Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

i just stopped playing poe2
Many POE vets have been around longer than ya'll and did not like the game turning into a mindless perpetual explosion and filtering out 99.9% of the thousands of items that drop. There are a lot of reasons to play POE beyond that which POE2 scratches the itch of and has a lot more coming.

There are plenty of POE vets who prefer HACK-AND-SLASH combat that are not going anywhere, and attracting NEW audience members with a deeper ARPG that also has modern design elements and doesn't turn them off with brain-dead 1-button walking sim combat sure as heck won't hurt.

In regards to size in Act 3, this implies the areas are too large, not that they need to give us 200 MPH speed again.
Last edited by WxsOnline#6683 on Dec 20, 2024, 4:25:15 PM
I'm loving the new pacing and more souls like combat, hopefully devs will stay with their vision.

It needs refinement yes, and some stuff is half-baked (it's early access for a reason), but the direction is clearly the right one for me.
selling skins and stash tabs.

none of which require a seasonal model
Not many of us will be back for leagues

I agree with everything you said.

I also hope that GGG gets a hold of some of these players in the feedback forum. There are way too many people in the Feedback forum created by GGG to get feedback and are complaining about people giving their own Feedback!
kuciol#0426 wrote:

Any build in poe1 that uses more than 1 skill is considered shit. Im living proof that your statement about players is taken out of your ass. I did play poe and i say i like poe2 more. I would prefer it even more if mapping expierience was the same as in first 2 acts.

Considered by whom? All that matters is your own experience, not someones opinion on such matter. If that build gets you to experience everything youve planned - then its working. We still have bane/blight enjoyers in poe1, you know.

Many POE vets have been around longer than ya'll and did not like the game turning into a mindless perpetual explosion and filtering out 99.9% of the thousands of items that drop. There are a lot of reasons to play POE beyond that which POE2 scratches the itch of and has a lot more coming.

Im not considering myself a vet, but i wonder where such veterans were while ruthless settlers is a lot more close to be a nice poe 2 than poe 2. Settlers made that league viable and interesting with extra currency and crafting options. Hell, weve seen first ruthless 99 and 100 in history and there was about hundreds of live players. The recipe for slower gameplay was always here, in the neighbouring league, but GGG decided to trash even this concept that was also created with the help of a community, even if it is smaller. And yes, quickstepp is no different from dodge roll, so ruthless was an actual testing field for poe 2, but it actually looks like they took all the wrong things from evolution of ruthless.
I am in the exact same boat as OP and feels exactly the same in every single statement OP made.

ps: Am I the only one consistently dying because I fall asleep?

Many POE vets have been around longer than ya'll and did not like the game turning into a mindless perpetual explosion and filtering out 99.9% of the thousands of items that drop. There are a lot of reasons to play POE beyond that which POE2 scratches the itch of and has a lot more coming.

There are plenty of POE vets who prefer HACK-AND-SLASH combat that are not going anywhere, and attracting NEW audience members with a deeper ARPG that also has modern design elements and doesn't turn them off with brain-dead 1-button walking sim combat sure as heck won't hurt.

In regards to size in Act 3, this implies the areas are too large, not that they need to give us 200 MPH speed again.

Many doesn't mean majority. Guess what league had best retention in POE1? Yes-a league with loot explosions (Affliction).

Concerning Act3- large empty maps are definitely a reason to give players a lot of speed (hopefully Rhoa mount will fix the problem). I'm pretty sure A in ARPG means Action but not Adventure when you're walking through previously cleared location from one dead end to another without doing anything but walking.
Querker#1809 wrote:
kuciol#0426 wrote:

Any build in poe1 that uses more than 1 skill is considered shit. Im living proof that your statement about players is taken out of your ass. I did play poe and i say i like poe2 more. I would prefer it even more if mapping expierience was the same as in first 2 acts.

Considered by whom? All that matters is your own experience, not someones opinion on such matter. If that build gets you to experience everything youve planned - then its working. We still have bane/blight enjoyers in poe1, you know.

Many POE vets have been around longer than ya'll and did not like the game turning into a mindless perpetual explosion and filtering out 99.9% of the thousands of items that drop. There are a lot of reasons to play POE beyond that which POE2 scratches the itch of and has a lot more coming.

Im not considering myself a vet, but i wonder where such veterans were while ruthless settlers is a lot more close to be a nice poe 2 than poe 2. Settlers made that league viable and interesting with extra currency and crafting options. Hell, weve seen first ruthless 99 and 100 in history and there was about hundreds of live players. The recipe for slower gameplay was always here, in the neighbouring league, but GGG decided to trash even this concept that was also created with the help of a community, even if it is smaller. And yes, quickstepp is no different from dodge roll, so ruthless was an actual testing field for poe 2, but it actually looks like they took all the wrong things from evolution of ruthless.

By forum dwellers of course, the very same people shitting on poe2.

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