PoE 2 Minions often stuck in doorways

GGG please do something about the minions ai, this is unplayable in endgame maps ....
Jesus, I just died right now because of this, there is anyway to fix this? Can you fix this quickly please, it's unfeasible to play with a minion build with the minions always standing still, when the maps have narrow passages it's over, you know the minions will get lost.
yes this has been very frequent, I have to go to the skill gem system to set the minions to 0 and summon them again, whenever they get stuck in doors or on bridges!
They get stuck everywhere. I couldn't get through one of the sechem rooms today. Due to the fact that all the summoning gates were on high ground, and the paths to them were narrow. The minions just stood in front of the passageway and did not rise, and monsters were continuously being summoned from the gate.

Please do something about it already. Almost all of your damage depends on the artificial intelligence of the minions, and sometimes they just don't react and let the monsters through. Moreover, the vast majority of monsters simply don't care about them and they just pounce on you in a crowd. The whole game comes down to who can catch up with whom. The monsters will catch up with you or the minions will catch up and kill the monsters.

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