Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike
" PoE1 is not "made" for zoomers. It's a choice. When I want to zoom I take my Legion atlas (almost never). Otherwise I go farm harbingers, blight or simulacrums. If I don't feel like exploding packs I go farm Maven or whatever. Do I even talk about Valdo's maps ? Is that zoom zoom ?... The money /hour is even the same, cuz the market evens out (though I would say ignore the div/hour and focus on your own fun/hour, but ppl are stupid and jealous). I have the tools to make the choice. And so do you, you DON'T HAVE to play HH flicker every league. If you got sick of it is by your own doings, not PoE1 fault. You gave examples, but stayed in the zoomies ones. Open up, there are options that are not. You made the choice in PoE2 to not play flicker and go with your 2 handed guy. Why don't you do it in PoE1 as well, instead of burn yourself out of zoom zoom ? I may get what you mean with the cars (maybe), but I do think only the D2 one is valid. D2 is indeed nostsalgia driven now, it's a "dead" (aka not a live service anymore) game. But for PoE1 / PoE2 it's not valid imho. I don't care about PoE2 close to PoE1 or not, I just want PoE2 to be fun. But that's not enough to say that : I want PoE2 to be fun FOR A LONG TIME. And that zooming hate doesn't make sense in that regard. PoE2 will have to evolve, bring new stuff, bring power creep, and sooner or later get somewhat "faster", because that's the sole purpose of this game. There shouldn't be and "end" to it. You have to strive for new, bigger, harder things. Regarding Zarockh, you don't have to design with player speed so much, why is that even a concern ? The goal is to link the points, scale it with baseline speed and that's it. What if a player has 500ms ? Well he will do it faster and be rewarded for that investment. Why is that even an issue ? I will be proud I succeeed regardless of another player doing it faster than I do. The point is that he has the CHOICE to be fast, and I have the CHOICE that I don't want to handle such speed / don't want to sacrifice something else for it. Regarding the gap between players, again, why is that an issue ? It's a PvE game, mostly played solo. Why is it a problem that ben is destroying the game while I enjoy my slow ass zombie army ? I just copy what feels fun to me, and ignore in admiration all the rest he does. Why does it matters that ppl are having billion DPS builds ? I cleared everything with my slow ass 20m dps build. What if I didn't clear ? Cool, I'll see what I can improve for next league. I don't know, we may already be going circles in that discussion. I feel like you have blinders, streamlining yourself in a specific gameplay to justify some questionable design, thinking it's a fatality / curse. I don't understand how leaving no player agency is a good thing / improvement. Now, on a personnel level, probably as a conclusion if we going circles : I do think it's good PoE2 is a slower game at the moment. Because it's a good baseline to rebuild back again, and I think GGG is just having a hard time scaling things up in PoE1 for new leagues (so I expect it to disappear, or at least die, question is when). From there, they will be able to rescale their way up overtime with interesting things (in the end this is the same concept as leagues. PoE2 is a fresh restart). The only question is to what pain level we start again, before rebuilding. It's not whether or not the game will have zooming aspect. IT WILL HAVE, and already has. You're just lying to yourself if you think otherwise, or just are clueless about a live service arpg. An ARPG that doesn't scale overtime is a dead one (D2), and is only played out of nostalgia. I feel the "reset" for PoE2 is too big at the moment, compared to the choice tools we have available in PoE1 (maybe that's an EA problem, and will be fine at 1.0). But that's fine, I'll just give it time to grow back to a bearable level. What is worrying though is that it is at the expense of PoE1 schedule, so, yeah, I don't like it much and could make me bounce off completely. Time will tell... Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Dec 17, 2024, 5:52:06 AM
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Tekken player. eew
jokes aside im sorry that you have to think about your clicks but this playstyle is here to stay Step 1 is to self reflect.
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"This is great. If you have huge hp pool differences between players, it's much harder to balance the content. You can still get life, but the variance between builds is not ridiculous. |
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" Yea and the hp you get from rares is so huge end defenses, so almost every uniq you use is straight killing you, that certainly "helps" With current statlock via gems. with reduced stat per node with crafting being a gamble. And also not mentioning huge lvl lock on gems, is 1st poe it was like 38 or so lvls, and 52 now campaign feels like shit mainly coz of that. Last edited by Tselikov_k#5543 on Dec 17, 2024, 7:26:41 AM
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" Well this aint PoE 1, where you can just run 7 uniques and fix your shortcomings with jewels/clusters/tree/purities/flasks - which I think isn't a bad take on it. But yeah as others did say before, if the EHP values are within a closer range, balancing around those hp pools becomes a lot easier That said, I hate charms I hate life flasks on CI and I hate the utility flask removal Farming salt on the forums since 2024 Last edited by Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index#1288 on Dec 17, 2024, 7:28:02 AM
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" Yea, blood magic with empty mana flask slot is like a joke. And charms... So with 1 slot i cant cover ailments, so intention to force me carry\change them dependent on mobs? so its a artificial limitation, create a problem, propose a solution... i a forced to buy a belt with charm slots. but guess what. everyone in game will need them. who dont want to have rarity +poison+bleed Also there is a nice ultimatum node that tells that mobs poison and bleed in a same time. " even this wont help. with current gambling craft. there is also no + charm slot implicit base, meaning that every uniq belt is 1 slot.. Last edited by Tselikov_k#5543 on Dec 17, 2024, 7:55:45 AM
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I feel the OP is not honest when he says he wants POE2 to be different. He says it, but immediately after invalidates it by everything else he says.
I'm sorry, but this entire thread is yet another "POE2 is bad because it's not POE1". Which is unfortunate. Last edited by rifraf-_-#9478 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:02:57 AM
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" It is a problem because with your "slow ass" zombie that you enjoy so much, you will never get a chance to use trade features as you will never hold enough currencies to buy items. Therefore, if you are playing SSF, good luck lootting relevant gear with a normal played time with a slow build. Last edited by sartence#5576 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:06:15 AM
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" It's a PvE game, mostly played solo [/quote][/quote] No res on maps for party play... well that's certainly a step bach in design. Pubg\cod and other party with possible coop have ended that. why if i died and other person killed everything.i should stay dead? what should i do? alt tab to other game to wait for party play i want? or force him to exit felling bad coz map sustain. Last edited by Tselikov_k#5543 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:18:13 AM
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" The problem is that you are probably talking without knowing. How many SSF chars have you tried ? If you're SSF, you don't have to compare to anyone. You're SOLO. Also, you will have to do fast and slow mechanics alike. Guess what, you'll still be able to choose yourself (Blight is one of my favourite because it drops almost everything, and you never have to leave the pump if you wanna be slow). Also, being able to afford stuff is tied to play time and skill, no matter what. If you're still in act 2, ppl are farming stuff in T15 in PoE2. How are you able to afford the items they sell ? Guess what, you still can't, and it has almost nothing to do with the game pace. It's funny that you say 'you won't be able" to someone who has been playing those said "slow ass" zombies both in trade AND SSF in settlers. This is the difference. I talk from experience, you talk from your fear of showing your lack of involvement and blame it on the game. The illustration of "me me me" I was talking about earlier. Be aware of your playtime and skill, and find your fun relative to that. Blaming the game for your skill gap to best ppl won't change that gap. You're not competing, stop comparing and do your thing, watch best ppl as inspiration to enhance your own fun. On the other hand, if your fun is to be the best, it requires sacrifice and commitment. Being the best alone on a dead game isn't that much fun. |
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