Respec Venom Draught in Act 3?

+1 Not worth going chaos inoculation because of this. Totally killed my plans for character. Why is this a thing.
+1 adding to the list. I also hope we get a respec option for this as this choice can strongly impact endgame builds, if it's not planned from the very beginning...
They said in the patch 0.1.1 interview with Darth and ghazzy that they would be willing to incorporate a respec for this, or something along those lines i don't remember the exact wording of it
Let us respec venom crypttttt

As the choosable buff in act2 is changeable (even if it is way less important), this is really misleading.
+1, high priority IMO.

The simplest solution would be allowing you to do the quest over again and bring the item back to the NPC and then get to choose again what you want.

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