(Outdated)Frostbolt/Eye of Winter, Coldsnap, Cast on freeze Comet
Hello im 45 lvl get trouble to kill Viper at act 3 and want to try this build, can someone post for me the best gem setup for my lvl?
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" Hey! I’m glad to see you’ve been enjoying the build! Considering this is my first ever build I’ve posted and is almost entirely made up myself as I leveled and progressed I’m happy to see it’s working for others as well! As far as Gem setups go what I have currently posted is what I’m using myself! I did also notice going into act 3 cruel mobs seemed to have gotten a bit harder to freeze although I can’t say I had too much trouble getting freezes off to trigger comet. Two reasons I could think of that could be causing a harder time freezing, it could be either a lack of freeze buildup on the skill tree (which I need to update the one on the post because I made some changes) or it could be lack of damage. I’m not entirely sure about this one because I’m not super knowledgeable about statuses in PoE, but I’m pretty sure damage from hits also builds freeze much faster the higher the damage is. Again I could be wrong about that but I think that’s how it works on top of the actually freeze chance so it could also be a bit of a damage struggle. I’m not sure what your weapon is looking like but I had been running a staff with 21% spell damage, 58% cold damage, and +3 to all cold spell gems. With that staff I cleared Act 3 cruel and am currently clearing maps with no issue using both the frost bolt and eye of winter setup. As far as not killing white mobs I had that issue here and there and still do in maps. I think that’s just a combination low rolling on your damage hit, not hitting a critical hit and poor targeting from the auto cast. Two ways to solve this are either a better weapon to ramp your damage more or swap spell cascade for something else to make it stronger since spell cascade weakens it. Spell cascade is just my personal preference. Since this is my first every build post I’m not too sure about posting on something like mobalytics only because I’m so new to this and tbh this was never intended to be a guide in the first place lol, I originally posted this just with the intention of showcasing a skill combo for people to take note of in case they were struggling as a sorceress, however once the post got more attention and more and more questions were being asked it kinda turned into a build guide post. As I get better at adding details and refine the build itself more I might consider posting somewhere like mobalytics. I hope that answers your questions/concerns! Last edited by KyleMasc#7189 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:52:15 PM
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" At your level I would recommend using Frostbolt + Scattershot + blind and Cold Snap + Unleash + concentrated effect for clearing mobs. Toss your frostbolts at mobs to chill/freeze/blind them and pop the frost bolts with cold snap for damage! As for single target/ bossing I recommend a Frost Wall + Echo + Ingenuity along with Frost Bomb and whatever supports you fancy attached to it. Bring Hypothermia as well to use on tanky targets! If you have access to it already, I forgot around what level you get comet, I would get a comet setup with Comet + inevitable critical + supercritical for single target to detonate your frost walls easier. Hope this helps! Last edited by KyleMasc#7189 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:38:10 PM
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Hey! Thanks for answering, but what about cast on freeze?
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" That will be entirely dependent on your mana regen! Having comet constantly cast when freezing things consumes a lot of mana very quickly, so if you lack the mana regen to sustain it somewhat well then you’re going to constantly out of mana and not able to do anything but chug your mana pots. If you do have the mana regen to run it then by all means use it! I prefer Cast on Freeze + Comet + Spell Cascade + Magnified Effect however feel free to change the support gems linked to comet to whatever you like! |
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Mapping has been absolutely miserable, damage is more than there but defensively i feel like im always 2 hits away from dead
Ranged mobs in particular just wreck me, im having a really bad time in maps because im just clearing full hp and il run into a pack of archers or whatever and get instantly blown up, even with resists each shot chunks me for 300-500 dmg Its really crazy to me how theres nothing to help you live in the top side of the tree. Not sure how others are faring | |
i think gonna have to go to some sorta eldrich battery, full mana build and then find a passive that damage comes from mana or something?
we def squishy also wow i respecc'd my ascendency's to the mana ones and it is 100x more impactful than that elemental trash on the right side haha |
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" I'm sorry, maybe my brain is just broken, but how do I make it so ice nova casts when I cast frostbolt? They're both spells and I can only put support gems inside spells. |
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How are you putting spell cascade on when it says it cant?
https://imgur.com/CWX6ck9 |
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" Thanks for putting all this together. Maybe before modying the build create a new spoiler section appropritaely called (e.g. "a1-a2 cruel", "a3 cruel", "early maps" and son) and copy/paste stuff there and then modify the main text? In any case the build is already a great base on which to experiment, so thank you for that! |
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