To be honest, I can't get anything down with it. For trash mobs it's OK, if they are not fast. Rares is significantly harder and bosses are impossible for me. Freeze and frostwall procs every 2 minutes once - this is useless. Sigill of Power is completely useless - I don't see any effect in damage numbers.
Sorry to hear that but it sounds like you're doing something fundamentally wrong.
You need to have a hard cast frost wall gem you use independent of your cast on freeze setup.
Vs Rares you just drop walls on top of them and then unload fireballs. Boss is the same thing. The idea is to overlap our fireball projectile explosions, and also get the damage from the walls blowing up in one go.
The cast on freeze frost wall is almost purely utility, and it goes off constantly all the time while clearing because all our damage freezes. You should actually be seeing your cooldowns on frost wall running out occasionally because you're getting so many walls up.
I'm curious whats going on with your setup for you to not have these results? Do you have the blueflame bracers equipped?
Posted byKonried#2763on Dec 19, 2024, 9:39:00 AM
btw I didn't use grim feast at all, even in T16's
to me arctic armor felt way better vs beyond random spawners and ritual monsters, not to mention the variety of random bs mobs that hyperspeed run up on you
with grim feast I kept getting into situations where I didn't have my buffer anymore, but still had beyond trash spawning and wasn't in a pure farm situation to get that buffer back (I do agree that if you are hyperspeed clearing effortlessly, it's a good buffer)
the freeze effect is VERY strong thanks to our build and the support gems, and the damage is sufficient to auto-kill small fast guys who got to us somehow (IE: ants in the hive map)
Posted byKonried#2763on Dec 19, 2024, 9:43:13 AM
how to set up with EF for boss? do you use EF for clearing?
I updated the main post. I think EF is a great addition to the build that has lots of use for clearing and bossing. Even with 1 or 2 very fast casts, we can get a nice chunk of freezing damage that auto targets and forks, that works great along with a fireball cast.
I've been using it during clearing by pre-casting it before I go around a corner to confront a pack, and it fires while I cast fireball for even more burst damage. It's excellent vs rares also when we can't quite get into range for frost wall shotguns, or we need to skirmish a bit. Of course the simple usage is as a supplement to pure standoff damage, and in that capacity you just double cast it for full stacks between fireballs and let it rip.
For bossing, I would say it is situational only when you cannot be in melee turbo dpsing, or when you are repositioning. It makes a great addition to the 'shotgun blast' if you can align it, but I think its more damage faster to simply alternate between walls and fireballs, if the boss is open.
When skirmishing its freeze buildup is significant, so that is another bonus to having this skill for a boss.
There are a couple bosses (like the huge skeleton worm guy) with really bad hitboxes/gimmicks for frost wall, and on these guys ember becomes our fallback until they open themselves up to a proper shotgun (like when he slams and lays out for a bit).
Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 19, 2024, 10:16:13 AM
Posted byKonried#2763on Dec 19, 2024, 10:04:26 AM
To be honest, I can't get anything down with it. For trash mobs it's OK, if they are not fast. Rares is significantly harder and bosses are impossible for me. Freeze and frostwall procs every 2 minutes once - this is useless. Sigill of Power is completely useless - I don't see any effect in damage numbers.
Sorry to hear that but it sounds like you're doing something fundamentally wrong.
You need to have a hard cast frost wall gem you use independent of your cast on freeze setup.
Interesting, this is not working for me. I can only cast frost wall directly if I take it out from cast on freeze or via cast on freeze. But then I can't cast directly. This is strange. I can only use one of the options, but not both togehter. One of them is always deactivated.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein
Posted byHausgeist#5228on Dec 19, 2024, 10:57:42 AM
Wanted to chime in as I have been playing this build for about 80 hours or so now with different variations.
HigherTimes#6965, regarding your observations about ES -> Mana from EB, that is correct. If you look at "Conversion" tooltip in game it says it converts the "BASE" value of something to the "Additional" value of another. So your raw/base ES with no % mods either increased or more etc, would impact this conversion. Any percent increases to MANA however would increase the amount you are now getting. This is to avoid "Double Dipping", as intended. I have seen a few people report this as a bug, but the math IS correct. I can also confirm that Ancient Aegis is now working correctly as well (60% ES Increase on armor equipped. Having 100 ES on chest now means 160 ES.)
I tried EB+Staff for about a day of mapping and it felt terrible. I swapped back to Wand/Focus with heavy tree investment into ES and decent bases. I am sitting at about 7.5k ES currently. The only mobs that scratch me in T13's are Rares, or projectiles I fail to see. I cannot recommend any stronger than this. Swapping to ES if you are an EB user will result in around 100-200% increased defenses in terms of 1 shots or quick hits (Monsters fire x additional projectiles).
I also wanted to add that a poster from a few pages ago (crackred#7106) had the right idea in terms of setup for gems. Having unleash in fireball is a horrific setup in terms of sustain dps and defenses when compared to other setups. I played unleash for 3 days and couldn't make it work consistently. I changed to (Wildshards, Scattershot, Arcane Tempo, Controlled Destruction, and Mobility) and this setup is absolutely rocking. If you need more damage take Rising Tempest or something similar. The defenses from Mobility now that it does NOT impact damage directly is a solid tradeoff. The "defenses" you pickup from this switch cannot be understated as it simply moves you out of things while keeping dps up, which acts as a better type of evasion/dodge.
I know the OP mentioned that he wants that big moment where the screen fills with 7 billion fireball projectiles, but I found that unleash simply had too many downsides not only directly, but in terms of competing options in the support slot.
Again I want to emphasize that EB should NOT BE USED unless you are drowning in ES without any modifiers to it and mana regen is insane as well. I'm talking like multi mirror budget range, as I tried this with like current value of 1 mirror worth of gear and did not see any significant increases, and actually saw a decrease in my defense capabilities. I am also running CI, as I specced that before the chaos damage scaling changes with the .e patch. Getting a focus and some solid es gear with decent resists is paramount to making this build feel good in terms of living.
Also worth noting, you MUST have Grim Feast running and reserving spirit (Get a 30-40 spirit amulet or on the chest). It's defensive layer makes ES shine as you can basically overcap ES by up to double (5k es can go to 10k) which allows you to run maps 2-3 tiers higher than you would be able to without it as you can tank huge hits on ES alone. You can blast if you don't need it, or play a little slower to build up the temp ES in preparation for a tough rare or boss if one is present.
I hope somebody out there read this and finds this post helpful as it took me almost a week of keeping up to date on the game as a whole as well as.to find out where the build was failing me in terms of defenses as well offense. Again not to say the original build is strictly bad, but it is NOT for me, and given responses I'd assume a lot of players that want consistency of mapping/clears more so then big spikes in terms of raw dps.
Heard, thank you all for any given info on the build. Especially OP. I've been having fun again since I discovered this thread about a week ago after the CoF nerfs. Before that, was truly a shitty feeling not knowing what build to use/go because the one you were playing got nerfed into the floor.
Thanks again!
As for my attempts @ going the EB route. I'm sitting @ 4.5k mana w/ 850 regen. Not sure if these numbers are, "good", but it feels fine playing (t12~ maps atm). I'm probably just gonna keep going w/ this atm until I get stuck/feels bad. The damage is insane (11k fireball in sheet).
Last edited by HigherTimes#6965 on Dec 19, 2024, 3:26:41 PM
Posted byHigherTimes#6965on Dec 19, 2024, 3:11:03 PM
Hey im pretty new to this. In the ascendancy section, what exactly am I suppose to pick here? Thanks for the guide!
Posted bystoyy#4662on Dec 19, 2024, 3:13:28 PM
I updated the main post. I think EF is a great addition to the build that has lots of use for clearing and bossing. Even with 1 or 2 very fast casts, we can get a nice chunk of freezing damage that auto targets and forks, that works great along with a fireball cast.
I've been using it during clearing by pre-casting it before I go around a corner to confront a pack, and it fires while I cast fireball for even more burst damage. It's excellent vs rares also when we can't quite get into range for frost wall shotguns, or we need to skirmish a bit. Of course the simple usage is as a supplement to pure standoff damage, and in that capacity you just double cast it for full stacks between fireballs and let it rip.
For bossing, I would say it is situational only when you cannot be in melee turbo dpsing, or when you are repositioning. It makes a great addition to the 'shotgun blast' if you can align it, but I think its more damage faster to simply alternate between walls and fireballs, if the boss is open.
When skirmishing its freeze buildup is significant, so that is another bonus to having this skill for a boss.
There are a couple bosses (like the huge skeleton worm guy) with really bad hitboxes/gimmicks for frost wall, and on these guys ember becomes our fallback until they open themselves up to a proper shotgun (like when he slams and lays out for a bit).
Really appreciate all your work putting this build up. Like someone else mentioned, I similarly have not played for a long time and was thinking I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the end game content in POE2. This build has been a really fun way to dive back into POE.
Posted byScotchfist#1987on Dec 19, 2024, 3:40:26 PM
To be honest, I can't get anything down with it. For trash mobs it's OK, if they are not fast. Rares is significantly harder and bosses are impossible for me. Freeze and frostwall procs every 2 minutes once - this is useless. Sigill of Power is completely useless - I don't see any effect in damage numbers.
Sorry to hear that but it sounds like you're doing something fundamentally wrong.
You need to have a hard cast frost wall gem you use independent of your cast on freeze setup.
Interesting, this is not working for me. I can only cast frost wall directly if I take it out from cast on freeze or via cast on freeze. But then I can't cast directly. This is strange. I can only use one of the options, but not both togehter. One of them is always deactivated.
You need a second Frost Wall gem, you want different supports on your CoF and manual one anyway.
Posted byZephryl#5929on Dec 19, 2024, 3:47:04 PM
Hey im pretty new to this. In the ascendancy section, what exactly am I suppose to pick here? Thanks for the guide!
Stormweaver as the class, which is only available to Sorc, then your first two points go to getting Constant Gale, and your second two go down that same branch for Force of Will.
When you eventually get your third lot of points you go for Scouring Winds for the bonus Exposure value, I believe.
Not sure what you want for the fourth points, that's a very long way off for me still.
Posted byZephryl#5929on Dec 19, 2024, 4:06:49 PM
As a Infernalist playing this build I've been trying out some side experiments on how to do our own take on this.
I've recently tried out Demonform with a Ghostwrithe chest piece which is feeling very strong in the early mapping when getting a better weapon and focus combo than what demon 10 provides is exceptionally expensive. Though the mana costs are just insane and I haven't found a way around it yet. (Still haven't gotten a G Jewel to 4 slot fireball -mana costs) I'm sure I'll get there in the end but it's going on the shelf now.
I'll be keeping the Ghostwrithe chest piece on though, my ES went from 2>5k almost, and I don't see a need to add additional defences when I'm running Blasphemy Enfeeble where I'm currently at.
Infernalist providing extra survivability and spirit helps alot. I can run Blasphemy, Grim Feast, COF and Arctic Armor at the same time which is awesome.
Posted bySecretADCarry#3545on Dec 19, 2024, 4:24:36 PM