Ascendancy Trials Feedback: Understanding Player Concerns

Maybe I'm bad, but running out of Djinn Barya sucks.
+ one million

GGG needs to speak up about this issue because more and more people are starting to hit the endgame/ third ascendancy and realizing that they are not implemented in a functional way.

The first thing many players do when they first get interested in creating a new build is read the ascendancy. The ascendancy is effectively your entire "class". To have 25-50% of your entire class locked behind these trials is an egregious game design faux pas. 4 total ascendancy points is not an interesting or deep metagame. Interesting and deep metagames is the entire point of POE (which GGG may have forgotten judging by some of the decisions made in this game). Planning out a build under the assumption of having 8 ascendancy points only to get to the third trial and realize that GGG seems to think ascendancies are a giga-endgame power-spike only available to the top 5% of players is going to have people smashing the uninstall button.
Last edited by Kamstew#1014 on Dec 14, 2024, 8:46:30 PM
Embrace the masochism
Fuck this game
+ a billion. Neither trial has provided ANY fun. It takes away from the rest of the game.
Nail on the head with this write-up. I can't not see GGG changing the current ascendency process, but this summarizes a lot of thoughts/feedbacks relatively objectively.
Echoing everything in this, great post.
Getting oneshot by a random bad hourglass spawn at 25% hp of the final boss after a perfect run makes me want to uninstall 50 times over.

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