0.1.0d Hotfix 1

why is nerfing things your top priority? And if COI, COF, and COC are too strong for your taste, why is Deadeye still one-shotting the whole screen and minion one-shotting bosses?
What is the reason you are killing your most iconic build?
and what is the point of invoker now? Or what the point of anything trigger-related now(the gems, the passive, etc)
I'm done with this.
i dont get it, why dont u just nerf the damage instead of nerfing the whole playstyle? what should i do now? should i stop playing the game because i dont know when u plan to strike down the next fun method to play the game? is my character + economy bricked again cause of massive gameplay nerfs? did u guys even understand the difference between gameplay and dmg changes? this is crazy ngl.
DPS should trigger on dps? Nah .... That would be insanely inefficient or overpowered.

If low level skills are an issue just make them less prone to ailments activation based on the stat you choose will therefore act as a resistance.
But please no lame dps loop, let us build around mechanisms.
All I want for Christmas is a new PoE1 league at this point.

I've been playing Infernalist Minions this whole time, and I've never wanted any of the builds that have better clear than mine nerfed, I've just dealt with the fact that maps are incredibly untuned when it comes to mechanics like Ritual and Breach.

But this "Mowing the Lawn" approach to build diversity is just gross.

Maybe you guys should have ran closed beta for a couple more years.


Still don't have an Expedition Locker btw! How the hell did you guys remove it after it's existed in PoE1 for years? You can't even spend Artifacts out of the regular Stash.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
Last edited by Lixy#2668 on Dec 12, 2024, 12:07:14 AM
As many people have already said; this feels like a really stupid decision, which completely beats the point of CoC.. even if the idea behind meta skills is to only be supportive, this change just feels so weird, anti-player and anti-purpose. why not just heavily nerf the damage dealt by the supported skills?.. the skills' name is Cast on Critical, not Cast on Critical Damage. I've played PoE for more than 10 years now and i love GGG to death; PoE has carried me through some really rough times and i probably won't ever quit playing PoE games, but this change singlehandedly brought me the closest i've ever been.. i'll stop playing for now; hopefully i come back to a better game.

game devs dont want people having fun anymore these days. They should have nerf damage output NOT destroy the classic mage archetype all together.
Thanks! Now my character doesn't work (at all)! No warning-No free respec-There's plenty of stronger builds. I'm incredibly confused and this makes no sense. Please revert the changes or explain. This was massively disrespectful to my time.

-log on -build doesn't work
I’m sharing this here in the hope that the developers see it and consider making adjustments. Specifically, offering free skill tree respecs after major patches would go a long way. Frequent changes can leave some players unable to adapt, effectively making the game unplayable for them until they grind out a new build. Free respecs would let everyone continue enjoying and testing the game without feeling punished for changes they couldn’t predict.

As many people have already said; this feels like a really stupid decision, which completely beats the point of CoC.. even if the idea behind meta skills is to only be supportive, this change just feels so weird, anti-player and anti-purpose. why not just heavily nerf the damage dealt by the supported skills?.. the skills' name is Cast on Critical, not Cast on Critical Damage. I've played PoE for more than 10 years now and i love GGG to death; PoE has carried me through some really rough times and i probably won't ever quit playing PoE games, but this change singlehandedly brought me the closest i've ever been.. i'll stop playing for now; hopefully i come back to a better game.

Good points and suggestion. The playstyle is fun. Don't care about the damage as much, the playstyle is cool and satisfying. I think GGG are taking a terrible route here. The currency change gave me hope, these recent patches are making me lose that hope. I'm out for now.
Last edited by JaguarTC#2799 on Dec 12, 2024, 12:09:14 AM
no gold to re spec = re roll then?
I think all of the Cast on spells got super nuked and right now there is literally no point in having them at all, like for cast on crit I need to cast 100 times roughly to get one proc,
So no point in it, also don't understand why the hard nerf would have been better if it was just a nerf in cast on Crit dmg or something, Like I build my build around all the gems and passive skills and due to this nuke my build is dead,

i agree with the cast on spells was A bit overpowered but what they are now its just a spell no one will ever use n or be used because now its a waste of time now to have them.

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