Personally, for me, the loot system is trash. I have a massive amount of loot for other classes, which is distracting me from focusing on my class, and I spend more time in vendor, stash, and salvaging rather than exploring maps, testing builds and so on. By the time I got loot for my class, I had already gotten bored of the game, and not existed at all. The item in PoE 2 has more affixes than in other ARPG games, so why can't there be more loot for the class players currently playing so the main focus would be to farm for better stats and focus on class. I don't expect to get the best in slot loot per season, but giving more loot to my chosen class is more rewarding and enjoyable.
We do have large maps but not many dungeons. Dungeons idea is to be smaller than maps for end-game farming. Maybe large maps should made in zones with teleport, which will give that feeling like dungeons. It is just a suggestion or generally, if the map is large when, it must be more rewarding to do large maps.
Teleport to town
Teleport closes in 15 min which is insane when the game has complicated mechanics. In other words you can't have time to make decisions and adjustments in 15 min. I must go back to the map and teleport again so I don't lose the portal. Maps are too big and why to put 15 min closing time for portals? I can't understand.
Last edited by Robotukas#1808 on Dec 19, 2024, 2:41:20 AM
Posted byRobotukas#1808on Dec 19, 2024, 2:38:27 AM
I’ve been playing Path of Exile since its beta days. My Steam account alone shows over 6000 hours, and with the standalone client, I’m well above 8500 hours.
Roughly ~2400 hours on Steam myself, with most of it in the game's earlier days. My playtime with PoE the First decreased largely linearly with its growing focus on speed, scaling, and absurdity. Many people in this feedback fforum like to claim that these things - the breakneck pace of play, the absolutely absurd scaling, and the 'freedom' - in actuality an onerous requirement - to create a character that grows so powerful the entire game becomes an easily ignorable trivial chore is what makes PoE1 Great.
They never seem to acknowledge that for every person who adores that style of content, there's people who simply drift away and stop playing because the original game no longer offered anything to people who loved it for different reasons. This one, singular thing is The Thing POE Is Known For, and it's the one and only thing Grinding Gear must 'respect'.
Those of us who drifted away, and were given the unexpected gift of a Path of Exile that brings back a lot of what we loved, are not generally keen to take that sort of thing well.
I’ve seen every league, every major patch, and every meta shift. I want POE2 to be different. I want it to evolve beyond POE1. But it also needs to respect the core elements that made the original game successful. It feels like some fundamental missteps are being made, and they’re hard to ignore.
Most of the players pushing the points you're pushing later do not, in fact, want PoE2 to 'be different' or 'evolve'. What you all want is the same thing you already have in PoE1 - ultrasuperhyperfast gameplay, scaling that reaches past the Kuiper Belt and is absolutely and utterly unobtainable by the overwhelming majority of the playerbase, and a game designed specifically, solely, and exclusively for the tryhardest of tryhards, the neckbeardest of neckbeards, and the no-lifest of no-lifers who can get to the bottom of an invincible, impenetrable, actively hostile minefield of traps, exploits, and "gotcha!" moments designed to prevent anyone from playing at all until they've watched at least a thousand hours of Streamer Memer playing the game for them.
One of the most frustrating things I see lately is new players, many of them ex-D4 players or people who barely touched POE1, saying GGG shouldn’t listen to veterans who want POE2 to hold onto certain aspects of the original.
These players also argue that POE1 veterans "don’t understand Souls-like games" or "slower, more methodical gameplay." This is just laughable. Many of us have played and loved games like Elden Ring or Dark Souls. We fully understand what makes those games great.
But comparing them to an ARPG like POE2 is like comparing apples to oranges. Souls games are about tight, deliberate combat, exploration, and immersive design, whereas POE is about progression, loot, and player creativity. Slowing down POE2 doesn’t make it feel like Elden Ring—it just makes it feel tedious.
We're asking Grinding Gear to listen to those of us whom they abandoned years ago in PoE1. Players they simply closed the door on, who left because the game was no longer in any shape to deliver the experience we wanted from it. Players like you who love and adore PoE1, to whom a build with less than 1B Pinnacle DPS and less than 1500% movement speed is an abysmal failure, to whom anyone unable to make five hundred divines an hour on TF is a useless pointless scrub who needs to Uninstall Forever, have a very difficult time understanding that this new game isn't the same as PoE1. PoE1 is just for you. The rest of us aren't really welcome to play it anymore, and haven't been for years. This new game was supposed to have a much broader base of appeal and be playable by a much wider audience. The changes you and yours keep asking for would eliminate this and shut all those players out of the second game, too.
It's why we keep telling you - you have yours. Please, let us have ours.
We’ve been playing this game for years. We’re the players who’ve kept coming back, league after league, supporting GGG with time and money.
Please see my list of Indiscretion badges. You are not the only players on planet Earth with money. The game you love, the one you spent so much money to support, is right next door. This sort of appeal to seniority is incredibly toxic, as it cares about nothing whatsoever save turning the new game into an exact duplicate clone of the old one. Your seniority is not meaningless in Path of Exile 2, but it is also not definitive. New players who've never played PoE before and are trying the new game for the first time have just as much right to want to keep what makes this game good as you have to want it to stop being PoE2 and simply be PoE1 with a fresh coat of paint.
This isn’t about “clinging to the past.” It’s about wanting POE2 to succeed while still respecting the core of what makes Path of Exile such a beloved ARPG.
Your idea of "the core of what makes PoE a beloved ARPG" is not everyone's idea of that "core". I fucking hate path 1's bonkers, unhealthy, and utterly out of control scaling. It's horrible, and it completely eliminates all but one or two out of every thousand players who try and get into it.
I have four different friends all playing and enjoying Path 2 who - each and every one - tried Path 1 and bounced hard. They like this new game's focus on slower gameplay with more engaging combat. They like the fact that for the most part you can just play and progress without needing to aspire to some Gordian nightmare of statmongering that requires them to have a day-one farming plan capable of producing a thousand divines before the end of league Start Weekend. None of them even know what a divine is right now, and yet they're all playing and enjoying and having fun. Though that does remind me, I should tell them not to spend divines flippantly if they ever get one to drop. Hm.
Let me break down some key issues:
Sure. Let's see what horrors one wishes to wreak on this splendid, if spotty, new game.
1. Slow Doesn’t Mean Better
A slower-paced game can be good, but it doesn’t automatically make it better. If you’re tired of POE1’s "zoom-zoom," I get it. But removing movement skills entirely, especially in massive maps that often require multiple trips through the same areas? That’s not challenging—it’s tedious. Even with rolls and movement speed buffs, traversing the world feels like a slog.
This is a recurring issue I see everywhere in the feedback forums - the word 'tedious'. It's indicative to me of how rotten and corrupt - and not in the Lovecraftian way Wraeclast is usually corrupted - PoE1 has gotten. The idea of having to move from place to place using your own two feet is anathema to PoE1 supervets. They cannot tolerate any downtime between packs, nor can they tolerate having to use build resources on things like movement speed. The ask is for Ultrawarpdrive movement skills that replace the act of walking, just like one has in PoE1, so they can absolutely minimize the time spent not exploding packs. Note - this is not minimizing time spent not fighting packs, but time spent not exploding packs. "Fighting" packs, i.e. delivering more than a single skill activation, is also "tedious" to PoE1 supervets, and yet it is the entire point of the second game.
2. Difficulty Isn’t About Tedium
I keep hearing that POE2 is “more difficult.” But is it? Difficulty isn’t about giving enemies inflated health pools and forcing players into a boring loop of poking, retreating, and poking again. That’s not engaging—it’s frustrating. True difficulty should come from well-designed mechanics and meaningful decision-making, not from artificially drawn-out combat.
Are fighting games like Street Fighter nothing but "boring loops of punch, block, then punch again"? What you are describing are situations in which the enemies are allowed to execute actions and attempt to pose a threat to the player. This is necessary for a game to offer engaging combat. Engaging combat requires you to engage the enemy; this in turn requires the enemy to live long enough to be engaged.
This is not 'tedium'. This is actually fighting the demon hordes of Wraeclast. It is an art long since lost to POE1, where the only "correct" way to 'engage' a pack is to kill it before it renders with a billion-damage blast from five screens away. Boss fights taking multiple minutes while the boss executes its various abilities many times in succession is not a bug or a design flaw - it is a feature. It gives you time and opportunity to make decisions in the middle of combat, rather than the only decisions you ever make being the ones you do a week before playing the character, in path of Building.
Many of the rank-and-file enemies in the game are simple, yes. Not every enemy is going to be a puzzle box - if there are thirty enemies onscreen and each of them is a puzzle box, then your game might become tedious as you try and isolate each one so you can 'solve' it. But a pack of skeletal warriors charging you while a phantom in the back fires ailment-causing elemental projectiles and a River Hag denies you ground by covering it in drowning bubbles? Those enemies, each with simple mechanics, can produce situations you need to respond to. That is what we who want the game to stay true to its current vision want to keep.
You have your game where everything dies to a billion-damage nuke from five screens away before you even finish loading the instance. Why can we not have this one where you actually fight monsters?
3. Flasks and the “Vision”
Yes, flasks now refill on kills, which is better than the original POE2 reveal. But the addition of refill wells still feels unnecessary and redundant. The whole system feels like a solution to a problem that didn’t exist in POE1. Instead of adding depth, it just slows down the pacing. It’s another example of the “vision” overriding what’s actually fun.
This is a nonfactor and you know it. I can count the number of times, in my ~60 hours of playtime since the EA released, that I've left town with empty flasks because I forgot to click a well on the fingers of one hand.
You want to talk about Charms being underwhelming and feeling half-baked? That's fair. I would posit that the system is new enough it hasn't gone through the same level of iteration and refinement the rest of the game has, but that does not mean Charms don't need addressing. But wells in town are a total nothingburger, and frankly I find myself enjoying the touch of each town having a different style of well and a neat little animation to go with it.
4. Crafting Is a Mess
No deterministic crafting is a joke. The devs say they want us to craft more, but how? Without reliable tools like crafting benches or alt rolls, crafting feels like throwing currency into the void and praying for a miracle. If the idea is to encourage players to build items from scratch, it’s not working. The lack of control isn’t engaging—it’s exhausting.
And crafting in POE1 is an unholy demon nightmare sent by the Beast itself to torment humanity. The thousand and one bizarrely interdependent crafting systems of PoE1 were one of the worst offenders in modern gaming history of a counterintuitive, up-its-own-butt ultra migraine of stress, anxiety, and broken dreams. A player simply using their currency by right-clicking to apply it to an item the way the currency states it's supposed to be used in POE1 is one of the worst mistakes that player can make in that game. "Simple crafting guides" for POE1 read like IKEA manuals in the original Swedish that have been eaten by the Necronomicon, digested, and turned into indexes in the back of the book that scream in endless torment every time someone turns to their page.
Is crafting in PoE2 where it needs to be right now? No, I wouldn't say so. But people can use their currency without feeling like they've just screwed themselves forever, and that is a definitive improvement over PoE1.
5. Drops and Vendors
If you like the current loot drops, more power to you. But even if you do, they’re still poorly designed. Vendors have been given more power, but drops feel so sparse that crafting currency barely exists. The balance isn’t there. You can’t expect players to engage deeply with crafting when you’re starving them of the resources to do so.
Perhaps some players do, in fact, appreciate not having to filter out ninety-nine out of a hundred drops in every moment of their gameplay. Again - is the balance precisely where it needs to be? Likely not, though I have also noticed little real loot-related struggle with the two characters I have started post Loot Patch. But the answer is definitively not "go back to PoE1 where every white monster drops twenty rares, fifty blues, and four hundred and seventeen whites, of which maybe one of the rares is actually shown." Note that after a PoE1 loot filter is done, ye see what happens? The actual, visible loot in PoE1 is roughly on par with post Loot Patch PoE2.
Hm. I wonder why.
6. The Skill Tree Is Disappointing
The new skill tree looks like POE1’s tree but feels hollow in comparison. The nodes are uninspired, and the restrictive layout makes it harder to create unique or unconventional builds. The inability to travel across the tree freely stifles creativity. And the absence of masteries? It’s a huge loss. Masteries gave builds flexibility and depth, allowing players to specialize and fine-tune their characters. Without them, the tree feels rigid and unexciting. Even basics like Life nodes, which helped define different defensive strategies, are missing, limiting creativity in ways that hurt the game.
Reasonably sure this is working as intended. Everybody's brain is calibrated to the PoE1 skill tree where 'road' nodes were the Devil and the thing has undergone fifteen years of power creep. You are not meant to gain the same level of power from this skill tree. And even if you are, we've had it for ten whole-ass days. People aren't going to become experts in it within that time. How many people are even using the Weapon Specialization system right now, rather than just dumping all their points into a single build? The creativity will come.
7. The Gem System Isn’t Fun
The new gem system isn’t engaging. It’s clunky, and the fact that gems don’t stack just highlights how half-baked it feels. The uncut gem mechanic might seem like an interesting idea, but in practice, it’s just another layer of grind. Gems should feel like an integral part of progression, not a source of frustration.
Facts not in evidence. I'm quite enjoying the new gem system; the Highlander Rule for support gems is pushing me to get creative and figure out new ways to combine and enhance supports on different skills. It's been a ton of fun to solve that puzzle box and find interesting new ways to use my gem options while getting the damage where I need it to be. Again, the PoE1 mindset of "everything MUST be damage, ALL damage, and NOTHING BUT damage" is hurting creativity, not the gem system.
8. The Campaign Is Too Long
Some players praise the longer campaign, but for leagues, this is a disaster. Every league, we’ll have to slog through this overly long campaign multiple times. POE1’s campaign is already considered a chore by many veterans, and POE2’s is shaping up to be even worse. A longer campaign doesn’t mean better retention—it just means more burnout.
Maybe - just maybe - the campaign isn't meant to be a twenty-minute roadblock to maps, especially only ten days in? I've been enjoying my time with it and eagerly await Acts 4 through 6. Some players like running the campaign, getting some of their narrative fulfillment quota in prior to mindlessly grinding maps for more loot.
9. Ascendancies and Trials
Why can’t we change ascendancies anymore? Is this supposed to be a challenge? It’s just restrictive for no reason. And Trials… who thought combining Ultimatum and Sanctum mechanics was a good idea? Trials are tedious, clunky, and far from enjoyable. It feels like GGG took the least-loved mechanics and doubled down on them, which is baffling.
Whether or not Ascendancy selection can be changed is a topic of current discussion at GGG. Right now you can't change Ascendancy because that functionality isn't in, but they may very well change it.
I'll admit, as a detester of both Sanctum and Ultimatum, it's taken a lot for me to even halfway warm up to the Ascension trials in this game. I would dearly love to get the Labyrinth back, my good buddy Izaro never let me down. Hopefully some of the coming updates will fix them and make them less obnoxious for certain build archetypes. Or at least will make Trial of the Sekhemas less obnoxious. Literally nothing can save goddamn Ultimatum, bleh.
I Want to Love POE2, But It’s Hard
As a veteran, I want to see POE2 succeed. I want it to be different, but it also needs to respect the core systems that have kept players invested in POE1 for years. Right now, it feels like GGG is prioritizing their “vision” over what actually works.
To the newer players defending these changes without understanding their long-term impact: you’re not helping. Ignoring valid criticism isn’t supporting the game; it’s enabling bad design. Constructive feedback is what helps games improve. POE2 has the potential to be great, but it needs to address these issues before it alienates the very players who’ve been its foundation for years.
It's not "valid criticism" to say "This game isn't a clone of PoE1, therefore it's shit forever and needs to be blown up and replaced by PoE1 in a pretty PoE2-shaped dress." Many of the things you think are core to the experience of Path of Exile are, in fact, things that people hate about the original game and will abandon this one if they get brought back in.
You tell people to ignore their own experiences, their own desires, and their own wishes and listen wholeheartedly to PoE1 Supervets who despise new players, despise 'poor' players, and basically hate anyone who can't one-tap Uber Maven with Heavy Strike on a Witch for memes. Well, here's me saying that the Supervets may want to listen to the professional game designers who've been working on both games for many years now, and may have a clue where they're going.
'The Vision' is fine. They have yet to fully stick the landing, but frankly POE2 is already a stronger experience than PoE1. I greatly look forward to seeing where it lands in a year or so when it's ready to take the Early Access training wheels off and drop for real.
Your entire comment is inhumane, impudent and senseless hyperbolization. You reduce everything to the extremes you talk about. No one is talking about millions of movement speed or billions of damage here. We are talking about tree flexibility, we are talking about maps where you spend 50% of your time running, and therefore about respect for YOUR time, because you are not a slacker like some people - right?
You will be surprised, but Poe 1 was loved not only by those people who knocked out 500 mageblood per second on a map with 130343105013 quantity and rarity. It was also loved by people like me, who like to make Poison CI flickerstrikes with cast-on-crit. Yeah, this build sounds like a bunch of nonsense, and it's notably inferior to those "space destroyers 3000" (which you talk about in your post, referring to the 0.1% of players who actually ever had that build).
The beauty of it though is that you can make this nonsense, and it will probably work. It's about player freedom, the ability to do what works and what doesn't. That's always been the real strength of poe 1, and that's what's being taken away from us now, by reducing synergies, dumbing down uniques, making stats less important, slowing players down without slowing monsters down.
And yet people like you have the nerve to say that all this is good, and that you, poor and unfortunate, know better why other people loved PoE 1. It is very convenient for you to use 0.1% of YouTube players / party players to extraplate ALL people unhappy with the game under this sample, dehumanize them, and make their opinions insignificant; thus, all the dissatisfied people automatically turn into "unemployed lazy people on their mother's neck who spend 500 hours a day on PoE".
I will tell you this: I did not even play the last leagues very much. All I did was buy unique items and watch how they work together, because farming is really tiring, but building a PoE never tires. Building a PoE 1 is an ocean, which has no equal anywhere. Neither Eve Online, nor Factorio, nor Dwarf Fortress, nor any other game that is considered deep (rightfully so) - has such a variety of builds as Poe 1 had.
And despite all this, Poe 1 can die along with its legacy, while people like you completely ignore its merits, fighting on a hill where there is no point in dying. Obviously, Poe 1 is technically outdated - the game has a terrible animation system, the graphics are weak. This is exactly why we were waiting for Poe 2 - because Poe 1, despite its depth, will one day be closed by GGG in favor of the game they are making now.
And you know what? When this happens, when Poe 1 stops developing or closes - the world will lose not just the greatest ARPG ever created, but one of the most creative games in history, where even just playing the game is already the creativity of the player.
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Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 2:49:59 AM
The games current state and "vision" seems like no one has any freaken idea what that is. Start a character with warrrior and hammer then switch and try a witch with minions, like what the actual frek.
The balance between skills and classes and pretty much everything is horrible and seems so confusing and directionless. The game is currently designed around you dying a lot, which is fine, but imagine playing Elden Ring or any such game and every time you died you lost xp and progress, that would feel like crap, which this game does very well.
I think most people are upset because they saw the potential and are so disappointed and frustrated with what we currently have that it turns into something like this post. The games current state actually made me appreciate D4 again.
Posted byRigZ_01#5674on Dec 19, 2024, 2:51:15 AM
The simple fact that people want POE to be "SOULS LIKE" already makes me think they are the ones who don't understand POE. Yes, even developers.
Last edited by Refigerator#7917 on Dec 19, 2024, 3:00:19 AM
Posted byRefigerator#7917on Dec 19, 2024, 2:51:54 AM
I’ve been playing Path of Exile since its beta days. My Steam account alone shows over 6000 hours, and with the standalone client, I’m well above 8500 hours.
Roughly ~2400 hours on Steam myself, with most of it in the game's earlier days. My playtime with PoE the First decreased largely linearly with its growing focus on speed, scaling, and absurdity. Many people in this feedback fforum like to claim that these things - the breakneck pace of play, the absolutely absurd scaling, and the 'freedom' - in actuality an onerous requirement - to create a character that grows so powerful the entire game becomes an easily ignorable trivial chore is what makes PoE1 Great.
They never seem to acknowledge that for every person who adores that style of content, there's people who simply drift away and stop playing because the original game no longer offered anything to people who loved it for different reasons. This one, singular thing is The Thing POE Is Known For, and it's the one and only thing Grinding Gear must 'respect'.
Those of us who drifted away, and were given the unexpected gift of a Path of Exile that brings back a lot of what we loved, are not generally keen to take that sort of thing well.
I’ve seen every league, every major patch, and every meta shift. I want POE2 to be different. I want it to evolve beyond POE1. But it also needs to respect the core elements that made the original game successful. It feels like some fundamental missteps are being made, and they’re hard to ignore.
Most of the players pushing the points you're pushing later do not, in fact, want PoE2 to 'be different' or 'evolve'. What you all want is the same thing you already have in PoE1 - ultrasuperhyperfast gameplay, scaling that reaches past the Kuiper Belt and is absolutely and utterly unobtainable by the overwhelming majority of the playerbase, and a game designed specifically, solely, and exclusively for the tryhardest of tryhards, the neckbeardest of neckbeards, and the no-lifest of no-lifers who can get to the bottom of an invincible, impenetrable, actively hostile minefield of traps, exploits, and "gotcha!" moments designed to prevent anyone from playing at all until they've watched at least a thousand hours of Streamer Memer playing the game for them.
One of the most frustrating things I see lately is new players, many of them ex-D4 players or people who barely touched POE1, saying GGG shouldn’t listen to veterans who want POE2 to hold onto certain aspects of the original.
These players also argue that POE1 veterans "don’t understand Souls-like games" or "slower, more methodical gameplay." This is just laughable. Many of us have played and loved games like Elden Ring or Dark Souls. We fully understand what makes those games great.
But comparing them to an ARPG like POE2 is like comparing apples to oranges. Souls games are about tight, deliberate combat, exploration, and immersive design, whereas POE is about progression, loot, and player creativity. Slowing down POE2 doesn’t make it feel like Elden Ring—it just makes it feel tedious.
We're asking Grinding Gear to listen to those of us whom they abandoned years ago in PoE1. Players they simply closed the door on, who left because the game was no longer in any shape to deliver the experience we wanted from it. Players like you who love and adore PoE1, to whom a build with less than 1B Pinnacle DPS and less than 1500% movement speed is an abysmal failure, to whom anyone unable to make five hundred divines an hour on TF is a useless pointless scrub who needs to Uninstall Forever, have a very difficult time understanding that this new game isn't the same as PoE1. PoE1 is just for you. The rest of us aren't really welcome to play it anymore, and haven't been for years. This new game was supposed to have a much broader base of appeal and be playable by a much wider audience. The changes you and yours keep asking for would eliminate this and shut all those players out of the second game, too.
It's why we keep telling you - you have yours. Please, let us have ours.
We’ve been playing this game for years. We’re the players who’ve kept coming back, league after league, supporting GGG with time and money.
Please see my list of Indiscretion badges. You are not the only players on planet Earth with money. The game you love, the one you spent so much money to support, is right next door. This sort of appeal to seniority is incredibly toxic, as it cares about nothing whatsoever save turning the new game into an exact duplicate clone of the old one. Your seniority is not meaningless in Path of Exile 2, but it is also not definitive. New players who've never played PoE before and are trying the new game for the first time have just as much right to want to keep what makes this game good as you have to want it to stop being PoE2 and simply be PoE1 with a fresh coat of paint.
This isn’t about “clinging to the past.” It’s about wanting POE2 to succeed while still respecting the core of what makes Path of Exile such a beloved ARPG.
Your idea of "the core of what makes PoE a beloved ARPG" is not everyone's idea of that "core". I fucking hate path 1's bonkers, unhealthy, and utterly out of control scaling. It's horrible, and it completely eliminates all but one or two out of every thousand players who try and get into it.
I have four different friends all playing and enjoying Path 2 who - each and every one - tried Path 1 and bounced hard. They like this new game's focus on slower gameplay with more engaging combat. They like the fact that for the most part you can just play and progress without needing to aspire to some Gordian nightmare of statmongering that requires them to have a day-one farming plan capable of producing a thousand divines before the end of league Start Weekend. None of them even know what a divine is right now, and yet they're all playing and enjoying and having fun. Though that does remind me, I should tell them not to spend divines flippantly if they ever get one to drop. Hm.
Let me break down some key issues:
Sure. Let's see what horrors one wishes to wreak on this splendid, if spotty, new game.
1. Slow Doesn’t Mean Better
A slower-paced game can be good, but it doesn’t automatically make it better. If you’re tired of POE1’s "zoom-zoom," I get it. But removing movement skills entirely, especially in massive maps that often require multiple trips through the same areas? That’s not challenging—it’s tedious. Even with rolls and movement speed buffs, traversing the world feels like a slog.
This is a recurring issue I see everywhere in the feedback forums - the word 'tedious'. It's indicative to me of how rotten and corrupt - and not in the Lovecraftian way Wraeclast is usually corrupted - PoE1 has gotten. The idea of having to move from place to place using your own two feet is anathema to PoE1 supervets. They cannot tolerate any downtime between packs, nor can they tolerate having to use build resources on things like movement speed. The ask is for Ultrawarpdrive movement skills that replace the act of walking, just like one has in PoE1, so they can absolutely minimize the time spent not exploding packs. Note - this is not minimizing time spent not fighting packs, but time spent not exploding packs. "Fighting" packs, i.e. delivering more than a single skill activation, is also "tedious" to PoE1 supervets, and yet it is the entire point of the second game.
2. Difficulty Isn’t About Tedium
I keep hearing that POE2 is “more difficult.” But is it? Difficulty isn’t about giving enemies inflated health pools and forcing players into a boring loop of poking, retreating, and poking again. That’s not engaging—it’s frustrating. True difficulty should come from well-designed mechanics and meaningful decision-making, not from artificially drawn-out combat.
Are fighting games like Street Fighter nothing but "boring loops of punch, block, then punch again"? What you are describing are situations in which the enemies are allowed to execute actions and attempt to pose a threat to the player. This is necessary for a game to offer engaging combat. Engaging combat requires you to engage the enemy; this in turn requires the enemy to live long enough to be engaged.
This is not 'tedium'. This is actually fighting the demon hordes of Wraeclast. It is an art long since lost to POE1, where the only "correct" way to 'engage' a pack is to kill it before it renders with a billion-damage blast from five screens away. Boss fights taking multiple minutes while the boss executes its various abilities many times in succession is not a bug or a design flaw - it is a feature. It gives you time and opportunity to make decisions in the middle of combat, rather than the only decisions you ever make being the ones you do a week before playing the character, in path of Building.
Many of the rank-and-file enemies in the game are simple, yes. Not every enemy is going to be a puzzle box - if there are thirty enemies onscreen and each of them is a puzzle box, then your game might become tedious as you try and isolate each one so you can 'solve' it. But a pack of skeletal warriors charging you while a phantom in the back fires ailment-causing elemental projectiles and a River Hag denies you ground by covering it in drowning bubbles? Those enemies, each with simple mechanics, can produce situations you need to respond to. That is what we who want the game to stay true to its current vision want to keep.
You have your game where everything dies to a billion-damage nuke from five screens away before you even finish loading the instance. Why can we not have this one where you actually fight monsters?
3. Flasks and the “Vision”
Yes, flasks now refill on kills, which is better than the original POE2 reveal. But the addition of refill wells still feels unnecessary and redundant. The whole system feels like a solution to a problem that didn’t exist in POE1. Instead of adding depth, it just slows down the pacing. It’s another example of the “vision” overriding what’s actually fun.
This is a nonfactor and you know it. I can count the number of times, in my ~60 hours of playtime since the EA released, that I've left town with empty flasks because I forgot to click a well on the fingers of one hand.
You want to talk about Charms being underwhelming and feeling half-baked? That's fair. I would posit that the system is new enough it hasn't gone through the same level of iteration and refinement the rest of the game has, but that does not mean Charms don't need addressing. But wells in town are a total nothingburger, and frankly I find myself enjoying the touch of each town having a different style of well and a neat little animation to go with it.
4. Crafting Is a Mess
No deterministic crafting is a joke. The devs say they want us to craft more, but how? Without reliable tools like crafting benches or alt rolls, crafting feels like throwing currency into the void and praying for a miracle. If the idea is to encourage players to build items from scratch, it’s not working. The lack of control isn’t engaging—it’s exhausting.
And crafting in POE1 is an unholy demon nightmare sent by the Beast itself to torment humanity. The thousand and one bizarrely interdependent crafting systems of PoE1 were one of the worst offenders in modern gaming history of a counterintuitive, up-its-own-butt ultra migraine of stress, anxiety, and broken dreams. A player simply using their currency by right-clicking to apply it to an item the way the currency states it's supposed to be used in POE1 is one of the worst mistakes that player can make in that game. "Simple crafting guides" for POE1 read like IKEA manuals in the original Swedish that have been eaten by the Necronomicon, digested, and turned into indexes in the back of the book that scream in endless torment every time someone turns to their page.
Is crafting in PoE2 where it needs to be right now? No, I wouldn't say so. But people can use their currency without feeling like they've just screwed themselves forever, and that is a definitive improvement over PoE1.
5. Drops and Vendors
If you like the current loot drops, more power to you. But even if you do, they’re still poorly designed. Vendors have been given more power, but drops feel so sparse that crafting currency barely exists. The balance isn’t there. You can’t expect players to engage deeply with crafting when you’re starving them of the resources to do so.
Perhaps some players do, in fact, appreciate not having to filter out ninety-nine out of a hundred drops in every moment of their gameplay. Again - is the balance precisely where it needs to be? Likely not, though I have also noticed little real loot-related struggle with the two characters I have started post Loot Patch. But the answer is definitively not "go back to PoE1 where every white monster drops twenty rares, fifty blues, and four hundred and seventeen whites, of which maybe one of the rares is actually shown." Note that after a PoE1 loot filter is done, ye see what happens? The actual, visible loot in PoE1 is roughly on par with post Loot Patch PoE2.
Hm. I wonder why.
6. The Skill Tree Is Disappointing
The new skill tree looks like POE1’s tree but feels hollow in comparison. The nodes are uninspired, and the restrictive layout makes it harder to create unique or unconventional builds. The inability to travel across the tree freely stifles creativity. And the absence of masteries? It’s a huge loss. Masteries gave builds flexibility and depth, allowing players to specialize and fine-tune their characters. Without them, the tree feels rigid and unexciting. Even basics like Life nodes, which helped define different defensive strategies, are missing, limiting creativity in ways that hurt the game.
Reasonably sure this is working as intended. Everybody's brain is calibrated to the PoE1 skill tree where 'road' nodes were the Devil and the thing has undergone fifteen years of power creep. You are not meant to gain the same level of power from this skill tree. And even if you are, we've had it for ten whole-ass days. People aren't going to become experts in it within that time. How many people are even using the Weapon Specialization system right now, rather than just dumping all their points into a single build? The creativity will come.
7. The Gem System Isn’t Fun
The new gem system isn’t engaging. It’s clunky, and the fact that gems don’t stack just highlights how half-baked it feels. The uncut gem mechanic might seem like an interesting idea, but in practice, it’s just another layer of grind. Gems should feel like an integral part of progression, not a source of frustration.
Facts not in evidence. I'm quite enjoying the new gem system; the Highlander Rule for support gems is pushing me to get creative and figure out new ways to combine and enhance supports on different skills. It's been a ton of fun to solve that puzzle box and find interesting new ways to use my gem options while getting the damage where I need it to be. Again, the PoE1 mindset of "everything MUST be damage, ALL damage, and NOTHING BUT damage" is hurting creativity, not the gem system.
8. The Campaign Is Too Long
Some players praise the longer campaign, but for leagues, this is a disaster. Every league, we’ll have to slog through this overly long campaign multiple times. POE1’s campaign is already considered a chore by many veterans, and POE2’s is shaping up to be even worse. A longer campaign doesn’t mean better retention—it just means more burnout.
Maybe - just maybe - the campaign isn't meant to be a twenty-minute roadblock to maps, especially only ten days in? I've been enjoying my time with it and eagerly await Acts 4 through 6. Some players like running the campaign, getting some of their narrative fulfillment quota in prior to mindlessly grinding maps for more loot.
9. Ascendancies and Trials
Why can’t we change ascendancies anymore? Is this supposed to be a challenge? It’s just restrictive for no reason. And Trials… who thought combining Ultimatum and Sanctum mechanics was a good idea? Trials are tedious, clunky, and far from enjoyable. It feels like GGG took the least-loved mechanics and doubled down on them, which is baffling.
Whether or not Ascendancy selection can be changed is a topic of current discussion at GGG. Right now you can't change Ascendancy because that functionality isn't in, but they may very well change it.
I'll admit, as a detester of both Sanctum and Ultimatum, it's taken a lot for me to even halfway warm up to the Ascension trials in this game. I would dearly love to get the Labyrinth back, my good buddy Izaro never let me down. Hopefully some of the coming updates will fix them and make them less obnoxious for certain build archetypes. Or at least will make Trial of the Sekhemas less obnoxious. Literally nothing can save goddamn Ultimatum, bleh.
I Want to Love POE2, But It’s Hard
As a veteran, I want to see POE2 succeed. I want it to be different, but it also needs to respect the core systems that have kept players invested in POE1 for years. Right now, it feels like GGG is prioritizing their “vision” over what actually works.
To the newer players defending these changes without understanding their long-term impact: you’re not helping. Ignoring valid criticism isn’t supporting the game; it’s enabling bad design. Constructive feedback is what helps games improve. POE2 has the potential to be great, but it needs to address these issues before it alienates the very players who’ve been its foundation for years.
It's not "valid criticism" to say "This game isn't a clone of PoE1, therefore it's shit forever and needs to be blown up and replaced by PoE1 in a pretty PoE2-shaped dress." Many of the things you think are core to the experience of Path of Exile are, in fact, things that people hate about the original game and will abandon this one if they get brought back in.
You tell people to ignore their own experiences, their own desires, and their own wishes and listen wholeheartedly to PoE1 Supervets who despise new players, despise 'poor' players, and basically hate anyone who can't one-tap Uber Maven with Heavy Strike on a Witch for memes. Well, here's me saying that the Supervets may want to listen to the professional game designers who've been working on both games for many years now, and may have a clue where they're going.
'The Vision' is fine. They have yet to fully stick the landing, but frankly POE2 is already a stronger experience than PoE1. I greatly look forward to seeing where it lands in a year or so when it's ready to take the Early Access training wheels off and drop for real.
Your entire comment is inhumane, impudent and senseless hyperbolization. You reduce everything to the extremes you talk about. No one is talking about millions of movement speed or billions of damage here. We are talking about tree flexibility, we are talking about maps where you spend 50% of your time running, and therefore about respect for YOUR time, because you are not a slacker like some people - right?
You will be surprised, but Poe 1 was loved not only by those people who knocked out 500 mageblood per second on a map with 130343105013 quantity and rarity. It was also loved by people like me, who like to make Poison CI flickerstrikes with cast-on-crit. Yeah, this build sounds like a bunch of nonsense, and it's notably inferior to those "space destroyers 3000" (which you talk about in your post, referring to the 0.1% of players who actually ever had that build).
The beauty of it though is that you can make this nonsense, and it will probably work. It's about player freedom, the ability to do what works and what doesn't. That's always been the real strength of poe 1, and that's what's being taken away from us now, by reducing synergies, dumbing down uniques, making stats less important, slowing players down without slowing monsters down.
And yet people like you have the nerve to say that all this is good, and that you, poor and unfortunate, know better why other people loved PoE 1. It is very convenient for you to use 0.1% of YouTube players / party players to extraplate ALL people unhappy with the game under this sample, dehumanize them, and make their opinions insignificant; thus, all the dissatisfied people automatically turn into "unemployed lazy people on their mother's neck who spend 500 hours a day on PoE".
I will tell you this: I did not even play the last leagues very much. All I did was buy unique items and watch how they work together, because farming is really tiring, but building a PoE never tires. Building a PoE 1 is an ocean, which has no equal anywhere. Neither Eve Online, nor Factorio, nor Dwarf Fortress, nor any other game that is considered deep (rightfully so) - has such a variety of builds as Poe 1 had.
And despite all this, Poe 1 can die along with its legacy, while people like you completely ignore its merits, fighting on a hill where there is no point in dying. Obviously, Poe 1 is technically outdated - the game has a terrible animation system, the graphics are weak. This is exactly why we were waiting for Poe 2 - because Poe 1, despite its depth, will one day be closed by GGG in favor of the game they are making now.
And you know what? When this happens, when Poe 1 stops developing or closes - the world will lose not just the greatest ARPG ever created, but one of the most creative games in history, where even just playing the game is already the creativity of the player.
Nobody is reading all that self-important tripe, ChatGPT
Posted byGkek#1581on Dec 19, 2024, 2:52:24 AM
I just find it ironic that he tries to claim the slower playstyle doesn't fit Arpgs but then he has Nioh on his games list, which is essentially an action game with a diablo loot system and monsters in both Nioh games take much longer to kill.
Wow! It's almost like you might know what he's talking about.
Oh yeah, it wasn't a problem in Nioh games at all, so therefore its not going to be a problem in PoE 2 either. Therefore OP is simply wrong about the game being "too slow". Nioh and Nioh 2 are comparatively slow in monster clear speeds and they didn't suffer for it.
In Nioh, every fight is planned by the developers, tested three times against all classes in the game, and is not random. It's not like making two hundred maps with a unique layout, where random monsters with random stats appear, and all this is applied to random builds of your players.
The point is that basing the balance of a game largely-completely built on randomness around a mechanical skill is contradictory and almost impossible. Speed is not an issue here. It's about fairness. For a player to make decisions and act fairly - he must be in a fair, predictable system. This is why in any souls-like, all monsters are always in their places, have their own routes/movement lines and patterns.
You will never meet more monsters in Souls than expected, and in Poe 2... in Poe 2 you can meet 4 rare monsters in one place, and each of them will be as dangerous as a boss. It's like you're playing Elden Ring with randomized enemies, and you encounter 4 Malenia at the entrance to the starting area. Should I say that this version of the game is not meant to be balanced?
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза.
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 3:00:09 AM
I agree with much of the OP.
I think GGG has defaulted back to the original PoE1 design philosophy with many mechanics, and I assume they know that the same pressures will force the evolution of PoE2 in a similar direction as PoE1, but they want to play it very safe and keep things very slow as an EA starting point.
I fully expect that GGG fully expects to make changes to most of these concerns over time, but this early we're still in the honeymoon period so a lot of feedback will either be overly forgiving due to novelty or reactionary due to unfamiliarity, so they will likely take their time.
Posted bybrushmonkey#5301on Dec 19, 2024, 3:10:25 AM
You make some sense, and at the same time you don't. I'm here to discuss, if you wanna troll I'm out.
thank you i appreciate a good discussion its rare nowadays tbh.
If I try to watch from both perspective, do we realize that saying :
- PoE2 not for you, go back to PoE1
- PoE2 not for you, go back to D2
are the same pointless arguments in both directions ?
i must admit i m not too sure what this point is about, it definitely is pointless to argue about this because, Path2, PoE1, D2 are all different games.
The way i see it Path2 is more akin an all terrain jeep, its rough but you get to go to many different places that others cant experience.
PoE1 is more akin a modern car, maybe an MPV. it can go fast and it can carry a lot of stuff.
D2 is probably "your dads old car". when your family was struggling you had to borrow it from him and it got you places. theres a lot of sentimental value and some people just like driving old cars for their antique value/simplicity.
whether or not i m accurate with those analogies, what i m saying is, they're all not the same. if you like a certain experience, you use the car that gives you the best experience to cater to yourself. thus if you prefer poe1 you should play poe1. simple as that. trying to make poe2 into poe1 is not what the devs wanted. and if that eventually happens i might quit both altogether.
You talk about Elder bullet phase, you can dodge without barely moving at all, only side stepping. That's a bad example (but we could argue there are other examples). Have you seen Zarokh hourglass phase ? THIS is 100% movement speed issue.
you seem pretty skilled to be able to do that. i definitely might be wrong about that example. perhaps maybe eradicator one was better?
zarokh one is BULLSHIT. you're 100% right on that. it is 100% a ms issue and GGG needs to fix that shit ASAP.
Why are you all so fixated on the zoomers, aren't you just jealous ? (no troll, serious introspection question) I'm not a zoomer, so I just farm slow content like harbingers. And that's fine, cuz I have the CHOICE. Zooming isn't a fatality, you know that ? That's why it's fun, cuz there is lattitude, it is a player CHOICE about what you farm.
At the moment PoE2 doesn't have that choice. You'll have to be slow. How is that close to an upgrade ?
the fact you brought up zarokh is a good so i can just use him as an example.
if players were given ways to get 50-100% movespeed, how will GGG balance zarokh? where is the sweet spot? currently GGG needs to just tweak it so that players have 5-10 extra seconds and the entire bullshit mechanic will suddenly be fine. if we have the ability to run around faster, theres no way for ggg to easily fix this mechanic. anyone with 50% movespeed would trivialize the entire mechanic. if GGG rebalanced it so you at least 40% ms to make the 50%ms users sweat a little, then you've effectively FORCED ALL players to get 50% ms as baseline. this is what happened with poe1. a lot of player power caused GGG to design harder and harder mechanics which in turn increase the minimum of what a player needs to have in order to be viable.
in a very long winded way, this is the upgrade. the fact that you can play with a measely 20-30% ms boots is the upgrade. moving forward all of the bosses in path2 will be balanced around 20-30% ms. getting more would be difficult but possible. it can indeed help but players who cant get that much wont feel so punished by encounters that require large amount of ms.
as for am i jealous? you checked my character out. should i be jealous of myself? lol. to me i m sick of zooming around. to be honest i hate the fact that if you want to really fully enjoy poe1 you need to zoom. the reality is poe1 is a flawed game but it is the BEST diabloclone for a solid decade.
if you're talking about playing the game slow is an option. i ll be real with you. the game is built for zoomers. all the weaker content that slower builds can do are a mere afterthought to GGG. i honestly feel that whenever players say they have a choice of what content to run, it seems more of copium rather than anything else. in poe1 theres 2 ways to play the game. either blast everything or outlast everything by being a super tank.
of course you have those 2 options but GGG is clearly pushing you to playing zoom. a lot of mechanics in the game are zoom. breach, endless conflict, delirium etc. if you're slow you barely get anything. if you do maven invites, you need to blast. if you're too weak, the enemy may end up being healed more than you can damage them, and the longer you fight the more bosses appear and the harder you have to tank. similarly in shaper encounters, the longer you fight, the more perma degen pools appear.
the reason why i hate zoom is not entirely due to hating zoomers. its because Poe1 evolved in such a way that FORCED zooming. zooming is the best way to play. the choice you currently have to be honest is last night's leftovers. they simply exist.
path2 being slow and anti zoomer means that even if you are weak, you get to experience higher end tier content. wouldnt you like that? EVERYONE gets to experience end game content and you just need to be smart about avoiding telegraphed hits. i dont think you're a weak player either. maybe you're downplaying yourself. but either way, if you are indeed weak. in path2 even if you're weak, you're not too far behind better players.
that is why i hate zoom content.
Movement skill missing is not about zooming for me, it's about fun. When OP was talking about poke and back, it's like it doesn't create any fun situation. You always do the same pattern, and if you go too deep, you're dead (map lost etc, wow so fun). With movement skill, I can actually try to challenge, dive in, sometimes getting caught, sometimes getting out of it. It creates engagement, epic moments, FUN. At the moment it feels like playing tennis, but all points are decided on serve. That's not fun on the long run.
i understand this fun as i use dash in poe1 heavily. tell me how would GGG rebalance zarokh if dash was in the game? they would almost certainly be forced to make it more harder no?
Talking about the zoomers, you realize that top players beat the game also in a week ? Same "speed" as PoE1. While many things wheren't solved before hand. Why aren't you mad about the zoomers now ?
the main difference is most players are enjoying this game, getting beaten by "bullshit mechanics", instead of ragequitting they bitch and complain. and all that is without the use of a buildguide. many went in blind.
to be honest all the people using minion builds are robbing themselves of the experience of making something for themselves for once.
and i AM mad for the overperforming skills. ok maybe not mad. but annoyed that GGG is yet to nerf them. there still are a few right now. but the fact GGG slapped heavy nerfs so fast recently is quite a good sign that they are likely gonna do something about it.
also one main key factor why i m not too mad is that I M ENJOYING THE GAME! FUCKYEAH! i m playing as a jank ass melee 2handed poisoner pathfinder. currently level 80. i m struggling but i m having tons of fun. all that because of one major difference between Path2 and poe1. Path2 is specifically made to be antizoom. the latter is the complete opposite. i can do bosses without 40-50% movespeed. i dont need to burst down bosses in 3 seconds. i play smart and even if i m weak i can do it. so actually am i mad for the zoomers? naaaaaaah thinking about it naaaah. i m mad at ggg for not nerfing them sooner. lol
To keep it somewhat short, you also talk about becoming a god. Isn't it the goal of the game ? You kill, you improve your char, to kill harder, to improve, to kill harder. Why are you killing mobs ?
And because we all have different time/skills, you need a large scale, so that everyone finds a challenge. Why the zoomer should get bored after 2 days because it requires you 2 weeks ? It's also ok if you don't kill last best boss, it's a goal for you to improve.
the gap between "good" and "decent" in poe1 vs path2 are very different. as i mentioned about movespeed as an example. there are less "requirements" that you need to check off to make a viable build in Path2 compared to poe1 simply because the game is not balanced in poe1. poe1 is GGG pandering to players with power fantasy. they did not dare nerf player power so the only thing they could do was make stupid crazy difficult encounters that has huge ass slams or required you to run around at top speeds or just die.
the philosophy of path2 is different from poe1. look at the gearing. players are expected to want 2 awesome mods, then the rest are just filler/bonuses.
in poe1 you're expected to have very good rolls on your gear and a lot of that on top. if you compare player power from poe1 and path2. poe1 is a sharp curve upward, while path2 is more linear. gaining more power is good but not necessary in path2 but in poe1, the bare minimum needed is quite high.
I don't get it, where is this "mimimi" coming from ? Maybe people play this game with a "single player" mind ? "I want to be able to beat the game also ?" Is that jealousy ? (those are not rhetorical questions, I really don't get what drives ppl)
are you refering to the mimimi "me me me me me me me only me" song? abit condescending if so but i ll let it slide.
if you elaborate i can give you a better response. i dont quite get it.
Now, and specifically towards you. Your build in settlers is using a headhunter (+ flicker strike xD). That's beyond me. Arguably the most zoomy item ever. How can you be against zooming, but using it yourself. Are you really complaining about zooming because you can't see there are other gameplays possible ?
look back about how i mentioned poe1 was built to cater zoomers. all it did was create a huge divide between weaker players and better players.
thousands of dps vs millions is an obscene divide.
balance in a game becomes "impossible" if no limits are set. GGG realized this and have limited players in many ways in path2 to prevent that from happening.
i may be biased but i see this as an overall positive
Everything you're talking about in PoE 1 is unfortunately a consequence of freedom. The deeper the game and the more mechanics it has, the stronger the builds will be, because a lot of synergies lead to a lot of damage and stuff. Zoomers appeared in PoE 1 because the depth of the game allows it, and when people like OP complain about the simplification of the game - they are not complaining about the disappearance of zoomers, but about the disappearance of these very opportunities.
You know why everyone in PoE 1 is actually obliged to play super-fast builds? Because in this semi-solo PvE game, at some point, an incredible sense of competition developed among the players, and this feeling does not allow ANYONE to play, because EVERYONE feels OBLIGED to farm 500 div per hour in order not to be inferior. This is a problem with a community that is simply too competitive even in places where competition was not essentially envisaged.
And it's true, because I know there is another side to it. In poe 1 there are private leagues and races where people spin the random wheel (literally) and then play with the random skills they got, kill bosses, try to come up with their own builds, and they have an incredible time. And these people get ALL those inordinate advantages of the same Poe 1 build system that Fabgan and the like abuse.
You see, science made the nuclear bomb possible, but that doesn't mean it's to blame for nuclear war, and that now we need to release science 2.0, where there will be 90% fewer opportunities, so that people do not abuse anything, because they physically will not be able to. Some people just like to push everything to the limit instead of creating something unusual, and these people for some reason dictate the rules by which the game is balanced, as a result of which uber 90% and so on and so forth appear.
The best Poe is ssf. If I had enough time in my life I would only play ssf because it is literally the best arpg experience you could possibly have. It's like the Binding Of Isaac but with a 200 hour run.
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза. Last edited by theslavagame#6814 on Dec 19, 2024, 3:15:48 AM
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 3:13:39 AM
The simple fact that people want POE to be "SOULS LIKE" already makes me think they are the ones who don't understand POE. Yes, even developers.
also describing the games as souls-like in the first place, suggests they are not building defensively and getting one-shot in the campaign. If you build defenses right the game isn't like that at all. Also none of these people are reaching endgame because when they get there they will see its just like PoE1.
Posted byAmpegV4#2473on Dec 19, 2024, 3:34:48 AM
Everything you're talking about in PoE 1 is unfortunately a consequence of freedom. The deeper the game and the more mechanics it has, the stronger the builds will be, because a lot of synergies lead to a lot of damage and stuff. Zoomers appeared in PoE 1 because the depth of the game allows it
You know why everyone in PoE 1 is actually obliged to play super-fast builds?
i think you may have missed out the part where i mentioned how poe1 started. it was never this fast and ggg never was fond of nerfing anything because they needed players to remain in the game and support them.
that's the real reason.
if was financially stable, they would be able to nerf any overperforming skills as you say theyre doing now.
players go fast because its arguably the best way to play.
think of it like mario but with rpg elements. some players found ways to permanently gain the flower buff (throws fireballs).
in poe1, the devs made more monsters or made tougher monsters to accomodate to the fact that you gained a flower buff. if you were NOT having the flower buff? too bad for you.
then players found a way to double jump. so ggg let players have areas that required you to double jump.
this list of player "innovation" and GGG catering to this innovation ends up where mario now can ascend to supersaiyan god form and kupa now is a grand demon that devours worlds.
in poe2, ggg instead just reworked it so if you have permanent flower power, your fireballs would have a short range and might have a cooldown and keep everything in the game still the same as ever.
if players discovered how to double jump, it would probably come with a cooldown and maybe the player would have a movement penalty once he lands on the ground and everything else would be the same.
i understand what you meant by the nuclear bomb. but this is not real life.
this is a game where limitations are set by the game designers.
poe1 ended up the way it did because ggg was not in the position to nerf. they needed players to play their game and keep giving them money and that worked our VERY WELL for them. poe1 is not necessarily a bad game for the zoom. people enjoy it and thats good for them.
poe2 on the other hand, is a fresh start. players are more accepting of limitation because it means we dont have the crazy amount of powercreep and zoom we have in poe2. if we wanted that, we would be playing poe1
if ggg wanted that, they would never have split the 2 games.
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 19, 2024, 3:52:49 AM