PoE 2 is boring and not fun
" If they're really trying to pick up a new audience at the expense of their old audience, they're even dumber than I thought. They'll end up with neither, and only with the players who like Ruthless game mode. |
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I agree as well I see they didnt really think things trough or they just dont care . Here i am lvl 13 clicked on a point to lvl didn't know if intel would add damage kinda like strength does for warrior only this was a mage . Well no power boost so thought no biggie i will just respect until I saw the 7500 dollar cost PER point are you kidding me why ?
I can not see a new person making a mistake and thinking oh yeah let me give you ALL my loot for one mistake ?? |
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i totally agree with you, good post. Unfortunately GGG is now taking a Blizzard stance and do not care about what people say it's there way or the Highway. Dont think they have responded to a single post :( or i haven't read the one they have responded too.
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I get its early access but it feels like the numbers for a handful of skills and supports were just randomized without any thought. Feels like they don’t even run baseline QA/UAT on some shit. Tooltips don’t update properly, bugged ascendencies, bugged quests, auto aim feels like shit and mapping feels incomplete.
Overall is the game “good”? It’s a solid mid tier game. I’m sure it will get better. Is the game “fun”? It would be if the chaos dot archetype wasn’t pure shit. Is the game “hard”? No. Bosses aren’t hard they are just long and drawn out for the archetype I play. Crafting? I’d rather just spend currency to buy far better items from players. Biggest gripe is watching videos/streams of people blasting maps with 1-2 abilities and then watching chaos dot builds using 4-5 abilities and needing to drag out boss kills over minutes. Either way I’m not hating on the game. It will be great once it has a few balance passes done and some bug fixes. Edit: I have played variants of the chaos dot archetype as Blood Mage, Chalupa and Chrono. Cruel was so much easier than Normal for all of them. None of the 3 ascendencies felt impactful or mattered. Last edited by slobdog#2920 on Dec 14, 2024, 9:25:55 PM
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Frankly I think the OP had some good points and some bad ones but then again different people will have different opinions on things. My current issue with this are the constant nerfs and yes, I know this is more or less a beta so nothing is set in stone. They pretty much destroyed my witch build.
So I think I am going to put this game away for a long while until maybe they get the druid in and then play some on that. Will they nerf that class into oblivion? Probably. It seems to be the MO for the devs to nerf everything right now. At any rate, I do agree with the OP that them not having any phasing skill is just horrible. I can't tell you how many times a mob just insta-swarmed me and I had no way out. Dodge rolling didnt help and all I could do was sit there and watch the life drain away. I do hope they add some phasing ability gem somewhere. |
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" I'd double check that. Current gold is on the left and gold left after Respec is on the right. Last edited by Mr_Vagtastic#4761 on Dec 14, 2024, 9:31:09 PM
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The thing that really gets me is they have almost constantly dropped amazing content for about 10 years.
Then out of basically nowhere they pull everything off poe 1 (had like 3 leagues in close to 2 years), go on an anti fun crusade in poe 1 and develop this turd. I have 3000 hours in poe 1 just since it launched on steam and i'm a busy guy, it was just that good. I played through acts 1-3 as a summoner in 2013. That playthrough was far less cancerous than playing through poe 2 as minions (for whatever stupid reason it's the only arpg ever, including it's prequel, to not have a necromancer). By Sunday i had gotten to maps. Since then i have logged about 6 hours play time because the game just makes me want to alt f4 constantly. I'm well above the curve, 3rd trial done etc etc and it's the least interesting experience i could of possibly imagined for a sequel. 1 death resets in the end game is just anti fun and punishes you if are farming anything you can't afk in. Every single aspect (skills, passive tree, items, crafting) is dumbed down so a diablo 3 bot can figure it out. Well done you made loot more uninteresting than in D4, unless it's perfect it's basically worthless. A +4 weapon which is an insane amount of power and would take you many hours of pissing about with bases / vendors / playing costs 1 ex in trade. Once you have done a boss once or twice to see their "gimmick" they offer zero challenge. Getting off screened by white mobs and on death effects that i can't see through my own spells is beyond frustrating when death is so rediculously punishing. I'm sorry but both sanctum and ultimatium are horrible mechanics. For the love of god rework this the entire game feels like a rehash of shit they had laying around, nothings original. If that isn't your experiance and you are having fun thats great, i'm honestly pleased for you but that's not been my experiance. Edit > They are at war with anything that's not skill usage with an active button press. Which turns your game into deadeyes using tornado shot with HH AKA every poe league since nemesis. Perma minions have caught strays literally every patch since harvest or "reworking" beloved mechanics AKA Blight to make them intentionally worse in every conceivable way. Last edited by accelerantqt#2560 on Dec 14, 2024, 10:39:05 PM
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no fun 100%
didnt play now for 1 1/2 days because i got mad, felt ragy and was just like play something else calm down it will be good then i saw a video for 5. 6. ascendency points on just spent 5 6 exalts on trade and get a lvl 60 sanctum run with 3 floors and i was like YEAH MAYBE FINALLY THATS A GOOD POINT!!!! im lvl 81 doing t10 maps with ease... put the relics in to have 60-70 something honour resistance and thought this will be finally be the run so i shoot 2 arrows now! it will happen!!! booom random stuff all honour gone AGAIN nothing you can dodge or prevent with any health resistance or anything... just random you see you drop 500 honor 500 again and booom.. DEAD as far as i know my char as a deadeye you go evasion so you dodge attacks so they dont hit you.. your healt is at 100% but honour gets down instantly? how?it doesnt make any sense in my mind.. i get it when you map and you have 20 30 % chaos resistance and you die.. in poe 1 it was like yeah you die it was chaos stuff alright 5 more trys but in here? you die? why? i dont know?! map dead, trial dead, either spent the currency you dont have to make another run or you run more maps that give you nothing to do one more try to get nothing... i had my ups and downs in one day that i talked to my me wife and i said i hate it and she went on for some work stuff and came back and saw me happy and she was like what happend? and i said I GOT DROPS I GOT THIS AND THAT ITS SO AWESOME just to get slapped in the face again by the fact what ever you got its worthless and you will not progress until you basically sell your fucking kidney to get that FUCKING LUCKY RUN.. yeah GIT GUD you and your one in a billion good skill point are just laughing because you got lucky bot the majority did not enjoy it more then us.. i see so many forum post about complains to those things and they are not doing the trials in endgame yet.. i was legit like a little child on crhistmas eve when EA launched and i was like that when i did the story but the so called "endgame" we focus on endgame so you do act 1 2 3 again and dont see act 4 5 6? i legit would rather see those unfinished acts then this endgame that is just saying every minute you fuckign suck. when i see people talk about I CAN DO t 1 2 3 MAPS IM SO OVERPOWERD DONT NERF MY BUILD and im just one shotting t10 but cand take a gas cloud for 0.01 second on a level 60 sanctum ascendency try? just NOPE |
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It seems that the OP is upset that PoE2 is distinct from PoE1. If they're that hung on the playstyle of PoE1, then like they said at the end of the post, PoE2 isn't for them. I really like the playstyle that the devs are going for, it just needs refining.
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Bump, game is boring and unbalanced af.
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