The thing that really gets me is they have almost constantly dropped amazing content for about 10 years.
Then out of basically nowhere they pull everything off poe 1 (had like 3 leagues in close to 2 years), go on an anti fun crusade in poe 1 and develop this turd.
I have 3000 hours in poe 1 just since it launched on steam and i'm a busy guy, it was just that good. I played through acts 1-3 as a summoner in 2013. That playthrough was far less cancerous than playing through poe 2 as minions (for whatever stupid reason it's the only arpg ever, including it's prequel, to not have a necromancer).
By Sunday i had gotten to maps. Since then i have logged about 6 hours play time because the game just makes me want to alt f4 constantly. I'm well above the curve, 3rd trial done etc etc and it's the least interesting experience i could of possibly imagined for a sequel.
1 death resets in the end game is just anti fun and punishes you if are farming anything you can't afk in.
Every single aspect (skills, passive tree, items, crafting) is dumbed down so a diablo 3 bot can figure it out. Well done you made loot more uninteresting than in D4, unless it's perfect it's basically worthless. A +4 weapon which is an insane amount of power and would take you many hours of pissing about with bases / vendors / playing costs 1 ex in trade.
Once you have done a boss once or twice to see their "gimmick" they offer zero challenge.
Getting off screened by white mobs and on death effects that i can't see through my own spells is beyond frustrating when death is so rediculously punishing.
I'm sorry but both sanctum and ultimatium are horrible mechanics. For the love of god rework this the entire game feels like a rehash of shit they had laying around, nothings original.
If that isn't your experiance and you are having fun thats great, i'm honestly pleased for you but that's not been my experiance.
Edit > They are at war with anything that's not skill usage with an active button press. Which turns your game into deadeyes using tornado shot with HH AKA every poe league since nemesis. Perma minions have caught strays literally every patch since harvest or "reworking" beloved mechanics AKA Blight to make them intentionally worse in every conceivable way.
+1 They wanted to make a game that gets us to log off and go outside, not sure about their future but we all might be healthier because of it.
Posted byErebus1800#6364on Dec 15, 2024, 2:50:35 PM
totally agree
i will not spend hours with stressful boss fights
this game is not for me because i'm not having fun with it
I am having fun, a lot and I was not with POE1. POE1 was absurdly boring.... never ever managed to make a play session of over 1 h with POE1 because of the bore the game was.
Level 84 Assassin
Standard League
Single fkin character made in POE 1 and you barely beat campaign.
Tnahks for your advice on how POE was looking considering your knowledge.
Posted byxPimousse#3057on Dec 15, 2024, 3:00:40 PM
I have confidence that in the future they will make PoE2 fantastic... this is EA after all... But right now, it ain't it quite yet. I probably won't be playing again until the next big content update and to see how they address some current criticisms.
I'm sorry that the game is not a Cookie Clicker and bosses are no longer just Loot pinatas anymore.
Last edited by MEITTI#3999 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:20:42 PM
Posted byMEITTI#3999on Dec 15, 2024, 3:20:31 PM
Level 84 Assassin
Standard League
Single fkin character made in POE 1 and you barely beat campaign.
Tnahks for your advice on how POE was looking considering your knowledge.
That like proves his point? He literally said he didnt have fun with PoE1 but does with PoE2.
Posted bykuciol#0426on Dec 15, 2024, 3:30:55 PM
What exactly are the new ideas ? Can you develop on this ?
Sanctum is in PoE1, Ultimatum is in PoE1, slap a map with pretty colors and call it a new atlas which is the same as the old atlas, Ascendancies are practically the same, skills are also the same but gated as old skill gems were, annoints came from PoE1, Essences and the same currency are in PoE1, Archnemesis yellow monsters were in poe1 and now are in PoE2 having the same primordial issue that was fixed in PoE1 which is moddiferies stacking badly on a mob making it unkillable in some cases, ...So beside the roll mechanic and the boss fights taking longer and somehow better telegraphed and the fact that now you don't need a portal scroll to go to town, what is new ? The graphic engine ?
This message is in before they add ward as a defensive and call it orange stuff.
If I recall correctly they wanted PoE2 to be an exapnsion to PoE1 so that they can improve the game engine to continue to develop, but ended up seeing that it is a herculean task so they ended up saying it's a new game.
The whole flow of combat, the progression, gem system, bosses, locations everything is new. Your point of view is shallow as hell. D4 has more in common with PoE1 than PoE2. Yes ultimatum is in PoE1 but you somehow conveniently forgot that its also a lot different with different modifiers, different zones, different "missions". Your post is disingenuous as hell and you know it. The fact is Jonathan, you know the guy behind those games is NOT HAPPY HOW POE1 TURNED OUT. Guess what he will avoid with PoE2?
So new to you is putting the skills in a different panel ? How exactly is skill progression new, when you have the same skills and supports ( some of them are called different I'll give you that) that unlock at a x level and has a y requirement of weapon/attribute.
The flow of combat is not new to the genre, we've seen the same type of combat in diablo 2. They just added Archnemesis and a dodge roll over Diablo 2 mob packs.
I already said the boss fights are something new to be added, which will become a problem sooner than later and of course the campaign map will be different, that's the easiest part, the game design part which is essentially the core of the game is copy pasted and slapped with a different name.
You can shill how much you want and you can say Jonathan or whoever you want will avoid the problems PoE1 had, but if you look this at an objective point of view and not subjective like you do, Jonathan already made the same mistakes that PoE1 had, starting with Archnemesis over stacking some mods on mobs that sometimes makes them immortal. A thing which was nerfed in Archnemesys league after 1 freaking week. Here people didn't cry about it because the game is new and they haven't really reached maps to see mobs with 4-5 mods, hasted + mana drain + fire aura+ energy shield + regeneration, to really see how bull everything is.
My point isn't shallow, because I give Cezar what Cezar deserves, PoE2 might be a good game, but it's hardly new, and hardly a revolutionary game that Jonathan proudly announced. It's new to see that someone markets his game better than Blizzard, that I'll give to him. That and the boss fights which at the second play through are just there to be dodged and hit.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Posted byVendetta#0327on Dec 16, 2024, 1:56:30 AM
Amen brother. Bump. Middle of cruel and not having issues but also not having much fun. Seems the devs have lost sight of what made POE 1 a blast.
Posted byNAUSICAAN#3261on Dec 16, 2024, 2:48:14 AM
Agree with all hate this version of poe. [Removed by Support]
Level 97 Ice strike Monkey
Posted bybellabears#7803on Dec 16, 2024, 2:59:12 AM
I don’t want to exaggerate the negative aspects—after all, the game is still in a very early stage, so i can’t complain about everything.
But am I the only one who, after 30 levels, feels like their character hasn’t changed one bit?
I’m still slow, I’m still weak, I still deal the same damage. And I don’t mean low damage, but the same damage proportional to the content I’ve reached.
I don’t see any power spikes, I don’t see any improvements, I don’t feel like I’m playing an ARPG.
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’m extremely puzzled.
Hit it right on the head. This is the problem. You never feel stronger in POE2. This is what makes the game a slog. In the early years of POE 1 when we had to repeat the game at three different levels. You started weak, felt powerful, then weak again over and over till end game when you made slow progression to a final build. If it became a slog you started a new character. In POE 2 the whole game feels like a slow frustrating slog.
Posted byNAUSICAAN#3261on Dec 16, 2024, 3:05:54 AM
Agree with all hate this version of poe. [Removed by Support]
[Removed by Support]
That's the first time I've seen that, and I've seen some pretty ragey and aggressive comments. Now I'm curious what you said, lmao.
I mean. I get it. This version of PoE is so trash I've quit playing until they fix the core problems, but... lol!
I +1 basically everything you said. I don't think the game is very fun right now. I think they have gone BACKWARDS with the genre. Every bit of advancement data they could've drawn from PoE1 seems to be ignored. I think there are fundamental flaws with PoE2 and they aren't fixed in a patch or two. They have a ton of work to do, or they screwed up by not releasing all gems/weapon types/etc. and allowing this negative energy to fester. Seven days with no communication is preeetty bad, considering almost all the prior communication was just nerfing builds.
I have seen someone else say there has to be "that guy" in the dev team that forces his perspective and won't listen to anything otherwise. "That guy" has to go. This game needs a lot of help. I was super defensive for the first few days, telling people to quit crying and git good. Now, I am pretty sure it's the game that has to git good.
Ask yourself: If this were Blizzard, how would you feel?
Posted byJabletron#5466on Dec 16, 2024, 2:16:40 PM