Anyone still experiencing this issue, go into your Task Manager>Processes and Set the Affinity of PathOfExile to NOT use CPU 0 and CPU 1. This will allow your PC to have enough resources leftover if PoE Freezes to close the game or cause it to crash the program instead of your OS.
I have been doing this for 1 week and have had 0 hard OS freezes requiring a restart.
You have to do this every time that you start the game. You can add args into steam launch to always launch with the affinity set to this but don't ask me how.
It's amazing to me that people do this manually each time instead of just using PoEUncrasher which does it for you automatically.
Posted byatmosfear#2368on Jan 4, 2025, 9:11:54 AM
This is starting to get embarrassing. No fix and barely any communication. These types of crashes do not seem to be good for my PC. I shouldn't be fiddling with affinity and CPU cores. I shouldn't be changing my POE setting for Engine Multithreading on map change.
Why is there no fix out or at least an announcement they are working on it?
If you learned to read, this issue is part of their high priority fixes they want to get out.
Last edited by atmosfear#2368 on Jan 4, 2025, 9:16:03 AM
Posted byatmosfear#2368on Jan 4, 2025, 9:13:47 AM
This is starting to get embarrassing. No fix and barely any communication. These types of crashes do not seem to be good for my PC. I shouldn't be fiddling with affinity and CPU cores. I shouldn't be changing my POE setting for Engine Multithreading on map change.
Why is there no fix out or at least an announcement they are working on it?
If you learned to read, this issue is part of their high priority fixes they want to get out.
I think that's why he mentioned "barely" any instead of no communication.. I don't know if YOU learned to read numbers, but this post is from Dec 7, 2024..
So we just don't know if we will be able to play with no problems tomorrow, maybe next week? next month? What is the crash all about afterall? they should be havin at least some sort of communication.. i would be even ok with "We are still investigating, sorry for the incovenience etc etc" but we get not even that..
Last edited by drx#8804 on Jan 4, 2025, 9:24:40 AM
Posted bydrx#8804on Jan 4, 2025, 9:23:52 AM
This is starting to get embarrassing. No fix and barely any communication. These types of crashes do not seem to be good for my PC. I shouldn't be fiddling with affinity and CPU cores. I shouldn't be changing my POE setting for Engine Multithreading on map change.
Why is there no fix out or at least an announcement they are working on it?
If you learned to read, this issue is part of their high priority fixes they want to get out.
I think that's why he mentioned "barely" any instead of no communication.. I don't know if YOU learned to read numbers, but this post is from Dec 7, 2024..
So we just don't know if we will be able to play with no problems tomorrow, maybe next week? next month? What is the crash all about afterall? they should be havin at least some sort of communication.. i would be even ok with "We are still investigating, sorry for the incovenience etc etc" but we get not even that..
lol move the goalposts to fit your narrative if you want. It's quite clear to me that putting this info inside the Known Issues thread as high priority is clearly an announcement that they're looking into it. No update since then means there is nothing further to announce. People have lost any critical thinking skills around here.
Last edited by atmosfear#2368 on Jan 4, 2025, 9:38:28 AM
Posted byatmosfear#2368on Jan 4, 2025, 9:37:13 AM
lol move the goalposts to fit your narrative if you want. It's quite clear to me that putting this info inside the Known Issues thread as high priority is clearly an announcement that they're looking into it. No update since then means there is nothing further to announce. People have lost any critical thinking skills around here.
Im sure the issue hit's differently depending if the person have been able to play, like u seem with poeucrasher, and those who don't, even using any of the bandaids or fix out there. I tried everything, from what im getting ur saying the best option is to JUST wait till next annoucement, or the actual fix (?) I wanna play, so it's natural me and others to wish they fix this asap, so coming here and uping this thread is not a problem for me at all. I know the numbers of posts here will not make they fix faster, but at least help recognize how many players are going trhough this problems. How many are being able to remedy somehow, how many aren't like me..
Posted bydrx#8804on Jan 4, 2025, 9:54:30 AM
lol move the goalposts to fit your narrative if you want. It's quite clear to me that putting this info inside the Known Issues thread as high priority is clearly an announcement that they're looking into it. No update since then means there is nothing further to announce. People have lost any critical thinking skills around here.
The single sentence at known issues is deflecting the blame towards Win 11 24H2, which has been proven to be not related to the crash; given the fact that we have ample reports of Windows 11 23H2, Win 10, Linux etc. also crashing. This is also not "communication" but rather "declaration".
No update since then means there is nothing further to announce.
Not a single apology.
No estimated time until fix information.
Not ONE warning on how this is dangerous for customer's computers.
Not a single mention of reparations.
Not even "we are still working on it" declaration... Naturally no mention of which potential sources they have eliminated.
Yeah these are not important things to communicate with your customer base who have paid at minimum 30$, most probably 100$ and from the badges I've seen upwards to 2000$ (really?)...
Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.
I cannot send/reply to direct messages because my in-game character has not finished Act 1.
What to do:
1)Write a short review about the hard crashes in notepad.
2)Copy and paste it to steam reviews, put up a negative review.
3)Copy and paste it to steam discussions, put it up there.
Posted byCainrith#2807on Jan 4, 2025, 9:56:22 AMOn Probation
lol move the goalposts to fit your narrative if you want. It's quite clear to me that putting this info inside the Known Issues thread as high priority is clearly an announcement that they're looking into it. No update since then means there is nothing further to announce. People have lost any critical thinking skills around here.
The single sentence at known issues is deflecting the blame towards Win 11 24H2, which has been proven to be not related to the crash; given the fact that we have ample reports of Windows 11 23H2, Win 10, Linux etc. also crashing. This is also not "communication" but rather "declaration".
No update since then means there is nothing further to announce.
Not a single apology.
No estimated time until fix information.
Not ONE warning on how this is dangerous for customer's computers.
Not a single mention of reparations.
Not even "we are still working on it" declaration... Naturally no mention of which potential sources they have eliminated.
Yeah these are not important things to communicate with your customer base who have paid at minimum 30$, most probably 100$ and from the badges I've seen upwards to 2000$ (really?)...
Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.
Exactly this
Last edited by drx#8804 on Jan 4, 2025, 9:58:56 AM
Posted bydrx#8804on Jan 4, 2025, 9:57:45 AM
Man when they will fix this ?????? i am still waiting for a patch for the hard shutdown so i can play normally, i get it at random that i fear my pc gets damaged for this fucking bug of your OLD PATCHED POE1 ENGINE cmon GGG,is so strange in any other game i DONT HAVE THIS PROBLEM ONLY IN POE2.
Posted byRekkorOne#5484on Jan 4, 2025, 9:58:35 AM
lol move the goalposts to fit your narrative if you want. It's quite clear to me that putting this info inside the Known Issues thread as high priority is clearly an announcement that they're looking into it. No update since then means there is nothing further to announce. People have lost any critical thinking skills around here.
The single sentence at known issues is deflecting the blame towards Win 11 24H2, which has been proven to be not related to the crash; given the fact that we have ample reports of Windows 11 23H2, Win 10, Linux etc. also crashing. This is also not "communication" but rather "declaration".
No update since then means there is nothing further to announce.
Not a single apology.
No estimated time until fix information.
Not ONE warning on how this is dangerous for customer's computers.
Not a single mention of reparations.
Not even "we are still working on it" declaration... Naturally no mention of which potential sources they have eliminated.
Yeah these are not important things to communicate with your customer base who have paid at minimum 30$, most probably 100$ and from the badges I've seen upwards to 2000$ (really?)...
Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.
lmao dude wants reparations
Posted byatmosfear#2368on Jan 4, 2025, 10:02:49 AM
On the other hand it is good that this has revealed which streamers are actually on our side and which ones are blatant shills with good camouflage.
Out of curiosity, what streamers have actually spoken on this issue?
Shroud and PirateSoftware have spoken on this issue. They have also spent a lot of time on it, not just "some people crash". As far as I know only these two were vocal about it. I'll add if there are people missing.
I know who has not spoken from my watchlist:
All used to be people I would at least check their opinions on games. I especially trusted DarthMicrotransaction and Raxxanterax because they were very vocal on how bad Diablo 4 was when every single Blizzshill was endlessly praising the game while we were suffering through the most barren endgame imaginable. After this I'll treat them the same as IGN.
Although Asmongold might be on the clear because nowadays he doesn't really play much so... He has an excuse. The others however...
Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.
I cannot send/reply to direct messages because my in-game character has not finished Act 1.
What to do:
1)Write a short review about the hard crashes in notepad.
2)Copy and paste it to steam reviews, put up a negative review.
3)Copy and paste it to steam discussions, put it up there.
Posted byCainrith#2807on Jan 4, 2025, 10:06:56 AMOn Probation