Oasis map impossible to complete/Last monster is a rare that cannot be found

+1, just happened to me

Same thing happened to me.
Bug Report ID: #1368544824
Initially reported on December 10, just ran into it myself as an endgame newb on Jan 31, it was super confusing. Isn't it at least possible to disable this map until the issue is fixed?
I'm having the same problem with oasis too, rare yellow skull is in a place I cannot physically go and as close as I can get its just not there
+1 This just happened to me on Feb 7. The last rare is located in an inaccessible part of the map. There's a wall and some metal wreckage that renders the path completely blocked.
Yep, this has just happened to me as well. The last rare is in the same, inaccessible, part of the map as previous posters.
Confirming this bug is still active. Tier 15 map wasted :-(
Oasis map with the final Rare monster completely out of bounds.

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