Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.
Does anyone know if Hourglass works on Cast on Freeze or Cast on Crit? Seems to be working fine and ignoring the +10 cooldown. I just don't know how to test if the 40% more damage is added to the triggered spells.
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" The only reason I went with Icebreaker is cost of other stuff. Icebreaker is quite affordable, like Mental Toughness.. Everything else that is decent costs either suffering or isolation, so heck it. I felt boots with freeze reduction time were good enough. " Nope, it doesn't work. Here is small guide how to check supports in triggers: ![]() " Few things to add. I yoinked offset/soul offering from him, it's really good. Ruz's build is a pure bosser, mapping experience with it is...average at most bc it's all about detonating walls again. Ice Nova has some requirements to become better than Frost Bomb in it too. It is definitely doable tho, I ran a few maps with it and can vouch for viability, but overall mapping experience is inferior to either Frostbolt or Eye of Winter with Mana Flare. Honestly, Frostbolt is the best clearing cold skill atm, and it has some problems. To become really good it has to have more projectile speed AND cast speed. Also, it requires either Snakepit (ring slot) or Mana Flare (Ambush + big mana pool + mana on kill). I was torn between Acceleration and Arcane Tempo, tinkered passive tree, tried to get Arcane Surge on crit (worth if 20%, 10% isn't worth it), tried to get more projectile speed, cast speed, etc. Had to stop on slow Frostbolts, unfortunately. Arcane Tempo > Acceleration, hands down, bc more frostbolts per second you cast - more chance to trigger Wildshards. To be clear here, I have 93% chance to crit on Full Life (w/ambush), so it's 93% chance to trigger Mana Flare while clearing. And yeah, it does decent job. Anyway, I yoinked quite a few things from Ruz. Thank you for mentioning him from time to time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, build update: Passive tree: - Quick hourglass -> Time Freeze. Reduced clearspeed for QoL for bossing. - Full support Frost Bomb for Cold/Ligthtning Exposure. - Switched Mana Tempest for Soul Offering. - Full offensive CoC-Comet w/o energy supports. - Added Soul Offering offset in CDR+Duration setup (Skeletal Warrior Sceptre + Crest of Ardura shield). So. - 14 seconds Time Freeze. Enough to kill any map bosses before things go brr. - 13 seconds Soul Offering Duration. Had to do some practice for keeping its uptime good. Way superior to Sigil of Power. - It is possible to fit Blink on offset for low CD. Instead of either Frost Bomb or EoW. - EoW is good if its crit on bosses. Fr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I found I have to get some balance in crit/cast speed for Frostbolt, so had to invest some passives here and there. Anyway, lvl 92 now and keep lvling deathless so far. Feels very powerful. Incredible Ultimatum farmer btw. I avoid only volatiles and turrets bc they are annoying af. Everything else is trivial. Cheers. Happy New Year. Last edited by monik390#5560 on Dec 31, 2024, 5:19:41 AM
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" Thank you, monik. You really are the Chronomaster. |
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" Yeah, I'm also sticking to Acceleration and Arcane Tempo with Snakepit. I tried Ambush + Mana Flare, but it just feels off for me. And I run out of mana extremely quick, especially after dropping Conservative Casting (with 2 additional Reduced Mana Cost nodes). I'm still running Frostbolt with Scattershot, Wildshards, Arcane Tempo, Acceleration and Glaciation. + Snakepit ring. And the key part for clearing is Cast on Freeze Frost Wall. No need to manually cast Frost Walls, it just happens automatically, they immediately explode, it's so satisfying with both visuals and sounds of those frosty cracklings and explosions. Since I added crit into the mix, I'm also using Cast on Critical with Comet now, which is great for bossing and adds extra power for clearing too. I wish Frostbolt worked better without Snakepit, especially in my variation. I'd like to get 2 fat rings and Ingenuity belt instead. Happy New Year! |
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ooh. 50% cdr shield. didn't factor that into my cast on dodge+blink theorycrafting..
Also, in hindsight, didn't consider blinks CD naturally lowers with +levels... 14 is 3.8s 18 is 3.6s's planner caps spells at level 20. poe2db doesnt even list that the cooldown reduces. so, maxroll lists a level 20 blink at 3.5s CD. I do not know what a level 25or so blink's CD is. monik, do you know? you have a base level 20 blink? 10% from gem quality 30% ingenuity 12% chronomancer 50% shield 77% CDR in tree. (authority is another 10%) 6 jewel slots atm. 3-5% cdr via emerald, or mana/energy via sapphire. lets say 3/3. thus, 15% cdr. 194% cdr. These are all "increased" so I think they just add into each other. I don't think its a case of the 10% via quality being taken from the base, then multiplied into the rest or anything. meta skills. +55% energy +119% spell damage for triggered spells +40% spell damage if you have triggered recently This tree is... silly. all travel atm. we DO have access to a number of +projectile damage nodes, some various cold/elemental/lightning ones. and a solid amount of crit chance/damage. so scaling crit/coc/damage along with cast on dodge would make sense. also no defenses picked up yet. aside from blasphemy, aoe slow, temp rift. and possibly enfeeble. cooldown reduction rate is a Rate. and thus can't hit zero. -- SkillFinalCooldown = SkillBaseCooldown / (1+(#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate/100)) we'll use that 3.5s level 20 blink. which.. MIGHT be lower with plus skills..) 3.5s/(1+(194/100))= 1.19s cooldown. if a +5 to all skills gets us to 3.3s. 3.3s/(1+(194/100)) =1.12 cooldown. Energy gain. 5m level 23 blink. +66% energy gained via level 23 cast on dodge. +40% impetus. +55% in tree. lets say 3+15% energy sapphires. +45% =206% 20 energy per meter. 5x20x3.06 306 energy per blink. enough for comet. also, 154% cdr is pretty good for temporal rift, time freeze, frost bomb, frostwall, and time snape too.. |
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Does the “Endless Blizzard” (+1 lvl cold skills) passive work? I remove it, but the spell stats don't change, only the lvl
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" huh... going to have to look into that one.. you seem correct. ![]() ![]() Its funny how we can all take something like that, and it just goes totally unnoticed. it could just be a tooltip update error. Im working so can't see if it updates. But should test to see if weapon swap, or changing zones causes it to update. Edit: yes, I think this is just a tooltip/skillupdate bug. I removed the passive. no change. I weapon swapped. Tooltip changed. I added the passive. no change. I waypointed from hideout to town. changed. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Dec 31, 2024, 12:51:13 PM
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This thread has been a great resource for me!
I'm playing a Cold Snap build and I'm in early mapping. After some tinkering I've added Mobility to Frostbolt. I've also added Leverage to Cold Snap since it seems like an easy boost to crit. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to fit in Archmage on weapon swap for when I cast Comet. It eats too much mana to keep it active and we don't have a way toggle persistent effects (yet?). |
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heres the slowmancer.
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL] Blasphemy. +encumbrance 15% slow mag +heightened curse +25% inc effect of curses. jewels. 7. important. can get +5% curse effect, and +10 aura effect per. sapphires. both prefix. +35% curse, +70 aura effect. Blasphemy is a buff, not a spell. Temp chains is a spell. (+skills ammy works) +7 to spells on wand/ammy. a scepter gives us spirit, malice aura, and increased presence area, and "allies in your presence" aura bot goodness. glove corruption: Debuffs you inflict have 30% inc slow mag. important. tempchains, hinder, and apex. time manipulation annoint. 10% inc slow mag. level 20 blasphemy is 41% less effect. .59effect. (10% reduced res quality. so 108 spirit for 2 curses.) level 27 temporal chains is 30% slow. (edit: I forgot the 10% inc curse effect from quality thats not in any of the math) in passive tree. 44% effect of curses. 128% area of effect for curses. 114% spell aoe. (242% curse aoe total) 34% slow mag. 44% effect of auras so. 30% temp chains. +44% curse effect, +25%,+35%=104% curse effect. +44% aura effect, +70% aura=114% aura effect. 95.4% slow effect self cast. .59 effect via blasphemy. =56.286% aoe slow from blasphemy+temp chains. slow magnitude is a debuff, it multiplies into this. 15%+30%+34%+10%=89% giving us: 106% passive aoe slow effect. with just temp chains. Apex of the moment is ANOTHER aoe slow. 20% 74% increased slow mag. (it doesn't get encumbarnce, which was a support for blasphemy) =34.8% aoe slow. slows multiply into each other. so this would be 106x1.34.8%= 142.888% aoe slow. Chill and hinder. Chill is ANOTHER source of slow.. so could lock down bosses without freezing, or anything via frostbolt. chill is capped at 50%. Hinder is MOVEMENT slow and adds into this. we even get 15% hinder on our curses. and also multiples in. but only as movement, not action speed. Bosses and party play. so, this is 100% viable for solo play. but, I did lean it towards party aura botting. malice scepter, etc. can even get 50% inc exposure, etc. " 121% slow versus magic. 100% slow versus rare. 71% slow versus unique. and 10% less per player. As noted, chill puts it all back over 100% again. 142.88x1.5 chill=214% slow. 214% slow, .5 versus every boss in the game= 107.16% slow. literally nothing on screen moves at all. damage? frost bolt for aoe chilling ground can lock down 100% slow as noted. chaos degens are of course matched well with skill effect duration, temp chains. and all along the pathing. the build is setup up to be a skeleton for the cheese. apply whatever other defense/offense you want. the scepter can give great benefits to allys as an aurabot in party play. take the 50% exposure, to give to allies, etc. Conduit. and spam culling power siphon. lit warp to give shocking ground. Further shenanigans. time freeze of course. idea credit goes to: [URL unfurl="true"][/URL] sadly, I found their math and explanations lacking. so had to figure out the why's and how's myself. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Dec 31, 2024, 3:35:51 PM
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Meanwhile, decided to get Breach Atlas passives.
Xesht d0-d3 bossfights: Basically, ~3m dps build for like 15-20 divines or less. 1 Time Freeze was enough for all those fights. It was done with my mapping setup, like in the latest maxroll. Just fit Second Wind in Time Freeze and that's it. Besides that - zero changes. Ye, my build is a lot weaker than Ruz's, but his build is a boss carry. My is more of an all-content type, and I'm very comfortable with it. Also, MoM-EB-CI is weaker in terms of damage than non-CI builds. The reason is the amulet slot - it's extremely powerful, and we have to run Everlasting Gaze for defense instead of super strong stuff. However, the MoM-EB-CI defense as it is now is very hard to ignore. I absolutely expect Chronomancer to get nerfed. There was already 1 nerf to Time Freeze early, but... Well. It is as it seems. Regardless of how we could get nerfed - be it either direct nerfs of things like Time Freeze/Temporal Rift/Apex of the Moment, or overlapping nerfs of things like Archmage/Frost Wall. Be aware of it, Chrono is just that strong in bossing/support. " Mana Flare is very demanding, I absolutely can relate to your opinion here. I was very scared to use it before I got >4k mana and Grim Feast. ES pool is an enabler for Mana Flare, unfortunately. Just like mana gain on kill. This entire thing started with breaking my helmet on corruption, so I had to fit a rare ring with res instead of snakepit - didn't have enough currency to fix lost res at that time. Later, got used to Mana Flare. It's fine now. " You are welcome here. It is totally possible to fit Archmage for Comet alone on weapon swap. Do this to both Archmage and Comet: ![]() Everything else on I. Be sure to get BFG for the second weapon set. "
I will add this as a support build for party play later, when I get my hands to revise the OP. Quite a lot of work there, y'know. It is super good for what it does. As for solo play, idk. Being zdps (as it seems) isn't that fun, honestly. Thanks. As for CoDodge-Blink, I might try that sometime. ~1s CD Comet sounds fun. Edit: sorry, I can't check lvl 25 blink for now. Out of currency to get +6 all spells. Last edited by monik390#5560 on Dec 31, 2024, 8:45:22 PM
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