Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

1453R#7804 wrote:

You can argue that "looter shooters" are different from isometric Diablesque ARPGs, sure. I can further argue whether the distinction is meaningful. Both are loot-centric "action" games with a focus on buildcraft and improving your character power through the acquisition of Better Stuff. Borderlands simply made playing the game itself fun, as opposed to the Diablesque formula of making "Playing The Game", moment to moment, be a boring and annoying tax you have to pay for the dopamine hit of Finding Cool Stuff.

Path 2 is attempting to do much the same, by combining the essentials of strong action games with a core of "looter" gear progression to create something new. Frankly, most of the players I know and talk to on the regular are of the opinion Grinding Gear didn't go far enough - loot is too strong at the moment compared to player capability, numbers are overtuned. Damage, both incoming and outgoing, in the endgame is too high. Both players and monsters are getting one-tapped too easily, and it should change.

Agree, this basically echoes my previous statement.

I think that if they want this to be a skills game not a find the best way to farm divs and buy a set of gear to insta screen clear game they need to kind of restart itemization and skills from scratch though because if that’s what they were aiming for they completely missed the mark

The endgame is just a worse version of poe1’s endgame. The point is to smash maps at increasingly faster speeds to farm currency at increasingly higher div/hr to buy increasing better gear to smash maps at increasingly faster speeds… that doesn’t fit a skills / soul like game at all. The endgame should be increasingly harder bosses with possibly better drops but with limited power creep or more flair/prestige type rewards and a much stronger bias towards hanging out in towns to show off your elite shit like old school mmorpgs

In a mmo, gear is important but the difference between a poorly geared max level and a well geared max level character isn’t like a billion dps. The rewards for end game raiding are honestly equally or more about showing off than increasing your character power
Last edited by maquino85#7657 on Dec 23, 2024, 2:42:34 PM
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
1453R#7804 wrote:
why the hell did they make a new game at all?

Reminder, this is why :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcd9BfVw7hQ (Path of Exile 2 Announcement)
You can watch everything, or start specifically at 5:05

I completely understand the technical reasons why it eventually became a completely separate game, but I still wish they had somehow figured out a way to go with the original idea announced in this video (ExileCon 2019):
- 1 game
- 2 campaigns
- double the ascendancies
- 1 endgame

Well they could, but chose a different path after having hesitated quite a long time to be honnest. In principle, what they try to do makes sense :

- New game gives the opportunity for some core changes.
- Hard reset is good on the creative aspect, more room for future updates
- Hard reset is good on the code aspect, you can justify the costs starting from 0.
- You eliminate the risk of your current mechanics exploding when a new one is implemented.
- Hard reset is good because game is less scary to new ppl.

Now, the pressure is about delivering, let them cook. Also having to deal with clueless ppl (new and old alike) about the past and the future is a very little price to pay considering the possible benefits.

Wait and see :)

EDIT : For example, this guy below is a good illustration, regarding those clueless ppl ^^
Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:02:29 PM

I completely understand the technical reasons why it eventually became a completely separate game, but I still wish they had somehow figured out a way to go with the original idea announced in this video (ExileCon 2019):
- 1 game
- 2 campaigns
- double the ascendancies
- 1 endgame

I can see the desire, yeah. But I also look at it as they were absolutely right - after a certain point they would have been pulling an Overwatch and erasing a game people love and are invested in so they can replace it with a new game those people might hate.

Leaving POE1 in place and intact was the best possible choice once they realized they couldn't do any of what they wanted to do without gutting the original game. Like, just imagine how much more horrible the reaction to POE2 would've been if the original game had been patched into PoE2's current state. Yeesh.
might have already been said in the previous pages:

About Difficulty: it IS more difficult because of the "artificial" ways bosses and big enemies have been buffed, albeit in one very simple way. It tests your physical abilities, your reflexes, in ways that PoE 1 just simply didn't.

While this may not be the OP's "version" of difficulty, it is most certainly a type of difficulty found in games like this one.

It is also the difficulty layer I hate the most....I have always built tankier characters in PoE 1 because my reflexes are crap, my system can sometimes stutter, and I rarely play with a dedicated gaming mouse. My builds were designed to make up for my lack of dexterity. In PoE 2, I am utterly incapable of doing that at the moment.

Learning the boss mechanics isn't the problem: everything is clear and telegraphed. But when I have to dodge the 1hko 20+ times a fight, I am more likely than not going to mis-time something. Instant death, and then restart. This is frustrating and has already on more than one occasion caused me to shut the entire game off for an extended time, until it finally caused me to give up on the game entirely.

But I cannot deny it absolutely IS more difficult to play because of this. Build creation and itemization....that is way way way way easier. Too easy. But I know that will change with development and the release of more and more skills.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
1453R#7804 wrote:
I can see the desire, yeah. But I also look at it as they were absolutely right - after a certain point they would have been pulling an Overwatch and erasing a game people love and are invested in so they can replace it with a new game those people might hate...

Honestly, the more you write, the clearer it becomes that you’re speaking in hypotheticals without a solid grasp of what made PoE1 successful or what PoE2 is actually lacking. Facts, not baseless analogies, would help your argument. Right now, it’s all noise.
It is also the difficulty layer I hate the most....I have always built tankier characters in PoE 1 because my reflexes are crap

Yeah, it's exactly the same for me.
Kaukus1#7461 wrote:
1453R#7804 wrote:
I can see the desire, yeah. But I also look at it as they were absolutely right - after a certain point they would have been pulling an Overwatch and erasing a game people love and are invested in so they can replace it with a new game those people might hate...

Honestly, the more you write, the clearer it becomes that you’re speaking in hypotheticals without a solid grasp of what made PoE1 successful or what PoE2 is actually lacking. Facts, not baseless analogies, would help your argument. Right now, it’s all noise.

What are you talking about? That was the actual reason given by the development team for the split between the two games - the kinds of changes the (then) PoE 4.0 crew wanted to make would have resulted in patching away the game POE1 players have loved for years.

They split the game in significant part to avoid erasing an existing successful game and replacing it with a new game - PoE 4.0 which was rapidly evolving into PoE2. The two main reasons they gave was the desire to avoid that sort of destructive erasure of the old game, and the fact that the update/patching process for 4.0 was starting to become so onerous that it was becoming necessary to mandate a clean install anyways.

This isn't hypothetical. This is verifiable information that you can find in the interview cycle immediately post ExileCon 2023.
Imagine the kind of whining this forum would get if PoE 2 came out and *fully replaced PoE 1*. OP would have burst a vessel from the rage.
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
1453R#7804 wrote:
why the hell did they make a new game at all?

Reminder, this is why :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcd9BfVw7hQ (Path of Exile 2 Announcement)
You can watch everything, or start specifically at 5:05

I completely understand the technical reasons why it eventually became a completely separate game, but I still wish they had somehow figured out a way to go with the original idea announced in this video (ExileCon 2019):
- 1 game
- 2 campaigns
- double the ascendancies
- 1 endgame

It can still happen if they port the first game'a campaign into this one.
Your in luck, you can play Poe instead of Poe 2 and be happy.

It's a different game and the skill gems is the best thing about Poe 2. The campaign is amazing and not a slog, if you don't like it that's fine.

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