Refund Request for POE2 Early Access - Unable to Reach Support

No refund on Epic Games because part of the early access is 300 in game points.

Haven't played for 2 hours
Hasn't been 2 weeks
Had no idea points even exist (haven't used points)

Very bad practice, starting from GGG, and EG for supporting it.

Yes, it is my own fault for not reading the fine print, but ^
They could count your key access as "something spent". The same way they do with points.

If you've spent points you cant get your money back. I refunded a pack a few years ago. I was told they had to check if I had spent points. I hadnt spent any points and got a refund.

So dont be mad if they refuse your refund.

I'm honestly shocked at how many people pay for early access, then demand their money back when the game is unfinished or not to their standards.

I mean, as far as an EA title goes, this thing is PACKED with stuff. They could have released $30 EA for the 3 acts and nothing more and people would have been excited...

I just don't get it.

I mean I like the game and don't plan on refunding or to stop playing but you don't HAVE to understand why someone doesn't like something? They are allowed to not like a product or to return it. As for the rest I think some people just can't look at gameplay videos like I can and just know if they will like a game or not. I know just by videos alone.
Last edited by Fenryl#7897 on Dec 13, 2024, 2:45:03 PM
I asked for a refund a week ago due to a technical issue preventing me from playing PoE2, no reply yet.
I bought the early acces but cant play can I get a refund or something ridiculus
Hi Ive payed for the early acces but cant play I want a redund if possible. I dont know were to turn to tho. But no point of buying early acces if I cant play!
early access is not a demo to try and simply demand refund when not happy with the game for watever reasons. deal with it.
Nahida#6831 wrote:
I asked for a refund a week ago due to a technical issue preventing me from playing PoE2, no reply yet.

technical fault of the game or yr pc? Ggg has no obligation to refund if its yr own pc issue. Game is perfectly playable with no breaking major issues at this point. So yeah.
I got the 480 pack and I requested today a refund down to the 30 pack. never used the keys or bought the merch. I enjoy the game honestly but that missing money is killing me inside.
I got the 480 pack and I requested today a refund down to the 30 pack. never used the keys or bought the merch. I enjoy the game honestly but that missing money is killing me inside.

because you misread and misunderstood the 480$ pack buyers in the past got early access without having to spend any MORE money. even if you spent 480$ in the lifetime of POE1 you got access.

but YOU only needed to spend 30$ to get a key...
Last edited by badoobmx#6256 on Dec 25, 2024, 9:08:47 AM
It will come give them some time, otherwise do it via Steam their system is automated.

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