PoE 2 chat muted? I've only ever two messages I think

Which email?
Same I’m muted ps5

Same I’m muted ps5
Добрый день.
У меня не перенеслись несколько секций сундука, купленные в первой части PoE , и 300 монет так же не перенеслись на мой действующий аккаунт .
Отсутствуют секции: скверна, фрагменты, карты. Купил игру с аккаунта DanielNixon92#5396, и привязал ее на аккаунт DanielNixon#3346. Так как у меня их два. Так же не перенеслись 300 монет. Что мне делать в этом случае?
Same here! All I ever did was send whispers through trading site and then saying 'thanks' to people via PS5.
Same here. How can I get unmuted? Cant trade anything...
I'm afraid we aren't able to assist with account-related issues via the forums. Please contact us at support@grindinggear.com so we can look into this with you.
logged in today to see i've been muted . no warning or nothing , all i've done is link items in my guild to a friend
Strange, bringing this thread back because I've suddenly been muted as well. I haven't spoken about any sensitive topics or made rude comments. Very peculiar.
i'm muted too for global chat and co and i dont know why. On PS5. i can't invite players for trade and co.

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