's boring!!! You should REWARD players who have already completed the campaign!
The ability to jump straight into the Atlas with a secondary character while playing co-op was simply perfect. That was truly rewarding, fun, satisfying, and fair!
"Oh, you finished the acts? How about doing them all over again? Want to create another character? How about replaying the entire campaign once more? It's going to be incredibly enjoyable, fun, fair, and I simply don't care that you've already done it before."
Please, GGG!!! Rethink this requirement of having to repeatedly play through the campaign multiple times—it makes no sense!!! Let players enjoy the endgame, please. Reward them for completing the campaign; don't punish them with more frustration!!!
You think you want this, but you don't. You need a sense of journey and development for your characters. Removing the campaign is perhaps the worst thing that can happen in an ARPG. It will never happen in PoE because the developers actually care about their game.
You think like this now but wait until they release all 6 acts and make it twice longer than current campaign. Then you realize how wrong you are after repeating the same thing for 5 years every new league.
Posted byShujinko87#3391on Dec 20, 2024, 12:23:39 AM
You think you want this, but you don't. You need a sense of journey and development for your characters. Removing the campaign is perhaps the worst thing that can happen in an ARPG. It will never happen in PoE because the developers actually care about their game.
Except the journey is fuking boring as shit.
Act 1 is the best.
Act 2 is ok.
Rest is bad.
From 3rd act, I was only thinking about the end game.
They have some work to do to make the entire campaign enjoyable. The first thing would be to make the zones smaller because now they're ridiculous.
Posted byrastaqki#6957on Dec 20, 2024, 12:23:56 AM
10PM patch.. damn
Posted byhfok#5793on Dec 20, 2024, 1:20:44 AM
You think like this now but wait until they release all 6 acts and make it twice longer than current campaign. Then you realize how wrong you are after repeating the same thing for 5 years every new league.
Buying into a league ponzi-scheme was your first mistake. Simply add/revamp content. Wiping character progress is pointless.
Posted byLeFlesh#9979on Dec 20, 2024, 1:31:32 AM
You think like this now but wait until they release all 6 acts and make it twice longer than current campaign. Then you realize how wrong you are after repeating the same thing for 5 years every new league.
Buying into a league ponzi-scheme was your first mistake. Simply add/revamp content. Wiping character progress is pointless.
My mistake? How so? Wiping character progress is pointless? New to this genre?
Posted byShujinko87#3391on Dec 20, 2024, 1:34:46 AM
You think like this now but wait until they release all 6 acts and make it twice longer than current campaign. Then you realize how wrong you are after repeating the same thing for 5 years every new league.
Buying into a league ponzi-scheme was your first mistake. Simply add/revamp content. Wiping character progress is pointless.
First of all, there is no wipe.
Characters go to the standard league, and you can still play.
Do you even understand this system?
Since you are completely ignorant, I will tell you what leagues provide:
- new temporary game mechanics that can be tested and changed/removed based on players feedback,
- a good moment to make more significant balance changes,
- economy reset,
- start from scratch and not with a stash full of shit from previous characters.
How am I supposed to feel accomplished with a new character in a standard league where I don't have to work for anything because I already have a ton of currency and items?
It seems you are not interested in the main game loop of an ARPG. Instead of making pointless comments, you could play other genres.
Last edited by rastaqki#6957 on Dec 20, 2024, 1:50:01 AM
Posted byrastaqki#6957on Dec 20, 2024, 1:49:03 AM
After the last patch the game crashing.. happend to me and my teammate for 4th time.. since release we were both OK without single crash.. can you please look into it ?
Posted byMadashi#0472on Dec 20, 2024, 1:55:12 AM
F R E S H is a mind-virus. You willingly defend the grip it has on your psyche. Novel, quality content will always be superior.
Posted byLeFlesh#9979on Dec 20, 2024, 2:10:57 AM