PoE 2 Minions often stuck in doorways

Minions need urgent attention. The endgame is unplayable as they get stuck on any type of closed outdoor maps, maps with bridges, towers, etc. Once you hit level 95+, dying because your minions become unresponsive and can't move is incredibly frustrating and demotivating.

Adding a +1, I've gone so far as to bind minion move command to my 4th mouse button and just hold it down most of the time. Does nothing for most doorways/paths.
Just lost my 2nd 81 breach stone to bad pathing and minion AI. Frostmage build, plenty of dps but the damn skeles are constantly getting stuck on and around terrain bottlenecks and texture features.

I do the weapon swap despawn/respawn like some kind of crappy version of convocation. Its too slow, often non-responsive and of course it leaves you completely vulnerable and without minions for at least 1 to 2 seconds.

Also, minions should not body block each other or the player character. Its absurd.

You guys had minions figured out in POE I. Not sure why you are reinventing the wheel. This is so clunky and unreliable. Makes me thing you all are trying to push us away from witch/minion builds.
Yep, I died twice today in T12 maps due to my minions just not bothering to move. Even when not stuck in doors, on rare occasions they just.. idle. I've taken to using weapon swap and then swapping back to respawn them. This of course leaves me vulnerable, but it's far less time than it takes for them to actually revive after I move too far away.

They should not have collision. They should not be blocked by each other, or the player. This also goes for offerings, cause if you accidentally spawn an Offering in a doorway between you and your guys... gg lol

But yes.. GGG fixed this in PoE1, like thewy fixed EVERYTHING else. Why they decided to allocate an entirely new team to design PoE2 and at the same time, said team decided to NOT look at a log of all the potential issues faced by the PoE1 team and how they solved them to pre-emptively code this right.. is beyond me. *shrugs*
Could we please fix it it is getting really frustrating atm.
Please fix this, i have died 4 times in a row trying to clear a tower. I have to invite my monk friend to help because this is getting absurd. I have spent too many hours on this build and if i have to switch it because of this bug i will delete the game.

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