[POE 2] Bugs
When the handle is disconnected, the game will be logged out. When the controller runs out of power and the battery is replaced, the game will be logged out. I hope the game can be automatically paused when the handle is disconnected. It's okay to keep the connection still. Give players time to change the battery. Continue to play at the same time Thanks. |
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Just completed an attempt at third ascendancy on Chaos Trials and I did not get my ascendancy despite the gem claiming I would. 7 Trials and level 66 iirc. I previously got my 1 and 2 ascendancies in normal through Trial of Sekhemas and Trial of Chaos.
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Upgrading skill gems does not respect the effect of the JARNGREIPR RINGMAIL GAUNTLETS.
Despite me being able to use a skill because of the Unique effect the gloves provides, I am unable to upgrade my skill gems, and so I am forced to create a new skill gem rather than upgrading the current one. This mostly becomes an issue when you have applied a jeweller's orb etc. to one of the skill gems. There are a few other issues that arise with these gloves but this is the one that doesn't have a workaround. |
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Trial of Chaos, Blink
You can blink past the elevators, walking to the door before the next room. If you activate the elevator to go back down, it gets stuck, preventing other players from using it to get up. |
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I finished act 2 and traveled to Vaal in act 3 but when I arrived I talked to the old woman and chose to return to the caravan so now I’m stuck in there in the desert and can’t return to Vaal in act 3, can someone help? I have no quest active, they are completed and I can see the Three Acts below the map, but I can’t return to act 3… |
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I finished act 2 and traveled to Vaal in act 3 but when I arrived I talked to the old woman and chose to return to the caravan so now I’m stuck in there in the desert and can’t return to Vaal in act 3, can someone help? I have no quest active, they are completed and I can see the Three Acts below the map, but I can’t return to act 3… |
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My game crashed every 5 seconds to 1 minute in combat in Bone pits and Keth and i couldnt figure out why tried every CPU fix i saw didnt work. Turns out I soft locked my character by TPing to the hub out of the ascention trial before i got my ascention and i couldnt go back there soflocking my character was never able to open chests again after that in there and the game thought i was prmanently in the dungeon so it crashed in almost every combat outside of it. I figured it out because all my other characters were not crashing it was only that one.
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Bug Report ID: #505345138
Ritual limit area is bugged as if you try to get out or dodge roll it teleports you back in the middle of the room instead of preventing you to go out or move further. |
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Energy shield does not protect against attacks of some groups of monsters. For example, mages in towers with chaos damage, when their ability attacks from underground, HP is taken away, completely ignoring the energy shield.
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Specific crossbow drop exits game to login screen when interacted with via crafting and equipping.
"Mind Core Advanced Dyad Crossbow" Once equipped, the game will crash to login screen but weapon will be equipped when re-logging. Same interaction happens when using any crafting material on it. |
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