[POE 2] Bugs
Good Day Devs,
First of all, great game. This is replacing most of my Arpg because I believe in the direction of this amazing company. Here I am not to complain but provide an observation of probably not intended game mechanics. I'm currently on Xbox Series S, my latency from server is 46MS to the Singapore domain. My build is a Sorcerer and recently drop a skill gem level 9 on Fireball, support gems probably just to mention Glaciation and Deep Freeze(maybe not relevant). The bug that I noticed is that my character does not aim at the facing enemy but from an enemy from a distance that has range skills. Tested this several times, but just to be more accurate the auto aim decides on an opponent you're not facing. The aim is not directed from the direction that the characters facing towards but randomly selected enemy npc. Did this several times just to see if lag maybe a factor. This time my network connection is steady. Only using left stick while the right stick is not being used. This other one is not a bug, but wanted to let you know while when viewing a skill and inspecting the "Advanced Info" on the main tab(which normally will shows another 1 or 2 tab), it won't tell you to use the D-Pad to go through the other tabs. I did finally figured it out but for the less experimenting players on console they probably would not know. If the community is well aware of that, I just wanted to provide feedback. Not important on this 2nd part. Thanks to Everyone at GGG! |
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Bug id:4267669829
Changed my scepter on a scepter with +1 to minion skills and i had more than double minion summary. Turned off my minion skills and bugged minions do not dissapeared. After reloging all became normal. |
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Was running a Tier 1 Waystone on Backwash. Got a random Disconnect. Was out less than 15 Seconds before logging back in. When logged back in to hideout, had an empty inventory, map was closed lost all currency i gathered from the map as well.
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Reference number: 1,484,629,538
Cannot cast Dark Effigy totem while strafing back and right (S + D) with WASD controls. Other directions seem to work fine. |
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bug experienced: 12/12/24
In maps that have a boss encounter some areas wont let you leave the arena even though you have killed the boss. Rusted king boss and the Snake queen boss in particular has these from what I have experienced |
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Issue: Random dc and crash on skill use. Lost instance and waypoint instead of being resumed. Instance/waypoints disappeared upon log-in. Description: There are two settings in which this occurred: - At the beginning of joining an instance, I would instantly crash by just pressing an ability. Then, that instance/waypoint would disappear upon log-in and I respawned back in town. I have lost at least 5 waypoint maps because of this. This happened the most frequently. - When it became stable and I was mapping, sometimes it would randomly crash upon using abilities. Upon log-in, the instance/waypoint was lost. Affected 6 times in Utzaal and twice in maps. Skills most affected: Frost wall. Skills less affected: Fireball. Somehow, my crashes were never registered and the game never paused. GGG, please fix this. Happened too frequently since the new patch. Sincerely, Frustrated Player |
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Important bug: if u in trials of chaos select the debuff to lose resistere is permanent I lose over 40% resistance forever I have to delete my character and create another one., fix this fast as possible., this is one of worst bug in the history of videogame I literally can't play endgame........
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Offhand skill "Vaulting Impact" cannot be used after certain conditions. To reproduce: Equip an offhand quarterstaff and the Vaulting Impact skill Go to Freythorn Get pinned with the green tendrils by enemies You can now no longer use Vaulting Impact until you un-equip and re-equip your offhand weapon or Vaulting Impact skill gem |
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Bug 12/13 fix! asp
my build not working without Reduce Curse Duration! Curse effect nodes Dont work not adding effect to my curses And the Master node. Master of Hexes (North of the tree) Dont lower the Duration of my Curses Bug 12/10 And Leech for mana from rune socket Dont work either but from tree it works/items but not the Rune it self on Weapon slot. |
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Bug experienced: Stuck spot
As of 13/12/2024: In the Mawdun Mine, I was backing up across a bridge from a horde while attacking, once I backed up to end of bridge somehow there is now a cart on the bridge and I take damage when I try to walk through it. At the end of the bridge is 8 knocked over minecarts. Have to respawn at checkpoint. |
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