[POE 2] Bugs

I would like to report a bug that cost me two level 13 gems. Since this is my first character, it will significantly delay my progression. I play on console (PS5), and when I press to learn a new skill with the uncut skill gem inside the gem chest and confirm to learn the skill, the uncut skill gem disappears, but the skill does not bind directly to the character, nor does it go to the inventory – it simply vanishes. After losing two level 13 gems, I tested the behavior with a lower-level gem as I understood what had happened. Once again, the gem disappeared.

Hi iam in second act Lost City. I noticed that mobs stuck behind walls very often. They dont attack even that there is a door next to them and iam firing spells through the doors on them.
Arrows projectiles stay stuck in the wall of men at Viper Napuatzi even after they are dead and the fight is over.

Lightning Arrow, +1 to projectiles

bugs experienced-

1. if i die in trial of sakima, i can leave with controller
2. the death cystals trial room is very annoying because i cant activa them if monsters are nearby with controller, sometimes i cant activate them even if i have killed all nearby monsters

please fix this its very annoying,
1.After killing Balbala in Act 2, second difficulty, I died and clicked immediatly on ressurect.
When I came back in the room some items dropped but I’m now unable to complete this quest.

2.In the mastodont badland I encountered "spiders" from a shrine, they can move before deactivated the shrine and are untargatable. When you destroy the shrine they become targatable.
Last edited by John Doe7731#8767 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:05:11 PM
I believe I have a map that isn't completable due to random generation on Act 1 missing Tomb of the consort. https://imgur.com/iaOpaVw

Bug report reference number 1,858,931,078
Last edited by Hailren#2981 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:12:17 PM
Boss mob The Crowbell in Hunting Grounds will glitch if stunned during second zone change attempt. He will stare at the bell and not fall below 10% health. Can not teleport or relog the character.
As of 17 Dec 2024:

* In Mud Burrow - Larva encased in "Essence crystals" begin to unburrow and attack you before the crystal is broken. They cannot be targeted or hurt in any way but can hit you.
Breaking the essence crystals makes them targetable.
I am a sorceress wielding two staffs. The staff equipped to weapon set 1 is level 9. The staff equipped to weapon set 2 is level 8. I am unable to equip a level 9 staff to weapon set 2. I have proven that this is not a stat or level requirement issue because I cannot even swap posititions for the current staffs I am wielding (i.e. I can't assign the lvl 9 staff to set 2 and the lvl 8 staff to set 1)
THE CRASH BUG MUST BE FIXED OMG. I've just submitted another refund request with steam. 19 hours played, 40+ crashes. So sick of this. I shouldn't have to disable cores or download third party software to limit my CPU % just so I can kill the crash with task manager. It's such a ridiculous problem and I really just can't wrap my head around how they can't even acknowledge this issue. I feel robbed and cheated. I would have rather just spent $70 on Call of Duty. Talk about a cash grab, at least the COD games don't behave this way. Unbelievable.

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