Aim Assist is on by default for keyboard and mouse, no way to turn it off

+1 Vaulting Impact feels terrible to play because of this. I just want to land where my cursor is. sometimes it even goes backwards lol
Trying to hit the frozen locus I put down but the game keeps aiming at the mob next to it for me even though I am using keyboard and mouse. Please give us a way to turn aim assist off

Interesting because I posted recently about this very problem playing with controller. I assumed mkb was just fine.
+1 I don't understand why MKB can't choose auto aim as a toggleable setting. To me, the auto aim is janky and a downgrade from modern ARPGs.
+1. Outrageous that this is even a thing. Especially on PC.
+1 This is about to make me quit the game until it's fixed. 99% of the time I end up getting surrounded and bodyblocked/stun killed is becuase of this. Also, can't hit the bell when playing Monk half the time.
Last edited by JadeBandit#0439 on Dec 9, 2024, 9:34:37 PM
I cannot even count the times a died to my attacks locking on to the wrong enemy and my character moving on its own. If I want to move I will press a button to move and I want to attack wherever my cursor is pointing

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