0.1.0d Patch Notes

Thank you GGG, I have to say I want to drop POE2, shitty ascendancy of blood mage and you killed trigger spells, now I have no money to respec or even will to play ...
I play POE from the early. It was a great game with variations of builds. We were happy have a lot of good gems and multiply interactions.

Then u begin bricking every good gem with your "balance". And what has the game turned into? New players see hundred of gems, but cant understand 90% of them usless. U cannot play without guide. They remained as tombstones of a past power.

I really hoped that this game would be different, a new beginning, a lot of fans and interesting builds. But everything goes the same way, you destroy the skills again by imitating a false variety, leaving them in the game. Instead of strengthening other useless skills. Why do this?


This reads as if the Baby ruth guy from the goonies is talking in his head. also everything he said is true.
While I understand some changes had to me made in "cast on" skills, they may have been excessively nerfed, at least in some situations or builds.

At this moment I'm playing spark + crit build + firewall, before the patch Cast on Ignite would proc very often during map clearing, but now Cast on Ignite or Cast on Shock have proc exactly 2 times during a whole map. Most of the times shock normal monster would result in 0 energy gain. Even if you have a minor spell linked to these now it is utterly useless, at least in situations like mine with high cast rate/low damage spells.

Don't know if this the original intention of the fix or if this should checked again for further balance.
So i tried a few sorc builds in the campaign and cast on freeze was the only thing that properly made me excited cause everything else just felt weak. What exactly am i supposed to play now when i cant clear maps anymore
Nerfing shit into the ground is all fine and dandy, but RESPECT THE PLAYERS' TIME! You can't completely destroy builds and then expect people to spend 5k gold/point to respec. Blood mage is already undertuned, now my build literally doesn't work so my choices are reroll or quit. After grinding to 74.
Cast on freeze doesn't work.
Now all what i can do - stay afk in my hideout.....
Genius like modifications that add insult to injury to the game, don't you think you've done it really well? I've never seen a game planner so brainless. Your dog poop plot is stinky and long. You said the first three chapters of the plot might take 25 hours. I'm happy to hear this news, which means the game content will be rich. However, you only increased the number of enemies and map size, and now you have to weaken skills. Do you really know how difficult it is to start a new game? D4 didn't do as badly as you did. Are you really playing the game? Now almost all BD games are useless and can only be forced to eat shit. Games should be enjoyable and full of structure, and you have successfully destroyed everything

It is difficult game, but in a fun way imho. D4 difficulty is on CandyCrush level. And as for me, it is the most enjoyable game in years.
Jeraa#4646 wrote:
Stop with all the "no fun allowed" stuff - when all people do is going towards the most out of bound builds there is.

Everyone could see that this would be changed, the Cast on effect stuff and gas exploding.

Its pretty clear that PoE2 is not about getting the ability to face roll through content that easily and early in the game and some builds just provided that.

Rule to go by, if this seems like its "too easily achieved and no real investment" then its most likely going to get changed.

Also, its Christmas - take a break, go hang out with your family or something, come back to it later and see what's up.

People act like their entire life is ruined due to some changes. Makes me think that they don't have the ability to work around it and explore new options or they need to touch grass.

This is very interesting, but my build was not super effective and required a lot of investment in it (high crit on each item, high mana regen on each item, high es on each item, etc.) - it was a cast on crit comet. This version was not meta and was not strong - it was nerfed by 20 times. What am I guilty of?
How to lose half your playerbase with one patch
How to lose half your playerbase with one patch

More than that. Blizzard move take everyone’s money and shit all them

One of the biggest low IQ moves I’ve ever seen in gaming development. Hundreds of thousands of new eyeballs on their games not even 5 days into the game and they shit on everyone. Great first impression. Couldnt even let people have some fun for a couple weeks and take time trying to come up with a way to lower output instead of rendering the skills obsolete and unplayable. The specs utilizing triggers were FUN!!

This is such a dumb move it’s almost unfathomable that GGG pulled it.

What’s even worse is most players are still grinding the campaign. They effectively deleted their entire archetypes before they even had a chance to have fun with it in endgame
Last edited by JpPoe2#4703 on Dec 12, 2024, 12:34:30 AM

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