Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

I tried POE and hated it. The story made no sense, it was WAY too easy and every run gave me 10000 loot drops. It was a mindless dopamine button. POE2 is already magnitudes better for challenge, story and making the maps feel like they are real places, and not just loot boxes.
I want them to continue on this path, not change it. It seems like everyone complaining about this game just wants to jump on, face melt everything and jump off. sure, that's cool, but even Elon is playing this game on Starlink and owning it, what excuse do you really have except: oh man I can't get as high as I usually do because I have to dodge?
fingerrr#3643 wrote:
Those are some good points, especially for the Asdencency Trials.

Getting your ascendency class is a core part of the gameplay and they basically force you to play in a no-hit manner just to get it. Like why am I investing in regen mechanics or leech if it doesn't work in a CORE part of gameplay?

It is so bad I wanted to vomit the first time I realized what it was. I literally got sick to my stomach knowing what it is.

Imagine playing a game where you dread doing its core part, man what a joy. I will definetly enjoy playing it more and more.

These are my exact feelings on this, it is such a STUPID mechanic and design choice.
You know it takes to farm? It takes BRASS BALLS to farm items and currency. Go and do likewise gents. Currency is out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I got no sympathy for you.
A.B.F. --- Always Be Farming
I tried POE and hated it. The story made no sense, it was WAY too easy and every run gave me 10000 loot drops. It was a mindless dopamine button. POE2 is already magnitudes better for challenge, story and making the maps feel like they are real places, and not just loot boxes.
I want them to continue on this path, not change it. It seems like everyone complaining about this game just wants to jump on, face melt everything and jump off. sure, that's cool, but even Elon is playing this game on Starlink and owning it, what excuse do you really have except: oh man I can't get as high as I usually do because I have to dodge?

POE1 story: Sin needs your help.
POE2 story: Sin needs your ancestor's help.
POE1 loot: I pick nothing up.
POE2 loot: I pick nothing up.
POE1 challenge: Don't get one shot.
POE2 challenge: Don't get one shot with a twist.
I mostly agree, I went into playing POE2 with this naive preconception that it was going to be significantly different than POE1. Like I didn't pay much attention to the previews and the news about it before hand it was more about what I imagined it would be like. I thought they were going to solve the problems of POE1's design and explore new ideas and give us a new world to explore.

Instead what we have is something far more similar to POE1 than I would have imagined, where they did not solve the design problems and did not explore new ideas to a significant degree, instead they took many of the systems and just tinkered with them, modified them, changing them in ways that I can't really say if they are better or not, maybe in some ways and in some ways not, its just too similar, and that is the problem, lukewarm change is bad, we needed HOT changes for a sequel not something that is just an adjacent reality branch of POE1...
I tried POE and hated it. The story made no sense, it was WAY too easy and every run gave me 10000 loot drops. It was a mindless dopamine button. POE2 is already magnitudes better for challenge, story and making the maps feel like they are real places, and not just loot boxes.
I want them to continue on this path, not change it. It seems like everyone complaining about this game just wants to jump on, face melt everything and jump off. sure, that's cool, but even Elon is playing this game on Starlink and owning it, what excuse do you really have except: oh man I can't get as high as I usually do because I have to dodge?

in regards to the story. poe1 never made me feel like "I NEED TO MOVE FORWARD". lacks drive. the sidequests in poe2 have more lore an emotion but as sidequests in arpgs go, i m not too invested. d4' sidequests are more fleshed out even tho they become "samey" after awhile.

the main story tho. we all got hyped with the intro cinematic. what is the "corruption thing", who is that guy? whats going on?

i think a huge part of path2's success in giving players a drive is this ONE opening cinematic.

we had ONE "clear" goal. theres something wrong and we have to deal with that one thing. but its shrouded in mystery

we push forward to find out whats in the mystery box.

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z3mcneil#3966 wrote:
the no-lifers are only a small part of the playerbase and likewise contribute a small minority of GGG's profits.

Funny enough, the game isn't that good for no-lifers either. Precisely because unlike in PoE 1, you have to pay attention all the time, and you burn out so fast.
@Assababud#2808 as someone who left the game early, I cannot attest to that. What got me and my friends interested in POE2 was the level of difficulty and the design put into the maps. Adding more lore to the maps would make them way better. right now it is just kill mobs, kill boss... they need to add more to the story but its an EA so they are forgiven.
your issues are certainly valid as I am concerned the game is already being dumbed down

wish we could up and downvote things on this forum
@Assababud#2808 as someone who left the game early, I cannot attest to that. What got me and my friends interested in POE2 was the level of difficulty and the design put into the maps. Adding more lore to the maps would make them way better. right now it is just kill mobs, kill boss... they need to add more to the story but its an EA so they are forgiven.

Lol, I wouldn't expect any more lore than what's already there. Did you even play POE1???

It is what it is. Right now they're working on Acts 4-6 and the other classes and ascendancies. Very little is going to be added to the current story you've already played.

What I thought POE2 could have really used to take it to the next level, was cut scenes. If they had few Diablo level cut scenes to really tie the story together, I maybe wouldn't have been trying to claw my eyes out with spoon in boredom playing the game. But it's so boring. Making it hard isn't the answer to keeping my attention. It just made me quit fast.
Last edited by Eirhead#7511 on Dec 19, 2024, 1:09:36 AM
Just noticed this post and I am so much with the OP. Oh dear, 'we' are in the same boat.

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