Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

ok thus concludes the discussion between us. i will not further comment. as i will end up repeating myself.

as for the numbers,yeah to be honest its not accurate. but it is an indicator.

i do expect the numbers to dwindle down a huge lot tbh.

i expect once the next poe1 league starts, players who like zooming would abandon path2 and jump back on poe1.

then we can see a more accurate display of numbers.

its quite impressive tho to see the all time peak. which is really massive.
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Just a thought that I had. If PoE2 becomes to much like poe1 then poe1 will probably die. If they keep them different from each other the can both live, as they attract different types of players. So really I would argue that if you don't like the direction of PoE2 and love PoE1 then you should probably want poe2 to continue to differentiate itself from poe1 to ensure the survival of you favorite game.
Wi_zer#7894 wrote:
Just a thought that I had. If PoE2 becomes to much like poe1 then poe1 will probably die. If they keep them different from each other the can both live, as they attract different types of players. So really I would argue that if you don't like the direction of PoE2 and love PoE1 then you should probably want poe2 to continue to differentiate itself from poe1 to ensure the survival of you favorite game.

PoE2 was supposed to be the next evolution of PoE1. And I'm 99% certain the majority of the player base fully expected PoE2 to kill PoE1 within a year of release.

We wanted to love PoE2.

We wanted it to be the next step.

Instead, it's taking a path that will see it fail, and if it fails it might take PoE1 with it, and then there's nothing. We watched this happen with the Diablo franchise, and technically there's D2:R that we can go play, but that barely get any updates and is mostly stale at this point--hence Diablo 2 private servers with custom versions of the game being at least as popular as D2:R itself (and none of them are really all that popular).

Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal cater to a certain kind of player. One that most players want nothing to do with. If that's what makes Blizzard happy, so be it, but it's depressing as hell.

PoE2 was supposed to be the next evolution of PoE1. And I'm 99% certain the majority of the player base fully expected PoE2 to kill PoE1 within a year of release.

We wanted to love PoE2.

We wanted it to be the next step.

Instead, it's taking a path that will see it fail, and if it fails it might take PoE1 with it, and then there's nothing. We watched this happen with the Diablo franchise, and technically there's D2:R that we can go play, but that barely get any updates and is mostly stale at this point--hence Diablo 2 private servers with custom versions of the game being at least as popular as D2:R itself (and none of them are really all that popular).

Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal cater to a certain kind of player. One that most players want nothing to do with. If that's what makes Blizzard happy, so be it, but it's depressing as hell.

I don't know or understand this D4 meme going on in poe games cause I never read them, because I hate Blizzard and I don't care if they release the best game ever, I woved to never ever pay them a single coin ever again. I still have a running sub on WoW from last year and I don't even bother playing it anymore.

If you got any self-respect don't buy any of their stuff. They stopped making games years ago, its just a milking machine now. They are the face of the capitalism and scam in modern day. They release games at alpha/beta status as full release and test on you with subscription and extra cost for dlc and ex-packs. 75 dollars for an ex-pack of a shit-show game? No thank you!

PoE2 drives me crazy, i refunded and bought back, it has a lot of flows and no real improvements, a lot of QoL missing, no AH is a HUGE disappointment, but at least they seem to be "trying" for better or worse.
Wesnt23#6323 wrote:

I hate Blizzard and I don't care if they release the best game ever, I woved to never ever pay them a single coin ever again. I still have a running sub on WoW from last year and I don't even bother playing it anymore.

Fucking lol.
pixxpixx#4258 wrote:
Wesnt23#6323 wrote:

I hate Blizzard and I don't care if they release the best game ever, I woved to never ever pay them a single coin ever again. I still have a running sub on WoW from last year and I don't even bother playing it anymore.

Fucking lol.

You can buy subscription in bulks and you can add game time with your in-game gold.
Last edited by Wesnt23#6323 on Dec 17, 2024, 10:58:26 PM
Just to add on the note about the "slowed down and more methodical gameplay" they have been bringing up as a core design principle for POE2, from what I have seen in my playthroughs is that this applies to the characters, and not really the enemies/bosses at all.

This. They made the distinction from PoE1 very early on. It’s not PoE 1.2 with updated graphics, but PoE 2 that does its own thing.

The first time ever that they mentioned that it would be two separate games, was at ExileCon, on July 28, 2023:

Just to add on the note about the "slowed down and more methodical gameplay" they have been bringing up as a core design principle for POE2, from what I have seen in my playthroughs is that this applies to the characters, and not really the enemies/bosses at all.

This. They made the distinction from PoE1 very early on. It’s not PoE 1.2 with updated graphics, but PoE 2 that does its own thing.

The first time ever that they mentioned that it would be two separate games, was at ExileCon, on July 28, 2023:


both statements are correct if given context. what themozzer mentioned is correct according to more recent interviews

what greg mentioned is correct because he quotes ancient history that many have conveniently chosen to forget.

and i sympathize and empathize with everyone who wanted the games to not be split. coz i used to be one of them.
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rob_korn#1745 wrote:
exsea#1724 wrote:

We are already going in circles, I guess you went past half of my points (I can accept the other half, your zoom relation is weird to me, but it's whatever).

But one last thing, that you deeply don't understand. Having hard content to catter to top players, the zooming being part of the genre, power creep having to be brought each league, etc, is not my thinking :


GGG is setting up a base to have a healthier and easier developpement increment cycle (ppl talk about what PoE2 is supposed to be, but forgot that they hesitated a long time to have a seperate campaign, merging with the same endgame as PoE1)
Thinking it will stay slow is just fooling yourself and not understanding what we doing here (and as I said, mapping is already fast for top players, right now. Nerf fubgun :D ).

Pulling the numbers after such a PR campaign over a new game made me laugh though, ngl.

Anyway, time will tell, good luck and have fun, thanks for the discussion.

People seems to forget what kind of game they are playing. The game is designed to promote/reward fast AoE clears, but not only PoE 1/2, literally every ARPG its like that, even DarkSouls or Elden Ring.

Is IMPOSSIBLE that PoE 2 will stay "slow" and you can see how maps work, almost all builds are zoomzoom and no one can do anything about it. You can make a boss-killer build that is slow in maps but hits harder in bosses and I hope GGG can make content around that, but no one can create an "ecosystem?" where the game will be played slowly because "some people don't like zooming around". Even if GGG removes all the AoE in the game then the "meta" would be big hitters and even skipping clearing maps entirely.

What we can do is describe what we are feeling while playing the game right now and, for me and, it seems that, for a lot of more people the game feels boring to play. I don't think there are enough build diversity in the game (or even not enough useful skills overall) and it feels like everyone is playing the same builds with the same support gems.

Numbers wise, I said several times that this game won't survive a 2nd or 3rd league, it just can't. Campaign is just too long for any random player and if you want to do it faster you will need a guide and that was the nº1 reason for PoE 2 "not needing a guide" (I think 95% of people need a guide anyways rn...). This game seems to be designed for only one playthrough (right now) and that's why some people are very critical about this, we don't want this game to fail, PoE 2 should be the "NEXT big ARPG" and it SHOULD eventually kill PoE 1.
Wauxx#0810 wrote:

People seems to forget what kind of game they are playing. The game is designed to promote/reward fast AoE clears, but not only PoE 1/2, literally every ARPG its like that, even DarkSouls or Elden Ring.

Is IMPOSSIBLE that PoE 2 will stay "slow" and you can see how maps work, almost all builds are zoomzoom and no one can do anything about it.

tell that to the devs. we definitely have a level of zoom in path2 right now but its nowhere near poe1.

nothing is impossible. the devs will do what they need to do. overperforming skills will get nerfed. tho from what i see they dont want us to zoom too much.

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