PoE 2 is boring and not fun

10k+ hours played from poe1 beta onward. I have to say after playing waystones (maps) for a while I'm not excited by poe2.

I brought 4 other players into the beta, one of which is my girlfriend whom I always struggle to get to play poe1 with me. The Riverbank boss killed her so many times I'm never going to get her back into poe2. In my case I would have appreciated a simpler tutorial boss, and a ramp-up of diffuculty once I can actually help her.

From a party play perspective, resurrection is terrible with fewer players. In a group of 5 you can stack resurrection channeling and get someone up in a reasonable amount of time, but IMO resurrection should be almost instant when in a party of two or three. When the player attempting to ressurect is the focus of enemy damage it's simply impossible.

Act 3 is amazing, I love the aesthetic, the water effects, etc. Act 2 is a disaster. Trying to explain to new and inexperienced players that the caravan travels to a node on the map outside of the zone you wish to reach, resulting in the caravan (town) never being in the same place, is just a layer of confusion I could live without.

As others have said, in its current state I wouldn't level up multiple characters in poe2. I don't particularly find it to be fun, and I burned out MUCH faster than I ever would have imagined. I don't think it's unreasonable for poe1 players to expect to enjoy poe2 for similar reasons they did the original. You can say "...it's a different game, go back to poe1." all you want, but poe2 should have an entirely different title if that was the intention.

Absolutely right, GGG takes notes from the smart people who have been playing their game for a long time.
I love the gfx, the bosses and the improved boss fight mechanics, the story, the immersive world. PoE 2 really got a great foundation to be the best arpg ever, but;

I hate its ruthless mode...the loot is the most boring I've ever experienced in an arpg, and loot is the main reason why I play this genre.
Crafting is tedious, dumbed down to exalt slamming RNG.

So; all in all I'm very disappointed. :(

I have the exact same feeling that PoE2 is not fun after a while and this is because the negatives heavily outweight the positives right now.

What i like so far:

D2 vibes.
Diveryity of Zones & Monsters.
GPU / CPU Optimisation.
WASD. Surprisingly Smooth.

What i really don't like:

Elden-Ring has PoE2 by it's ballsac.

Because of the souls-like combat the game now requires 100% of focus, otherwise you get ontshot by either DD or a ranged white mob.
In PoE 1 we have multiple layers of defenses. On the tree / trough itemsisation / benchcrafting etc so we can relatively mindlessly run around in white maps and start blasting.
Not so much in PoE2 , due to the dumbing down of their tree / itemisation we have much less defense options and have to focus at all times in oder to not lose exp or the map.
It's a war of attrition. And it's not fun.
You feel exausted after a while during mapping.
Elden is a boss killer with deterministic loot, while PoE is or should be a hack'n'slash looter ARPG with randomized loot.

Do the devs not understand their own genre anymore?

There was a really interesting thread on reddit during the hiatus of archnemesis/kalandra league hitting lowest player retention of all time.
I think it goes somethign like this "POE hit the sweet spot of an endlesss enjoyable gameplayloop purely by accdicent."

This is a huge mess they need to solve.

Other minor issues that make the game unfun:

Ultimatum for Ascendancy. Failure and Success is purely decided by RNG
We run around at turtle pace but the monsters still have PoE1 pace.

Last edited by dend3lol#4714 on Dec 14, 2024, 7:28:10 PM
Bump, this game is shit.
100% agreed on everything you wrote. There's a ridiculous amount that's wrong with this game, and I'm truly perplexed that it ever got released in this state, or that it ever even got DESIGNED with these underlying principles in the first place. It makes absolutely no sense.

Do the devs not play PoE1?
Do the devs not pay attention to what ARPG players like and dislike?
Do the devs not understand player psychology?

PoE1 was built on the core ideas of Diablo 2, and then expanded upon.
Why is PoE2 not built on the core ideas of PoE1, and then expanded upon?
They took the best parts of PoE1 and either made them worse or scrapped them.
I don’t want to exaggerate the negative aspects—after all, the game is still in a very early stage, so i can’t complain about everything.
But am I the only one who, after 30 levels, feels like their character hasn’t changed one bit?
I’m still slow, I’m still weak, I still deal the same damage. And I don’t mean low damage, but the same damage proportional to the content I’ve reached.
I don’t see any power spikes, I don’t see any improvements, I don’t feel like I’m playing an ARPG.
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’m extremely puzzled.
Vicas#4629 wrote:
I don’t want to exaggerate the negative aspects—after all, the game is still in a very early stage, so i can’t complain about everything.
But am I the only one who, after 30 levels, feels like their character hasn’t changed one bit?
I’m still slow, I’m still weak, I still deal the same damage. And I don’t mean low damage, but the same damage proportional to the content I’ve reached.
I don’t see any power spikes, I don’t see any improvements, I don’t feel like I’m playing an ARPG.
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I’m extremely puzzled.

It's not just you. PoE1 had a game-changing passive skill tree. When you picked up certain nodes, or reached certain breakpoints, the entire feel of your build would change.

In PoE2, most of the skills you get early game are just the skills you're going to keep using all game long, and your passive tree doesn't really change anything. It just keeps your same old boring skills and playstyle relevant. Maybe it elevates it at a certain point, but it doesn't really fundamentally change anything for you.

By trying to simplify the game, they broke it.

I'm trying to force myself through it, on multiple characters, just so I can properly test it and leave feedback and hope that the devs improve the game. But it's boring. It's draining. It's exhausting. And it's just straight up not that fun of a game.

Oh, sure, it looks great. The combat is responsive (when your animations aren't so slow [Warrior] you could practically take a nap between when you start them and when they finish). And the voice acting's pretty decent.

But it's just... boring. With terrible underlying design philosophies.

I have more fun digging a hole in 7 Days to Die than I have playing PoE2. And that's a pretty damning indictment of PoE2.
I gotta agree with mostly everything , i still enjoy the game but i really wish they didnt go the ruthless mode way , no crafting bench is a bust for me as it added value to meta crafting orb (divines now worthless! ). They have to bring back the crafting bench so we at least get some sort of economy going on !

Also getting swarmed due to poor movement and losing xp for that sux! Plz add respectfull movement skills that isnt spirit reservation like blink atm...
they are trying get a new audience and so far the game is getting a good number of active players (https://steamdb.info/app/2694490/charts/) if they repeat poe 1 will stuck with the same players (that will get a bit old to a grind game)
Last edited by Mokurp#2464 on Dec 14, 2024, 7:48:29 PM
Completely agree with this post. While there are short bursts of enjoyment in PoE2, the majority is simply tedious, and cannot be played casually in most aspects. PoE2 doesn't feel like a sequel at all, it just feels like ruthless with shinier graphics.

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