Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike
" Travel skills and fast movement means the devs have to create harder and more punishing encounters to balance around the fact that some players can have 120% movespeed or dash around half the screen in a split second. bosses and enemies need to become faster and have larger aoes to actually pose a threat. but what about some other guy that has 30-50% movespeed? hes getting wrecked. if ggg allowed faster ms, they will be forced to create content accordingly. which will force ALL PLAYERS to get a benchline movespeed or simply fail content. a good example is exarch or elder's bullet hell. even if you can see your path out of damage, if you have not enough MS you're still getting hit. so i hard no for me, i dont want the gap between players to get wider. i dont need ggg creating a boss that shoots huge ass aoes because of the zoomers. " isnt the mechanics in path2 more engaging? if it feels drawn out, its just a dps issue. you dont like poking and retreating? then what do you actually want? to stand in place spamming a skill quickly draining the boss's hp while you ignore everything he does because you can tank it? getting out of damage is meaningful decision making. or can you tell me if you were a designer WHAT would you do for a boss design to make it meaningful combat? " halfway agree with you on this, but i do understand the notion that ggg doesnt want us to rely on flasking too much. mistakes cause us to suffer heavy damage. being able to easily flask up can trivialize making mistakes. and thus trivialize "meaningful" combat. which they did throw us a bone by giving us flasks that can gain charges over time. " tbh i can understand where you're coming from. we played games like poe and LE, so deterministic crafting is a great deal/boon for us players. but i would say that most modern gamers forgot how its like in diablo 2. you only actually looked for 1-2 mods on items the rest were just filler/bonuses. for example, one of the most desirable stats on a weapon right now is +skills. a magic item with that can be better than a 6mod rare with mods all over the place. when crafting we only target 1-2 mods and the rest are fillers. in fact, the fact we have crafting at all is considered good. you may feel free to hate this new system but i personally like it as i come from d2 and the way i see it. good rares are much more valuable as a result without needing them to be mirror tier. " i agree with you somewhat. tho its still manageable. i would prefer if the shop refreshed once in a while. " i would argue that you CAN travel across the tree much better now. the attribute highway lets you select stats that you need. either way you WILL need to slap points into attributes. as for missing life nodes, theres actually an interesting reason behind this. with the lack of life nodes, players will find it difficult to multiply health. and thus GGG can more or less balance content around a certain health range. compare that to poe1. most players try to strive for 4-5k hp, but some players go for 10-15k hp. one reason why damage spikes and one shots exist in poe1 is because the devs are FORCED to balance the game around the fact that 10-15k hp players exist. so some attacks hit for 4-6k. which would 1hko most players but just essentially poke the 10-15k hp player to use a flask pot. by removing life from tree, the devs can focus on making damage only hit a certain range. players have to actually git gud and get out of the way when heavy hits are incoming. " i agree with you halfway. i prefer being able to level up gems via xp. but on the flipside, if you grind enough you'll be swimming in so many its not funny. on the flipside, it not being too engaging is a good thing. we dont need to worry about sockets too much and just keep playing. unlike in poe1 where having items drop with less than 3 links at the start feels real bad. we spend more time actually playing the game rather than tinkering with our gems. isnt that a good thing? also, i really appreciate how we dont worry about sockets and colours anymore for the most part. no more chromatics. no more fusings. whether an item has sockets no longer is an issue. " i'm neutral on this. on one hand its really long. on another, whats the other option? letting us into the atlas with free tier 0 maps that have no league mechanics until we hit level 66? " no argument. agreed. " i m a veteran too. 10 year player. your opinions ARE valid. but they are opinions. mine are too. its ok to have different opinions. i would say that you have strong bias stemming from your experience from poe1. try looking at it from a different pov. do you actually want poe2 to become another poe1 where the gap between a noob and a sweater is so large that build guides become a necessity? thats where poe1 is at. when you talk about creativity, i ll point out that the more creative you become in making a build immortal or making a build one shot bosses, the more it forces ggg to: 1. nerf 2. make content harder no one likes nerfs but a nerf but on the flipside, nerfs prevent players from being forced into metas. if ggg made content harder. guess what players are forced to do? go meta. where is the creativity when everyone goes meta? look at how ggg nerfed cast on x/trigger skills recently. if instead ggg made content harder, EVERYONE ELSE would be having a more difficult time just because of this harder content while the triggerers would probably clear them with relative ease. alot of design decisions ggg made is actually brilliant if you think about how they limit player power but by doing so allows them to create a more balanced end game where you dont need to be godlike. you dont need deterministic crafting. you dont need a build guide. 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" Well, until they fix it you will, anyway! It's funny that your posts are all so directly attributable toward yourself :D You are the one having your favourite toy slowly leak away from you, you are the one posting endlessly on the forum despite claiming you're enjoying the game, you're the one throwing tantrums about people's behavior on the forums :D I'm gloating, sure. It's fun. It's a fun show to watch. Piece by piece, your world falls away from you. The tone of my posts is altered to match that of those I respond to - people who argue in good faith and have reasonable and reasoned points get replies in turn, while militants like you get laughed at. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Dec 16, 2024, 10:24:46 PM
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" You make some sense, and at the same time you don't. I'm here to discuss, if you wanna troll I'm out. If I try to watch from both perspective, do we realize that saying : - PoE2 not for you, go back to PoE1 - PoE2 not for you, go back to D2 are the same pointless arguments in both directions ? You talk about Elder bullet phase, you can dodge without barely moving at all, only side stepping. That's a bad example (but we could argue there are other examples). Have you seen Zarokh hourglass phase ? THIS is 100% movement speed issue. Why are you all so fixated on the zoomers, aren't you just jealous ? (no troll, serious introspection question) I'm not a zoomer, so I just farm slow content like harbingers. And that's fine, cuz I have the CHOICE. Zooming isn't a fatality, you know that ? That's why it's fun, cuz there is lattitude, it is a player CHOICE about what you farm. At the moment PoE2 doesn't have that choice. You'll have to be slow. How is that close to an upgrade ? Movement skill missing is not about zooming for me, it's about fun. When OP was talking about poke and back, it's like it doesn't create any fun situation. You always do the same pattern, and if you go too deep, you're dead (map lost etc, wow so fun). With movement skill, I can actually try to challenge, dive in, sometimes getting caught, sometimes getting out of it. It creates engagement, epic moments, FUN. At the moment it feels like playing tennis, but all points are decided on serve. That's not fun on the long run. Talking about the zoomers, you realize that top players beat the game also in a week ? Same "speed" as PoE1. While many things wheren't solved before hand. Why aren't you mad about the zoomers now ? To keep it somewhat short, you also talk about becoming a god. Isn't it the goal of the game ? You kill, you improve your char, to kill harder, to improve, to kill harder. Why are you killing mobs ? And because we all have different time/skills, you need a large scale, so that everyone finds a challenge. Why the zoomer should get bored after 2 days because it requires you 2 weeks ? It's also ok if you don't kill last best boss, it's a goal for you to improve. I don't get it, where is this "mimimi" coming from ? Maybe people play this game with a "single player" mind ? "I want to be able to beat the game also ?" Is that jealousy ? (those are not rhetorical questions, I really don't get what drives ppl) Now, and specifically towards you. Your build in settlers is using a headhunter (+ flicker strike xD). That's beyond me. Arguably the most zoomy item ever. How can you be against zooming, but using it yourself. Are you really complaining about zooming because you can't see there are other gameplays possible ? EDIT : OMG, now that I went through all your characters in PoE1, you are only playing Flicker strike. And you really have the audacity to come here and talk about zooming ? Playing only Flicker ? Are you just a troll ? :D Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Dec 17, 2024, 3:25:53 AM
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Deterministic crafting is not necessary. The current system works fine as-is...
IF players have more than enough currency to craft with. Or, if modifier weights are balanced for solo play rather than being so insanely weighted that it would take hundreds of thousands of ex to get just two or three of the modifiers you want on one item. Trade becomes a non-issue if players can reasonably progress their gear without it. Deterministic crafting is unnecessary if players have enough currency and a good enough chance to create their own gear with orbs. You can't have random crafting, super low weights balanced for trade, and scarce currency drops all at the same time. Not unless you really, really want trade to be the primary way for players to upgrade their gear. And guess what? If trade is the primary way to upgrade gear, players will absolutely, 100% abuse it to get the best gear they possibly can and make your progression system look like a joke, because that's exactly what it is. This has been a problem for over a decade and every single "fix" has been nothing more than a band-aid. The bench? A band-aid. Fossils? A band-aid. Essences? Band-aid. The root cause is currency scarcity and low mod weights. Nobody wants to trade for their upgrades. Everyone would rather be able to find or craft those upgrades on their own. But the game says otherwise. |
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" The rootest cause of them all is the fact that "crafting" is just gambling. Even if you increase currency availability, that will still lead into some people getting their perfect rares and some don't. Because it's gambling, not everyone will get lucky. For it to become notably better, crafting should step away from being gambling, and instead should become a limited, but deterministic way to improve/make gear. |
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" Well you profile is private so how would we know you achived all that? |
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Just registering my strong disagreement with the OP, hope the Devs keep going on their vision.
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I've also played poe1 since before they fully released it and they only had 2 acts and npc names were "place maker quest guy", have played every league(except maybe 1 or 2) and pretty much had the same reaction as all of your points in the original post. the game is slow as fuck, the skill tree is meh (no life nodes??), the gem system is fucked, 50 different support gems if i have 10 skills? no thankyou. i want to specialize my characters, thats what made poe poe. Having the tools to make such over powered builds if you had the knowledge was one of the main reasons i kept playing, each league i'd make about 5 or 6 characters with builds i'd never played before, the current gem system just feels unengaging and the support gem limit just feels like i'm being pushed toward a meta. This game feels closer to diablo 4 than poe1 in its current state(not a compliment). POE1 was a masterpiece, i dont understand why they've stripped so much of what made it great a great game in the first place. I know its still early access but im getting the same vibe i had when i waited for D3 to be realesed after playing d2 for my whole life and being severely let down. Hopefully they address a lot of these issues before the full release. The combat system and story line is great but it seems they got lost in the whole "make it accessible to everyone" that they pretty much lost the essence of PoE. Atleast they didn't make all of the items take up the same amount of inventory space like d3 did.
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" Well poe1 peaked at 229k in july so, 50 % of poe2's which is 17th lowest was 196k highest 437k and 50 % of 437k is 218k |
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I agree completely.
I've brought this up before, but I really want to particularly highlight just how absolutely incompatible, I think, many of the design choices are with the seasonal model. There have been many people praising the slow pace and the difficulty. I am absolutely not seeing how people will replay this every single league on every single character. I think they won't. All the people praising how slow and difficult it is, like 2 of them will come back. I'm 100% sure of that. The PoE 1 campaign offers many opportunities to speed up with every playthrough. That is what keeps it fresh - the pacing is just right. The base movement speed is good in relation to the size of the zones, you level up at a frequency that makes you want to keep going. The PoE 2 pacing somehow feels just absolutely dreadful. On top of that, and I don't know how to put it nicely, I just absolutely hate the dodge roll and the fact that the boss fights are designed around it. |
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