POE 2 Lootfilter (Handcrafted Regular/Strict) by Slychac_Strzaly_TTV (GFN / One-click instalation)

How you determine what is good base? Is it based on Item requirement level?

Based on my testing some of the best item bases are hidden with your Strict item filter. Good example would be Expert gothic quarterstaff having 11,5% base cc makes it best base for invoker monks.

Other than that I really like your filter.
I can't seem to get the filter working. I put it in the correct folder but the game never shows it in the drop down. Anyone have an idea or encountered this issue? Help appreciated, thanks!
Thanks for all the fish!
DaZulu#3729 wrote:
love the filter so far!

anything to be done about the amount of belts i seem to have showing?
there non stop for me. big belts, little belts, belts for days :D

are they all actually good? or is something else going on here??


Charm slots, My friend. Every belt that has ItemLevel of 50+ can get a mod that adds a charm slot. And belts are decent for chancing if normal. that's why they are visible and highlited. Just spam your chance/trans/aug orbs and check for charm slot mod or double resists. It's Divine+ on the market.

LaNSa#2186 wrote:

How you determine what is good base? Is it based on Item requirement level?

Based on my testing some of the best item bases are hidden with your Strict item filter. Good example would be Expert gothic quarterstaff having 11,5% base cc makes it best base for invoker monks.

Other than that I really like your filter.


I determine bases with math, market value and experience in the game. in PoE crit chance is additive, not multiplicative. Higher % on the weapon is not making all your crit nodes on the tree more vaulable.

Expert Gothic Quarterstaff is tier 2 at best, as even with that increased crit chance:


And as I do not want as many items to be shown as second best tier, I decided to keep the top phys dmg ones and opportunistic implicits as tier 1. Elemental and second best in phys dmg is tier 2.

Ufos#1074 wrote:

Normally, I'm not the type to write or reply to posts, but this is absolutely amazing! It has helped me focus more on enjoying the game rather than wasting time collecting and selling junk. You've truly created something exceptional that I genuinely want to use. I'll definitely be relying on your filter from now on. Please keep up the great work and continue developing it further!

Thank you very much! Happy to be of help! :)

Gorson#4523 wrote:

Hey been using your filter for the past 2 days. Really freaking Excellent! I also think it's the best of the 5 or so public ones I've tried. Thanks a lot!

That is actually a very high prise, so thank you for your kind words. I believe there are a lot of good options and everyone should try them all before sticking to one they like the most. I am glad you picked mine in the end.

Much love <3
Last edited by ArronEagleheart#4399 on Dec 21, 2024, 9:23:05 AM
Nubatron#4333 wrote:
I can't seem to get the filter working. I put it in the correct folder but the game never shows it in the drop down. Anyone have an idea or encountered this issue? Help appreciated, thanks!

Carefully check the install guide in the first post of this topic.

And if you still are having issues, join me on Twitch - I will be live for a few next hours so I will help you there without any delays in communication.

DaZulu#3729 wrote:
love the filter so far!

anything to be done about the amount of belts i seem to have showing?
there non stop for me. big belts, little belts, belts for days :D

are they all actually good? or is something else going on here??


Charm slots, My friend. Every belt that has ItemLevel of 50+ can get a mod that adds a charm slot. And belts are decent for chancing if normal. that's why they are visible and highlited. Just spam your chance/trans/aug orbs and check for charm slot mod or double resists. It's Divine+ on the market.

omg your totally right, makes total sense lol thanks for explaining that.

such a good filter makes my autism more manageable :D
keep it up! x


ty for the effort mate great job!
Great filter, love it!
Nice work. Works really good and finally i can see attacks in breach :D

Only thing i would like to be improved is Uniques. I know thats a hard topic, because most of them are trash, but there are some really good ones too. Thiefs Torment (6-7div) for example is almost not visible. Since the only other emerald ring is also 1 div (death rush) it should be highlighted.
Thank you! Great strict Filter, i just update for my preference to see all orbs and golld stacks over 500 :)
*cries in console*
The difference between a coffee and your opinion? i asked for a coffee.

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