(Outdated)Frostbolt/Eye of Winter, Coldsnap, Cast on freeze Comet

I think going armor gonna be sorta mandatory to survive higher maps unless full es build
Last edited by Furioushobo#7019 on Dec 11, 2024, 1:18:39 PM
I just got cast on freeze. My frostbolt does little damage, so it doesn't even freeze white mobs on one hit. Is that normal? Should I stay away from cast on freeze until my frostbolt does more damage, relative to white mobs?

I do have a +3 staff, so my frostbolt damage [scattershot & glaciation] can't go up easily.

passive tree & skill panel in game

Frost Bolt will not freeze in 1 hit unless you crit with sufficient crit damage. On average it should freeze in 2 hits maybe 3 if you're unlucky.
I think going armor gonna be sorta mandatory to survive higher maps unless full es build

Going hybrid armor + ES pieces is likely gonna be what I do once I get some more strength on gear/small passives on the tree.
what are some must have jewels? :D
Was there an update or something? When I go to the gems; spell cascade, spell echo and inspiration have a red X next to them in regard to cast on freeze. Even if I pick up the gem and try to socket it, it’s grayed out with a red exclamation point. How is everyone socketing these gems to cast on freeze? Was it Nerfed?

**edit. So even though the red x is there and it says I can’t, it actually does allow me to do it. Glitched out I guess
Last edited by Beer42O#8112 on Dec 10, 2024, 9:56:35 PM
have you thought about going down to careful assassin node? thats a ton of extra critical hit chance
having really thought abotu it, i think going chaos inoc and pure ES is the way to go here, just need to figure out the nodes for a BIG BOY ES
all your Critical Hit Chance nodes doesn't work on spells unless its "global crit hit chance" or "crit hit chance for spells"
all your Critical Hit Chance nodes doesn't work on spells unless its "global crit hit chance" or "crit hit chance for spells"

Crit chance for spells only works for spells, crit change on weapon does not work for spells. normal crit change on tree works for both.

U just randomly type stuff without checking?

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