Oasis map impossible to complete/Last monster is a rare that cannot be found

Happened to me to on Oasis. One rare mob off the map, can't manage to aggro it.

same here, still bugged

edit: I run the map again and completed it, but it had a different layout.
Maybe some specific auto-generated layouts are bugged and contains some non-accessible areas.
IGN: schovanNecro
Last edited by schovan#4900 on Dec 24, 2024, 11:02:13 AM
Same problem.
Bug Report ID: #1799132016
Crazy how this was reported on the 8th and is still in the game. What's even the point of EA? I get taking Christmas off, but Christmas is only NOW, they've had 2 whole weeks.
2 rares stuck in the center of the map, managed to pull 1 of them with frostorb from the under side and 1 from the top of the ''lake'' from the bottom. just hug the edge and spam long range abilities till they aggro
yup, i have 2 rares left on my oasis map and part of the map is being blocked off and i cant get to the 2 rares to kill them. waste of a tier 7 trying to progress lol
Still bugged as of 12/25
Still bugged for me with 0 monsters left and map wont clear
Oasis map, still bugged, there is a wall on the very corner (South-East it appeared for me), the last Rare mob to complete the map was behind this wall.

I managed to complete it by using the Blink skill, positioned right across (where you have visibility of the terrain beyond the wall) and used it there. Hopefuully this helps someone who is stuck, until this bug gets fixed.

Last edited by LiIIy#0135 on Dec 27, 2024, 7:34:46 AM
bro this map!

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