Hard crashing PC locks up

Cainrith#2807 wrote:
5600 + 4070 brand new, fearing of frying it, i cant pass the first loading screen, several times i make a hard reset.

Tried uncracsher but not working neither with poeuncrasher

But atleast with uncrasher i can close everytime i try to play the game and it crashes in the first loading screen i dont know why im still trying, im on holiday and i can't play a game that i payed 30€ to play.

A friend of mine told me to play poe2, i never tried poe1 and i played for 2 weeks without problems and i can say its a great game but he said to me that GGG are good devs that they care about their community, now i see they are the same shit like every company when they get money.

I hope no one get his computer fucked up by this retards making nothing to repair the game.

Just to clarify:
As long as it is only the game that is crashing there is no additional risk to your PC.

So if the game freezes but you can close it there is no additional risk.

If the game still hard crashes despite PoEUncrasher try increasing the cores limited by PoEUncrasher. Start high (perhaps with half your cores?)

If the game is only crashing to desktop with PoEUncrasher then there is nothing you can do as far as I know.

Also do not use curse words because GGG staff is using those as an excuse to lock entire threads. This is their method of censorship and we have lost a thread yesterday. They are bothered by the large amount of replies and try to "minimize the impact" by locking threads whenever they can.

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.

I literally can't play this game anymore on my PC. The hard locks have gotten worse, and I fear that if I keep hard restarting my PC, ill damage components.

I've never experienced something like this where a game will hard lock your PC. This has to be a flaw in their code or how the game thinks when it loads into different areas.

The game can hard lock my PC when first opening the game, between maps or town areas. Its almost always when the game is loading something.

I'm going to request a refund from Steam if this isn't fixed soon...
Investigation continued:

I got a memory dump of my system right as when the issue occurs and I am looking through it now.

Interstingly, the game partially recovers when the process dump completes. The game returns to the main menu screen.

Additional Note: My impression is that the crash is much more likely to occur when loading to and from the hideout in ACT 2.
Last edited by AnimalK#4462 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:34:48 AM
I refuse to play this game until this is fixed. It's terrible. I don't want to relog several times just to complete 1 map.
Poeuncrasher doesnt seem to be working today?
Nothing is being logged while open.
The only reliable but tedious workaround so far for me has been to disable engine multithreading when I have to load into game or use a waypoint. But if you forget once you’re locking up. There was one time where it eventually unhung itself but just once, windowed, fullscreen, doesn’t matter. 8700k / 3070 Ti. Last year there was a very weird attack on the StarCraft 2 arcade where people uploaded bogus URLs that led to junk that would just cause your CPU to use all resources. Obviously this is different, but the result (force restart) is same. Can’t even open a new windows desktop to get task manager open.

Whatever the issue is has to do with multithreading and the windows update
And what about the people who lost their PC, all those components that got damaged while hard resetting, will GGG compensate those people? My PC for example started to boot up extremely slowly after one of those hard resets
I was using the BES software to limit the CPU to the process but, today, I'm having lockup issues again. It was working pretty well last night. I don't want to do hard resets either on my new 9800X3D setup that I just built. GGG, fix this.
if your entire rig is crashing due to a PoE2 - i would advice looking at your MB vendors site and check if there is a bios/firmware update...

a userland process cannot causing a bsod, if your running latest mobo firmware AND gpu drivers your in the void man :/

Prime95 for stressing ram/cpu.

if it freezes its either your RAM or the CPU thats at fault most likely

Last edited by pinimo#0250 on Dec 30, 2024, 11:56:12 AM
I would actually describe myself as a huge fan of GGG. (as you can perhaps see on the right) My account has existed since 2012 and since 2018 I've hardly played any other game apart from PoE. During this time, I have always found GGG's customer support to be outstanding. On the one hand because of the always crystal-clear communication and on the other hand because of the extremely fast bug fixes.

But now the whole thing has a very bad aftertaste.

You can't send a game into early access on December 6, 2024, then actively take care of it for just under 10 days (the last update in the “Known Issues” thread is dated December 15, 2024) and then completely disappear for more than two (three...) weeks without at least keeping the community up to date with such major problems. There are now several hundred pages of forum posts on the subject of hard freezes. So it seems that quite a few customers are affected by the problem. The last post from GGG in these threads is dated 11.12.2024. I'm really not used to this from GGG.

If there was at least a “We're working on it, be patient” or “Sorry, the problem is complex and it will take a while before we can fix it”, that wouldn't solve the problem, but at least you'd be up to date.

To be honest, I'm not bored without PoE 2, but I would actually quite like to play.

Well, I'll check back here in the new year.
Last edited by Lotterich#1817 on Dec 30, 2024, 11:56:32 AM
pinimo#0250 wrote:
if your entire rig is crashing due to a PoE2 - i would advice looking at your MB vendors site and check if there is a bios/firmware update...

a userland process cannot causing a bsod, if your running latest mobo firmware AND gpu drivers your in the void man :/

Prime95 for stressing ram/cpu.

if it freezes its either your RAM or the CPU thats at fault most likely

This is not the issue people are having. Read the room.

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