Oasis map impossible to complete/Last monster is a rare that cannot be found

same here, Rustbowl map
i had zero monsters remaining on oasis and wouldn't complete, ran around whole map twice and nothing was hiding underground to pop up at me either
0 monsters, got the same
walled of in oasis aswell

[HC] IGN: BowzerBro
[NEM] IGN: Bwzer
0 monsters remain, won't complete.

Wasted a lvl 5 map on it ,barely had any.

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Had the same issue today, 0 monsters left still not completed.
Yeah, me too my last monster is in the lava
Also experiencing this as a bugged map. 1 monster left and assume there is a boss in the final area but nothing spawns or triggers to "map complete" the zone. Another limited Waystone lost.
Can confirm similar issue. Oasis, 1 boss remaining that is out of map bounds. Can see the skull icon probably a screen or two worth over from the boundary
i search for the last 2 monster for at least 2hrs. same happen here....

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