I literally just respecced my entire tree to COC from COF after the hotfix nerf because I saw it working for streamers... RIP
Crazy idea, maybe stop following streamer builds :D
Posted byTyki11#0538on Dec 13, 2024, 11:49:40 PM
Game's great except for these two things:
1. Maps are way too big, so probably a procedural generation tuning
2. I still don't see why re-specs aren't free already from a game play standpoint, maybe on hardcore it matters, kinda like choosing a build before a run and sticking to it, but on standard I don't think it matters. Might even promote off-meta builds cause people can experiment.
Posted byanugrah#2467on Dec 14, 2024, 12:36:06 AM
i used 200 000 gold to respec, didn't had enough so now my build is unplayable. stuck with a lvl 70 unplayable build. awesome. see you next league i guess or help me fix the character you totaly bricked. ty
Posted byethiiK#3621on Dec 14, 2024, 1:13:20 AM
It is kinda interesting, the CoX nerf was actually a buff for my character, I am playing mom/ci/eb stormweaver and before it my payoff did get spammed on white mobs, draining my mana way too much - now I don't overkill useless stuff and it is getting used where I actually want it. On bosses exactly
If you just get your own build going its pretty likely your build won't or won't hardly be affected by the nerfs.
I bet 90% of the people affected by abusing the former OP CoX mechanics did follow a guide with a title like.
Broken Cast on X Deletes bosses instantly and now they feel wronged for a broken overpowered non-investment build to be nerfed.
Make your own builds and enjoy the game
(I do agree on a passive respec though. Gatekeeping your testers because of a change you amde is weird)
Ok, so what cold skill you suggest yo use to kill white packs? All of them exept comet has too low damage to kill white mobs. need 3-5 frostbolls to one white enemy.
Use comet to kill white mobs? Okay, but 2 sec cast too long to use it on regular mobs. If 2 mobs alive in other directions, you need 4 sec to kill them.
And instacast arc, that damage 2 screen - absolutely works as intented
I am using spark which does just fine, it is performing good enough against any trash that I got rid of all dmg links and keep using +shock/pierce/faster casting+1lvl.
No no no man. I asked "what COLD skill you suggest yo use to kill white packs". Spark is lightning skill. If I use this, I`ll better use in tree lightnung dmg ang aliments nodex. And also this mean, that in game for now frost build are useless
Posted byPsYcHo_log#5427on Dec 14, 2024, 1:26:14 AM
I'm playing an elemental build, and it's not just cast on freeze.
Cast on shock and cast on ignite have been nerfed too.
At this state, those 3 spirit gems are not usable anymore.
A rebalancing is necessary.
Even if you added energy % on quality of the gem, it just does not work at the moment.
Even if mana cost will be free, it will be useless, I'll not event care about 1 free comet / min(s)
I'm sure you will do the necessary, and find the right balance.
Thank you for your work.
Best regards,
After few testing :
Its seems pretty balanced, adjustment made just rebalanced Comet abuse with it.
Comet is still usuable, linked with impetus support Gem + max quality on cast on freeze Spirit gems.
This force me to test other settings with cast on freeze, and having orb of storm autocast was really a game changer.
So compared to my first impression, changed made was pretty balance.
Linked Energy get by Skill gem cast is working.
Those changed foes to build diversity, and make abusive build more or less not usable.
This is the way !
Great Work thank you.
Posted byHadrieno#6956on Dec 14, 2024, 1:54:07 AM
As an office worker, I play POE2 after get off work, and spend 4 hours every day to explore the land. Just as the BD of the Ice Mage was formed, a patch destroyed dozens of hours of my efforts. Without gold coins to absorb skill points, I can't push the map to earn gold coins. I have fallen into an endless loop. I opened the game and watched my Ice Mage standing in the main city. This is the current situation caused by this patch.
Just as possible solution: you could revert back to easier content and farm your gold.
As you know, working middle-aged people have limited time in the game, maybe only 4 hours a day or even only 2-3 hours. You suggest to get gold coins from low difficulty to reset talent points. As I mentioned before, the game characters are built around the COC genre. After COC was weakened 100 times, the high-difficulty game can no longer be carried out, and the efficiency of obtaining gold coins from low difficulty is very low. It takes about an hour to get 3K gold coins, and in the later stage of the game, it takes tens of thousands of gold coins to reset once. In this way, COC players are trapped in a dead loop.
Just like: 1. COC has been weakened, why don’t you reset points and change jobs?
2. No money to reset points.
3. No money to reset points, then you go to make money?
4. Without a job change, you can’t beat monsters and get no gold coins!
5. Then you reset points and change jobs!
"middle-aged people have limited time" should play stable RELEASES and never touch EARLY ACCESS games - it saves their money, time and nerves by a lot.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313
Posted bySilverWF#6383on Dec 14, 2024, 2:26:23 AM
"middle-aged people have limited time" should play stable RELEASES and never touch EARLY ACCESS games - it saves their money, time and nerves by a lot.
Don't shrug off legitimate criticisms by saying "Early Access", the entire POINT of Early Access is to address problems and improve the game before release. GGG massively overcorrected with his nerf and created a new problem that is now being pointed out by the people in this thread.
Posted byWillizord#0970on Dec 14, 2024, 3:11:57 AM
"middle-aged people have limited time" should play stable RELEASES and never touch EARLY ACCESS games - it saves their money, time and nerves by a lot.
Don't shrug off legitimate criticisms by saying "Early Access", the entire POINT of Early Access is to address problems and improve the game before release. GGG massively overcorrected with his nerf and created a new problem that is now being pointed out by the people in this thread.
Don't waste time on this guy.
He constantly says that respec can't be cheap, but he has no valid argument.
He is like a parrot, just repeating stupid shit.
Posted byrastaqki#6957on Dec 14, 2024, 4:45:45 AM
"middle-aged people have limited time" should play stable RELEASES and never touch EARLY ACCESS games - it saves their money, time and nerves by a lot.
Don't shrug off legitimate criticisms by saying "Early Access", the entire POINT of Early Access is to address problems and improve the game before release. GGG massively overcorrected with his nerf and created a new problem that is now being pointed out by the people in this thread.
if you read the feedback from ppl that are experimenting and testing their own builds ... there is no reason for a respec, cause the builds work mostly fine, ppl just have to adjust some stuff, changing support gems and changing 5-10 points is all tahts needed and congratulation it works.
the nerf was not even an overreaction, it was too strong, now its "just good".
but most ppl here scream for stuff without testing or thinking, basicaly "nerf = bad, me want be OP".
Posted by死神Babli#4664on Dec 14, 2024, 5:53:23 AM
Once again, put more tries per map, 1 is not enough, this is not Undecember.
You nerfed gas grenades but mana cost stays the same, makes no sense, decrease it so the skill is usable at high levels.
You wont read this
Posted byRiverwind77#5126on Dec 14, 2024, 7:07:12 AM